The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

its all scientifically proven ..... the sun makes all life on earth .. and even the earth .... so only life can create life so the sun can only be a life form so is the earth .... simple logic ..... the problem is white people cant accept the fact that their ancestors f'd up .. from egyptians time all the way up africans being shipped over to build their loveley america which enslaves them as well ........ better repent or you all will burn ... your own bible says the world will be destroyed by fire ..... look at sceintific reporst of the biggest solar flare due in 2012 .......

Kamonra, to each their own is what I say. I also say, don't try pushing your beliefs upon me please and why does it always have to be white people screwing up? Just for your info, some of the biggest slave traders, were blacks. Another point, I don't believe in the bible, now what?

You live in the sunshine state, I live in flori-duh. I think you've been in the summer sun too long. No offense but you are out there my man. You wouldn't happen to be writing this from the space shuttle would you?
INFACT I HAve never met i white person (male or female) who hates colored people and smoke marijuana .... its almost impossible ... the connection with gods and the supreme being wouldnt allow such hatred
Im not totaly disagreeing with you but I have in fact known several hillbilly redneck racist fucks that smoke pot pretty much every day all day and they definatley hate "colored" people.

I do want to make one things perfectly clear I am not one of those people.. I fucking hate racism.
can someone please contact the sun God and let that racist god know i want my 10 minutes back. yes the ten minutes i wasted reading thru this moronic dribble.

and would someone please let these people know what is being quoted as science is not science, nor are the loose terms used to define religion correct. please refrain from brain strain, while enjoying the fine strains of self medications being used. you either had a brain fart or you are on a permanent missing persons list from.... the reality most of us know as consciousness. one more fine example of why some should never have started smoking out at 15. OMG
Dude you need to stop writing and go back to self contemplation before you really show how stupid you are. Everything you have posted so far only shows how much of a self absorbed and gullible idiot you are. All you are doing is tarnishing and destroying what others have worked to gain. I dont just say this for myself but for all spiritual groups as i happen to be a wiccan priest and native american so do us all a favor learn how to spell for one and use proper grammar then keep your idiotic ideals to yourself
Well, I guess it's true what they say about the possibility of weed exacerbating psychosis in people prone to it...

This has been an fun read - and it's given ME an idea about starting my own religion.

However, I would work in a soft-logic argument about how the eyes were portals to the sun god and the reason that cave dwelling organisms lost their sight was because this collective super-entity couldn't deliver his holy rays (or would that be particles ?)
I'd have to make the point about how these organisms lost their sight over time though, cause we know how silly it is to suggest that they were 'created' that way.....

Someone want to help me come up with a name for this new uber-god ?

kidgraphix - good point about self-contemplation. The OP really needs to apply a little more skepticism to what he wrote here to try and disprove his own thoughts. I he genuinely can't, then I won't make fun of him for it. Coming in here and making that first post without breaking it down and examining it from all angles on his own before posting it as 'truth' means he deserves to be torn a new one over it.
It's the skeptics that evangelists need to convince and that post was just silly (to a skeptic)

The cure to (schizophrenic) delusion lies in getting the patient to think critically about everything, including his delusions.
The trick is in how you do that - meds help (OP: hint, hint)
Ive been laughing my ass off for the past 10 minutes reading through this lot. Some real great replies. Take a photo of your eyes ROFL .The real question I have is how can I prepare my PS3 and Plasma for the inevitable. Ive been putting the PS3 in the sun for long periods. But the aerial point for the tv just wont make it to the garden .( But they are both black so I think I might be wasting my time). Ra give me some heads up man. YOU ROCK!!

err I mean star...
I smoke marijuana for spirtual purposes.......???
The same courts who say i cant smoke marijuana for religious reasons are the same people who dont believe in god... and has no religion !!!

The sun is a living life form a living god .... so is the earth ....
the marijuana plant accepts sunlight and programs it into a chemical that helps the brain stay connected with the sun god ra ... same process as photosynthesis....
The earth also has certain nutrients converted to help with this connection to her
so a marijuana smoker always stay connected with god Ra (sun) and mother earth (goddess) these two geological life forms or gods are connected to the two great gods or first mother and father of the universes...( amen ) and (amennette) ... these two gods together makes up the supreme being ....which is actually the only life to exist .. we are parts or working organisms with in this supreme being....scientist have proven this in the big bang and m theory to name a few..... but they became aware of this just recently as science began to understand.... so now it became illegal ........... see the whole world is being enslaved by ...some would say the devil while others say the aliens .... or maybe the alien tricked us into believing in the devil .... which ever the case .. the powers to be dont want us connected to the supreme being .. so that they may continue to enslave us ....america dont even respect their own constitution i.e. ( 1st amndmnt, 4th amndmnt, and freedom of religion restoration act ) The fact that they wont allow me the spiritual connection proves that i am a slave .. and not truly free...... yes you can be connected to supreme being without marijuana , but in societies current state of, television, violence , and with the constant suggestion by scientist that god doesnt exist .. makes it hard without some aid aid that they deny access to .... the reasons they use are FRAUD, LIES , RACISM AND FEAR THEY SPREAD.... ANY ONE CAN BE RACIST BUT JUST THINK ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE FOR EXAMPLE.....WHITE PEOPLE MUST REPENT TO THE SUN .. FOR THEIR ANCESTORS PLACING THEIR LIKENESS BEFORE THE SUN GOD RA ....THAT IS WHY WHITE PEOPLE SKINS IS ABSENT OF MELONIN WHICH HELPS OBSORB THE SUN RAYS FOR SPIRITUAL PURPOSES ..... MARIJUANNA HELPS REPLACE SOME OF THE SUN LIGHT DEFECINCIES THAT WHITE PEOPLE HAVE..... THATS WHY THEY CONSTANTLY TELL YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THE SUN AND THE SUN IS OUR ENEMY....THATS RIDICOULOUS...INFACT I HAve never met i white person (male or female) who hates colored people and smoke marijuana .... its almost impossible ... the connection with gods and the supreme being wouldnt allow such hatred ............i am not racist but knows for a fact that ... all white people must repent before the sun god ra ... or ra and its sun rays will continue to intesify .. renedering white people unable to get sun light .. almost like the vampire effect.....if you are white dont get angry ... just repent to the sun .. let ra know you are sorry for ... alexander the great and the ptolemy's conquering of egypt and their attempt to discredit sun worship .. to replace it with the worship of them ... thats is what christians have been doing worshipping a false god unknowingly ..... sad .... just repent .. continue to smoke your bud and remember ... the hydrogen atoms the sun cooks up to make helium .. which in turn makes alll other elements ... so we are made from the same source .. we are all brothers and sisters to an extent..........every thing i say can be proven scientifically ... they dont want a bud smoker like me to enlighten the people so we may break out of the slavery ........ WORLD WIDE SLAVERY

Dude, I strongly suggest you thoroughly read through this website:

To make it easier for you, specifically read these pages:

You should probably also read this book about 20 times from front to back:

do you even know what scientific evidence is?
WAIT BUT I THOUGHT RA WAS FROM STARGATE !!!!! :) sorry i felt like a moob. like the post. the Sun is a living being, and is laughing at us.
I smoke marijuana for spirtual purposes.......???
The same courts who say i cant smoke marijuana for religious reasons are the same people who dont believe in god... and has no religion !!!

The sun is a living life form a living god .... so is the earth ....
the marijuana plant accepts sunlight and programs it into a chemical that helps the brain stay connected with the sun god ra ... same process as photosynthesis....
The earth also has certain nutrients converted to help with this connection to her
so a marijuana smoker always stay connected with god Ra (sun) and mother earth (goddess) these two geological life forms or gods are connected to the two great gods or first mother and father of the universes...( amen ) and (amennette) ... these two gods together makes up the supreme being ....which is actually the only life to exist .. we are parts or working organisms with in this supreme being....scientist have proven this in the big bang and m theory to name a few..... but they became aware of this just recently as science began to understand.... so now it became illegal ........... see the whole world is being enslaved by ...some would say the devil while others say the aliens .... or maybe the alien tricked us into believing in the devil .... which ever the case .. the powers to be dont want us connected to the supreme being .. so that they may continue to enslave us ....america dont even respect their own constitution i.e. ( 1st amndmnt, 4th amndmnt, and freedom of religion restoration act ) The fact that they wont allow me the spiritual connection proves that i am a slave .. and not truly free...... yes you can be connected to supreme being without marijuana , but in societies current state of, television, violence , and with the constant suggestion by scientist that god doesnt exist .. makes it hard without some aid aid that they deny access to .... the reasons they use are FRAUD, LIES , RACISM AND FEAR THEY SPREAD.... ANY ONE CAN BE RACIST BUT JUST THINK ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE FOR EXAMPLE.....WHITE PEOPLE MUST REPENT TO THE SUN .. FOR THEIR ANCESTORS PLACING THEIR LIKENESS BEFORE THE SUN GOD RA ....THAT IS WHY WHITE PEOPLE SKINS IS ABSENT OF MELONIN WHICH HELPS OBSORB THE SUN RAYS FOR SPIRITUAL PURPOSES ..... MARIJUANNA HELPS REPLACE SOME OF THE SUN LIGHT DEFECINCIES THAT WHITE PEOPLE HAVE..... THATS WHY THEY CONSTANTLY TELL YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THE SUN AND THE SUN IS OUR ENEMY....THATS RIDICOULOUS...INFACT I HAve never met i white person (male or female) who hates colored people and smoke marijuana .... its almost impossible ... the connection with gods and the supreme being wouldnt allow such hatred ............i am not racist but knows for a fact that ... all white people must repent before the sun god ra ... or ra and its sun rays will continue to intesify .. renedering white people unable to get sun light .. almost like the vampire effect.....if you are white dont get angry ... just repent to the sun .. let ra know you are sorry for ... alexander the great and the ptolemy's conquering of egypt and their attempt to discredit sun worship .. to replace it with the worship of them ... thats is what christians have been doing worshipping a false god unknowingly ..... sad .... just repent .. continue to smoke your bud and remember ... the hydrogen atoms the sun cooks up to make helium .. which in turn makes alll other elements ... so we are made from the same source .. we are all brothers and sisters to an extent..........every thing i say can be proven scientifically ... they dont want a bud smoker like me to enlighten the people so we may break out of the slavery ........ WORLD WIDE SLAVERY
I dont wanna read. im high !. and listening to classic. i know their is life beyond and above ours. and below. time is our biggest issue with realizing the truth, if we had enough of it all of our questions would be answered. but we are in a rush for good reason.
it was more aimed at the original poster of this thread. he is seriously delusional. reading that might bring him a little closer to reality.
One of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra (or Re) was the supreme power in the universe. The giver of life, he was often merged with the god Amun as Amun-Ra. Some myths present Ra as the head of the Egyptian pantheon and ruler of all the gods. Others say that he was the only god and that all other deities were merely aspects of Ra.
In some creation myths, Ra emerged from either a primeval mound or primeval waters as Ra-Atum and created Tefnut (Moisture) and Shu (Air). From this first divine pair sprang the sky goddess Nut and earth god Geb, who created the universe and gave birth to the gods Osiris*, Isis*, Set*, Nephthys, and Horus.


sun is a god ... the egyptians believe it for 5 thousand years plus so how is that incoherent bull sht

Got any of this scientific proof? Some links and data to back up your theories? It will also help your cause of you learned to spell, use punctuation, and complete sentences.
If you diddnt know the SUN is worshiped as a God your an idiot.
Got any of this scientific proof? Some links and data to back up your theories? It will also help your cause of you learned to spell, use punctuation, and complete sentences.