The Real Peter Parker's Story-Telling Thread

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Lol, this is factual.

Way back in the college days I was doing the meth thing. Everyone knows as part of the meth college things you are obligated to sell some. You know so as you get yours for what amounts to free. Well after a few days of that you are pretty much a meth kingpin, of course, lol. Along with the meth kingpin thing comes dorm girls. Dorm girls are rich. Not crack whores. Dorm girls are worse, lol. I tried to provide what guidance I could, tho.

So one Friday night me and this dorm girl decide to take a break from breaking being pornstar/dorm room Kingpins records. We head out into the wild west. Like all college coeds she had her mom's red convertable. I was of course the one to drive. Where we went to school you headed out towards the desert and drove a truckers free way for three hours and then hit what was a legenary meth infested trucker's stop. You could either keep driving another three hours and hit another city or turn around and head through the desert on a trucker's free way and break land speed records until you got home.

This girl kept her car infested with what rich tweekers do. Every colored cigarette and dollar impluse item available this side of the pecos. Everything! This girl was worse. Her dad was a millionare persian. They have rugs and I imagine what you can roll inside rugs. She lived like that too. Also somewhere in there we our speed pipes, our scale, and out collection or every color of speed bag. The party varieties. We did not care, we were in college and everybody knows that everybody is secretly on speed anyway, and that people in college dont get arrested for meth. Maybe alchol poisoning. Lol.

Well at around the three hour mark, right at that truckers stop, we ran out of drugs. This was at one in the morning. We had just made the three hour desert drive in two with the top down. We were also out of condoms. By then we had to be, if I remember right. Hehehe.

So the place being a legendary truckers rest stop for speed we decided to buy some more. Why not, eh? I pulled in to a gas station and I saw this teenager standing outside at one in the morning. Perfect! I thought. The best canddate I could imagine. So I asked, "got any speed?", he responded, "No, my mom just works here," all weird too. Geek. So I hopped back in the red convertable with the top down. I cruised to the next place. A huge truck gas station. I cruised around, and around looking for anybody that was out and about the trucks. I saw no one. She saw no one. So we said fuck it. We headed toward the freeway.

Here is where it gets funny. Man I am typing this fast now. As soon as I pulled onto the freeway I saw a shit ton of lights in the review. I looked and their were three, three! undercover narc/'detective mobiles with real lights. Not the uptop dipshit lights, but the dashboard red light beeping at our ass.

Hawaii five-0, night rider, and starsky and hutch in cheap suits, I know now, and bald as beastie boys, lol, bust out!

We said fuck. . .lol. I mean no shit we were fucked. I pulled over. They ordered us to step out of the car. We got out. They approaced and demanded the IDs and the insurance. Of course the names did not match, it was her stepmom's car and I was driving. I explained all this as business like and goody two shoes as a college freshamn can, who is quite smug and impressed with humself to beign with. They then searched the car. Here we were scared shitless. There were scales and baggies everywhere. I was not about to let that happen. I kept talking and letting them no how worried I was about midterms tommorrow and non stop I kept jabbing my student ID and hes around for each cop to see. I also "helped" out by handig them various purses of the girls, at one in the morning, in the desert.

To make a long story short, thanks for bearing with me here, they found nothing!!! They let us go after about half an hour. They did not say even why they pulled us over. I can onyl guess that little rat had told his mom or with three cars outa no where, we had wandered into some sting! That has to be it, so far in the middle of nowhere. They looked pretty irked about letting us go but we never saw them again. Lol. I woulda gone to jail for a long long time I think. I am pretty sure the co-eds dad would have had me shot too. Persian poppy importers can do that.

I had some luck back in college. Now a days I get pulled over on my bike for riding on the sidewalk! The same lady ran me over twice! Lol. Thanls for listening. :eyesmoke:

Funny how one random dip shitted drug bust of some actual study aholics could have ruined two lives by what looked more worse than it ever could have been. Justice, not the cops, won out that night!