The quest for density in buds

Plant growth regulators some are ok to use but most are bad for your health
Synthetic PGR is likely dangerous for your health.
Natural PGR such as kelp have been used safely for centuries.
The Florilicious plus can likely be considered an organic pgr, it has kelp but not humic now.
They probably stopped adding it to save $
Well, 75% of people living here are of European descent from over the past ~150 years so yep, genetics play a role. More acclimatized people will deal with it better but even what you would consider a "local" hasn't been here all that long. Its more of a southern hemisphere problem, the sun gets closer to the southern hemisphere in December/January during our summer and the sun is furthest away during June/July, which is the northern hemispheres summer which equates to about 7% more UV radiation than the northern hemispheres summer. Ozone is produced at the equator and transported to higher latitude's. During the summer months there is far less in the southern hemisphere than in the north which is another 10%. (ozone absrobs uvb) so less ozone = more UVB. Pair this with cleaner air and you have a pretty big jump to about 40% more UV intensity when compared to the same corresponding latitudes in the northern hemisphere, according to NIWA. Not sure if any studies have been done on the effect this has on food/marijuana production in terms of flavor, taste, health properties or density but if what you are saying about UV is correct then its certainly very interesting :)

I spent some time in indochina. i think a lot of the hotel food i ate came from AUS. it was good. the blueberries were ok. super expensive though. i would go broke....i go through 2lbs a week.
I spent some time in indochina. i think a lot of the hotel food i ate came from AUS. it was good. the blueberries were ok. super expensive though. i would go broke....i go through 2lbs a week.
Got expensive here DOWNUNDA at one stage we were paying $16 a lettuce
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but I remember some people would trim a tiny bit off the top of the buds, like a haircut. The thought was this produced more solid nugs. Not something I would try
I have tried this on one of the tops on a plant as an experiment. Marked the bud with an elastic band. I think it just stunted the growth of that cola instead of improving it.
You can try on a cola or two but I would not haircut an entire plant.
You guys dance all around it without actually hitting the mark. Yes, it's the light, but it's not the intensity (although that matters) and it's not CO2 (although that helps, too). It's the spectrum. Sunlight ranges from UV-b all the way to infrared. Most modern LED grow lights go from blue to red, but not into the further ranges of light spectrum. They do that because UV and IR are not photosynthetically active so the common consensus is they aren't important, plus the diodes are more expensive. However, UV and IR help plants to carry out vital processes, synthesize chemicals, hormones, terpenes and trichomes, and do a bunch of other stuff. UV and IR are extremely important! That's part of the reason outdoor weed is so much more satisfying, and grows so much bigger, than indoor weed. Spectrum, and the fact that outdoor light can get twice as bright as LED light, and its more omnidirectional.

I don't think there's anything I haven't tried over the past decade of growing weed in an attempt to get the best bud possible. I've spent a fortune on different brands of nutes and supplements... I upgraded lights completely four times, did soil, coco, hydro and even aquaponics, but the biggest leap in quality and growth rate and just plain ole goodness came from switching to lights that had UV and IR supplementation bars. My plants started growing twice as fast, were healthier, had better side branching, and the bud ended up more potent and finished flowering about a week sooner.

And all I'm talking about is UV-A. I don't really mess with UV-B. Too much hassle and can be dangerous to you and your plants if overdone. UV-A is plenty enough to make a big difference to your grows.

Ya'll chasing products and tricks when you should be chasing light spectrum. It's cool, tho. I had to learn the hard way, and spend a lot of money before I figured it out. Always thinking there had to be some hack to turn out better bud. Maybe this brand will do it. Maybe this supplement. Am I getting enough calcium? What if the secret is silica? Nope. Just UV and IR. Just get your lights as close as you can to mimicking natural sunlight.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Get yourself a UV+IR supplementation bar. You can buy a cheap one on amazon for $50. Sayhon lights have very strong UV+IR, too, and they are budget lights. Won't cost you a fortune. Also, old school HPS and CMH bulbs reach those wavelengths. That's why weed was "so much better back in the day".
You guys dance all around it without actually hitting the mark. Yes, it's the light, but it's not the intensity (although that matters) and it's not CO2 (although that helps, too). It's the spectrum. Sunlight ranges from UV-b all the way to infrared. Most modern LED grow lights go from blue to red, but not into the further ranges of light spectrum. They do that because UV and IR are not photosynthetically active so the common consensus is they aren't important, plus the diodes are more expensive. However, UV and IR help plants to carry out vital processes, synthesize chemicals, hormones, terpenes and trichomes, and do a bunch of other stuff. UV and IR are extremely important! That's part of the reason outdoor weed is so much more satisfying, and grows so much bigger, than indoor weed. Spectrum, and the fact that outdoor light can get twice as bright as LED light, and its more omnidirectional.

I don't think there's anything I haven't tried over the past decade of growing weed in an attempt to get the best bud possible. I've spent a fortune on different brands of nutes and supplements... I upgraded lights completely four times, did soil, coco, hydro and even aquaponics, but the biggest leap in quality and growth rate and just plain ole goodness came from switching to lights that had UV and IR supplementation bars. My plants started growing twice as fast, were healthier, had better side branching, and the bud ended up more potent and finished flowering about a week sooner.

And all I'm talking about is UV-A. I don't really mess with UV-B. Too much hassle and can be dangerous to you and your plants if overdone. UV-A is plenty enough to make a big difference to your grows.

Ya'll chasing products and tricks when you should be chasing light spectrum. It's cool, tho. I had to learn the hard way, and spend a lot of money before I figured it out. Always thinking there had to be some hack to turn out better bud. Maybe this brand will do it. Maybe this supplement. Am I getting enough calcium? What if the secret is silica? Nope. Just UV and IR. Just get your lights as close as you can to mimicking natural sunlight.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Get yourself a UV+IR supplementation bar. You can buy a cheap one on amazon for $50. Sayhon lights have very strong UV+IR, too, and they are budget lights. Won't cost you a fortune. Also, old school HPS and CMH bulbs reach those wavelengths. That's why weed was "so much better back in the day".
I have supplemented my LED setup with a few inexpensive uv strips from the start.
This could explain my beginner’s luck with my crops. My first batch was unexpectedly quite good for a small closet.
Now getting everything into a dedicated room I get more light to the lower parts of the plant- imagine a very bright warehouse with light all around the plant- more like the moving sun rather than just bright straight above.
Again lucky to have the space.
Last batch colas were very nice-large and solid- i am a bit concerned about being able to reliably repeat the results-
Yeah, that is most likely the key to your "beginners luck". Growing weed is both hard and the easiest thing in the world. It mostly just depends on how you approach it mentally. Most people cause their own problems by trying too hard, loving their plants too much, or just generally being dumb asses that can't even do the basics right. Just keep doing what you're doing if it works well for you. It's pretty basic stuff. Light, water, food, wind and time. You get that right it's basically autopilot until harvest. Oh, and ignore 90% of the shit you read online. 9 out of 10 guys don't know what the fuck they're talking about, or I swear they actually deliberately try to sabotage other growers.