Well-Known Member
I still have not mentioned jews once. Lol at your outstanding ignorance.
your antisemitic cartoons suffice, jew hater
i'm gonna jizz on your face
I still have not mentioned jews once. Lol at your outstanding ignorance.
I'd be ignorant if I didn't know what your reference to Hasbara meant.I still have not mentioned jews once. Lol at your outstanding ignorance.
@trippnface , I'm lonely.
I'm needing another post from you where you call me a name.
May I suggest "zionist bootlicker"? I've always been partial to that one.
how can you claim to be jewish and say nothing about the vile anti-semitism trippnsface constantly posts?How bout self important blow hard ?
good pointhow can you claim to be jewish and say nothing about the vile anti-semitism trippnsface constantly posts?
if @cannabineer and @pabloesqobar are looking for fake jews, they are not very good at itgood point
how can you claim to be jewish and say nothing about the vile anti-semitism trippnsface constantly posts?
I just fuck with you because you are so opiniated and racist.
trippnface is racist as fuck against jews though, so that lie doesn;t hold up to even the slightest scrutiny
Ok. I will answer this one.
In my experience most everyone is racist against us. I have been hearing shit since grammar school.
We don’t need you especially to defend us. You’re such a crybaby.
But you never tried to deny the truth of my words, because you can't.Reported for getting triggered past your bedtimeb, perrsonal attacks, and anti-revisionist slurs.
Way to dodge the point of my post.Way to put a like on that anti-Semitic post
They deliberately conflate them.Lol.
Your dumbass simply doesn't understand the difference between zionism & Judaism.
It isn't 'defense' to expropriate land by use of force and then vilify, murder them and shoot their children.By your own post a while back, the definition of Zionism is the defense of the nation of Isreal.
What's wrong with the concept of a nation defending itself?
Somewhere you've gotten the idea that looking posts with valid points means that someone automatically agrees with everything that poster ever said.I have seen you support Neo-Nazi posts at least 80 times since spring began, but that doesn't mean that all your posts are vile, loathsome and filled with hate.
Yup, we have done some bad shit and probably will again, especially since the country has been divided and many people who should know better are now in the thrall of authoritarian forces (cough, cough... Ttystikk.) but for you to put American policies of building civil societies in authoritarian countries in order to promote democratic governments on the same scale as the shit being done by some other countries shows that you are quite naive and very much a fool.
Sorry if America hasn't been pure enough for you. Some of us will keep trying though, even without your support.
Really? So what's your excuse?It is perfectly reasonable to object to the actions of the State of Israel without resorting to antisemitic language, images or propaganda.
That meme discredits a valid argument against Israel's use of asymmetric force. Missiles against rocks is simply wrong. But no, that poster has to reduce the argument from one of reason to one of emotion. You are either one of the weak people who are subject to propaganda or you are one of the propagandists.
I think you are the latter.
Somewhere you've gotten the idea that looking posts with valid points means that someone automatically agrees with everything that poster ever said.
That's stupidity standing in for logic, but I'm not surprised considering that you got it from the same idiotic source as the rest of the drivel you pass off as 'debate.'
You got nothing.
Uh huh.You got nothing.
Both thumbs.Uh huh.
Sorry Tty. You are no longer worth the energy. I'll chime in from time to time but I don't take you seriously enough to bother tonight. You are a lost cause.