Well-Known Member
Don't expect to have your questions answered if you won't do the same courtesy.where were the ultra-popular progressives and why didn;t they just beat the republicans instead?
Don't expect to have your questions answered if you won't do the same courtesy.where were the ultra-popular progressives and why didn;t they just beat the republicans instead?
There's something blowing in the wind...Why did the moderate Democratic message of Republican light fail to entice Democrats and progressives to come out to vote?
did it ever occur to you that i am asking a question that you guys have no good answer for, and so you ultra-popular progressives avoiding an answer is the whole point?Don't expect to have your questions answered if you won't do the same courtesy.
except dems are not up by +13.4 on the generic ballot, it is closer to half of thatThere's something blowing in the wind...
The wind of change.
The moderate track record speaks for itself. It's a losing strategy.
Same with the progressive track record, it has won more seats since Trump was elected across the board, but especially in deep red districts where critics falsely claim progressive candidates can't win. You can't argue with reality or facts. Progressives win, moderates don't.
Check out Texas
2 wins, 2 runoffs
How many establishment wins again?
Dems lose 1k completely meaningless offices, including city councils in podunk municipalities and you make it sound like the GOP didn't already control all 3 branches of the federal gov't. Nothing in that 1k offices was higher than state house, and none of those state house seats were outside of solid red states. In other words, that whole claim about 1k seats is to be simply disregarded as 100% meaningless.
You guys talk so much about change, but all I see coinciding with it is the right consolidating its power while you goons are hellbent on destroying anything to oppose them while you cry about idpol and SJWs.
Put it on record or close your mouth. Stop being a coward, stand up for what you believe, put it down so we can point to it later when you're wrong. The only reason you won't, now, is because you know you will be proven wrong, and you don't want to commit to it now, so we can quote it later.So put it on record, now. If more progressives beat Republicans than moderate Democrats do in November, will you concede the point or continue to deny the strategy is effective?
Put what on record? You must still be calling me a democrat or liberal because I am friends with people who voted for Clinton. Just because I don't entertain every dumb ass claim you make doesn't mean I agree with them. Besides, that's pretty much the most commonly used Trumptard strategy. You can't argue with someone unless you first criticize Hillary or compare your candidate to Hillary. I'm criticizing your "movement". "Our Revolution" ™ sure seems like it was part of the plan to put Trump into office. I'm not here to support Hillary, she's irrelevant. I'm here to oppose Trump, unlike you.Put it on record or close your mouth. Stop being a coward, stand up for what you believe, put it down so we can point to it later when you're wrong. The only reason you won't, now, is because you know you will be proven wrong, and you don't want to commit to it now, so we can quote it later.
Remember that as good lil establishment ballwashers they're AGAINST everything. Being FOR something We the People actually want is liable to cost them donor cash.Put it on record or close your mouth. Stop being a coward, stand up for what you believe, put it down so we can point to it later when you're wrong. The only reason you won't, now, is because you know you will be proven wrong, and you don't want to commit to it now, so we can quote it later.
Yep, you're against everything.Put what on record? You must still be calling me a democrat or liberal because I am friends with people who voted for Clinton. Just because I don't entertain every dumb ass claim you make doesn't mean I agree with them. Besides, that's pretty much the most commonly used Trumptard strategy. You can't argue with someone unless you first criticize Hillary or compare your candidate to Hillary. I'm criticizing your "movement". "Our Revolution" ™ sure seems like it was part of the plan to put Trump into office. I'm not here to support Hillary, she's irrelevant. I'm here to oppose Trump, unlike you.
Put what on record?
So put it on record, now. If more progressives beat Republicans than moderate Democrats do in November, will you concede the point or continue to deny the strategy is effective?
Says the guy who thinks racism will go away if we just don't talk about it.Yep, you're against everything.
OK, so why do you choose to remain ambiguous about it? You seem to support moderate Democrats. So it's not outside the ordinary to assume you are also yourself a moderate Democrat. If you're not, please correct me. Where do you fall on the political spectrum, what politicians do you support? Why?a democrat or liberal
fifyI missed the point.
For the millionth (at least) time, stop pigeonholing me. You're the guy who thinks more is expected of you than others because you're a white guy. I'm not going to ever be on your side. It was your little fake progressive movement that calls itself socialist but is as capitalist as any US political group that has a huge share in the blame for putting Trump into office.You seem to support moderate Democrats.
Yet another weak attempt to change the subject.Says the guy who thinks racism will go away if we just don't talk about it.
No, the two of you are objectively pro-GOP. Your little faux-progressive movement is hellbent on destroying the DNC, not the GOP. You two are insistent upon mischaracterizing my stance as pro-DNC because you can't argue otherwise. Your interests align perfectly with the privileged white male power structure system. You think that Trump's election was the "best thing that ever happened for the left in your lifetime" and that the rest of us somehow deserve this fascist. Fuck your fake ass inflatable movement.Yet another weak attempt to change the subject.
Every time you trot this out it just reinforces how disconnected you actually are. Nobody said racism will go away if we just stop talking about it. The argument you've chosen to strawman is that racism won't go away just by talking about it. Just by accusing people of being racist and having them fired from their jobs or censored from other positions. You're not going to defeat racism that way. That's your entire argument. Every time I've asked you and your ilk for actual solutions, the kinds of solutions apparently Hillary Clinton voiced during her campaign and Sanders didn't, even though some of you actually voted for Sanders over Clinton in the Democratic primary, it's met with crickets. You have no solutions.Says the guy who thinks racism will go away if we just don't talk about it.