the police are really watching you now...


Well-Known Member
Its hard to believe that the countrys today are integrated in stone, seeing as how centurys ago, There was a day where england or the u.s was small..

Then the next to conquered or brought land and claimed it as territory.

If we joined with Canada and Mexico what would happen? well I guess we make integrate laws as well as bring in profits all together. our debt becomes there debt and we can decide from that point weather we want there oil..

we dont have to worry about using money to support Our big ass boarder along mexico, we can control the flow points coming in from a hell of a lot more smaller mexico. we could in theory control drug trafficking better, because If the U.S integrated security full support with mexico, it would be a hell of alot harder to traffic that herioin and shit into the Former U.S..

and we dont have to worry about bitching about the niagra falls or what not..

And one last point.. would you really be pissed off if you didnt have to pay passport fee's and what not to go to canadian citys? There weed prices become OUR weed prices, there weed laws (with proper support from our weed smokers) become our weed laws

Im all for it.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to believe that the countrys today are integrated in stone, seeing as how centurys ago, There was a day where england or the u.s was small..

Then the next to conquered or brought land and claimed it as territory.

If we joined with Canada and Mexico what would happen? well I guess we make integrate laws as well as bring in profits all together. our debt becomes there debt and we can decide from that point weather we want there oil..

we dont have to worry about using money to support Our big ass boarder along mexico, we can control the flow points coming in from a hell of a lot more smaller mexico. we could in theory control drug trafficking better, because If the U.S integrated security full support with mexico, it would be a hell of alot harder to traffic that herioin and shit into the Former U.S..

and we dont have to worry about bitching about the niagra falls or what not..

And one last point.. would you really be pissed off if you didnt have to pay passport fee's and what not to go to canadian citys? There weed prices become OUR weed prices, there weed laws (with proper support from our weed smokers) become our weed laws

Im all for it.
im all for lowering prices ,but do we need global zones and shit.

keep america and the rest of the world origional, not zoned up ,speaking all one language, wheres the individualism????


Active Member
dude living in alaska would be cool, but it gets fucking cold up there, i think its fucking cold here in pa, but god damn, thats a different breed of cold. i grow bud here, and im fine with that


Well-Known Member
there are 7 listings on mapquest for pine grove in pa. I think you're safe posting a location like that. you could be anywhere in the state. lol. I'm on the eastern side.


New Member
The last i read you were moving to california.
Yeah, I'm outta this shithole August 28th... permanent move. I've always wanted to live in AK, now I got my chance and I'm taking it! Being able to legally grow 25 plants makes it even more enticing!


Well-Known Member
alaska is still apart of the usa...its more gov activity up there then alot of people realize...
alaskan pipeline is up there...not to mention all the criminals, alasha has the highest rape rape, i know your a guy and all, but that is shocking to know. i thought it was all nice too, until i realized its the perfect hiding spot for people wanting to get away from the gov, you think they dont know that...

i just dont like the idea of police has equipment to be able to see into persons house despite walls and courtains. so u actualy have no privacy short of a lead wall!!

its in ny all ready, so why no l.a, miami, chicago,houston ,etc.
why is it not pheasible that this will appear in all the major cities first.
they can afford it.
i mean houston just purchased like 40 choppers recently.
so they got the budget.