The Philly Starbuck's Arrest: Negrophobia Is Real -- And Black People Weren't Surprised At All

I gave you a "pity like" because I know you don't get many of the real ones anymore except from the Trumpees.
Oh look; yet another empty insult, this time covering for the fact that you have nothing to say but still have a deep seated psychological need to 'win' the argument.

Do you actually have anything to say?

The World Wonders
Oh look; yet another empty insult, this time covering for the fact that you have nothing to say but you want to 'win' the argument.

Do you actually have anything to say?

The World Wonders
So you are standing behind your claim that I am racist?

Please prove that, logic-boy.

(hint: time for you do duck and dodge and then run away after calling me a ballwasher)
So you are standing behind your claim that I am racist?

Please prove that, logic-boy.

(hint: time for you do duck and dodge and then run away after calling me a ballwasher)
Da fuk?

Make up another strawman and then scream how you were wronged?

Must be good hooch to be that delusional.
I couldn't agree more; cheap beans, burned to a crisp and then overpriced and sold to the status hungry.

A classic American success story!
I'm pretty happy with my $10 thrift store find, a Cuisinart drip coffee maker with built in grinder.

This morning, I'm making myself a treat; adding hot cocoa mix and a shot of orange liqueur.


I think your poor taste is jealous.
A Tax deductible act, free air time, the model will be rewarded by Wall Street and gain shelf space in the Communist market diverting profits.

Thank you Racism.
An adult african american male [chief of police] defends arrests.

And he has every right to. The arrest were, sorry to say, required by law. It's not rocket science, folks:

You do NOT have any RIGHT to be anywhere in a private residence or a place of business, once you are asked to leave by the owner/manager/proprietor.

It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do.

They could literally say, "I don't like that shirt, could you please leave?" If you refuse and they call the police you are going to have two options:
  • Leave.
  • Go to jail.
Once you are asked to leave, that's it. It's over. Leave. If you insist on staying then you have nobody to blame but yourself when you're arrested.

So that's that.


Whether the manager SHOULD have called the police is another matter.

Was she within her rights to do so? Yes.
Does that make her right? No.


Because she has a track record of having no problem with white people or Asians coming in and using the restroom before they order, whether they wind up ordering or not. She HAS however had several issues with black folks before.

That is a clear case of racism on her part, and frankly that sort of pattern should have been seen long before it came to this.

Dont worry homeless now have a precendent to stay inside of any starbucks during business hours, homeless crisis averted!

Incorrect. Anybody can be asked to leave, and arrested if they don't, at any time from any business or private residence for absolutely no reason at all.

What's more, vagrancy is a crime. So that would actually be just cause for being cited/arrested.

It really cracks me up how complete idiots make statements like that that have absolutely no basis in fact.

Drama queen less.
Classism is and has always been more predominant then rascism.

Ive seen black on black security harass a guy just cause he was a bum

They corrolate of course and as long as idiots bicker with conspiracy theories on BOTH sides both left and right you will continue to live in this hegemonial hierarchy of retardedness and eliteism

Give me a break all the so called leftists are nothing but aristocratic burgoise that sit at same star bucks and go OMG OMG OMG the cops are here.

You people are clueless, jumping on bandwagons and relying on word of mouth and you sound WORST then tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Its JUST AS RIDICOULOUS as some of Alex Jones claims.

How do you think WW2 started? Nazis created a false flag about the poles with early disinfo and lies. THen they invaded poland with that excuse and that poles "attacked" first.

Your all being played in the worst way and that nincompoop orangutan hair man is playing you more then HIllary, cause NEITHER of them run shit, theres a puppetmaster pulling the strings.

I think Mario Puzo expalined it best....