She Had Her Own Health Insurance.
She Was Dropped.
That's why she's shopping now.
A cursing apology ?
That wouldn't fly with my momma, and probably not yours either.
how many social liberals hate birth control and want to outlaw abortion?
how many social liberals oppose the part of civil rights that allows black people to sit at the same lunch counter as whites?
how many social liberals are opposed to marriage equality?
because most "libertarians" are. see the rawn pawl revolution.
Equality will replace capitalism.
Yes Kynes, everyone will have to share toothbrushes, underwear and spouses.
i was raised as a survivalist, by men anticipating the coming collapse of civilization, and the first thing drilled into my head was:
When society collapses, you will need weapons and the skill and will to use them
So you have lived your whole life believing some dystopian post apocalyptic bullshit and basing your world view on it. No wonder you support the worst policies and candidates. You can go on and on about how I'm a utopian, but you are a dystopian with a sick fantasy about the collapse of our civilization.
Just to put this even more into perspective how useless your views are to me, I don't give a fuck what you think about survival. You could not possibly teach me a fucking thing about survival-- especially martial skills. You'll never come close to my experience and you'll never even be as fit for survival as I am. I have already been through your sick fantasy. You have probably never even left your county. You have no fucking clue what the world is really like.
but you are a dystopian with a sick fantasy about the collapse of our civilization.
So you have lived your whole life believing some dystopian post apocalyptic bullshit and basing your world view on useless your views are to me...
i was raised as a survivalist, by men anticipating the coming collapse of civilization, and the first thing drilled into my head was:
When society collapses, you will need weapons and the skill and will to use them.
this was not to ensure "equality" but to protect what you work for, build and grow, from those who want what you have but dont feel like working for it.
in your fantasyland you must somehow ensure that everybody has everything they need or want, and nobody can have more than the other guy, otherwise somebody will re-discover violence and theft.
you must be a powerful sorcerer to pull of that awesome trick.
or it is just a childish fantasy.
just because you have survived in some sort of iraqi dystopian bullshit hellscape does not give you any right to criticize our barely-above-min-wage earning friend here.
do you have any idea of the hell he must endure every day of his life?
The Numbers:
first six months of The Pet Rock Market:
over 5 million units sold
first six months of Obamacare Exchanges:
~five thousand enrollees nationwide.
Obama should have sold pebbles with googly eyes.
does not give you any right to criticize our barely-above-min-wage earning friend here.
my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.
hey greatwhite, they deleted the post I made calling Cheesy out for owing you an apology.
Strange, huh.
If David Duke does not want to serve blacks in his diner, that should be his right.
So you have lived your whole life believing some dystopian post apocalyptic bullshit and basing your world view on it. No wonder you support the worst policies and candidates. You can go on and on about how I'm a utopian, but you are a dystopian with a sick fantasy about the collapse of our civilization.
Just to put this even more into perspective how useless your views are to me, I don't give a fuck what you think about survival. You could not possibly teach me a fucking thing about survival-- especially martial skills. You'll never come close to my experience and you'll never even be as fit for survival as I am. I have already been through your sick fantasy. You have probably never even left your county. You have no fucking clue what the world is really like.
Internet Toughguy rating 4/10
Vague as to your general superiority
Lacking personal threats
Insufficient boasting of your Gorilla Warrior Skills
Good Effort
but you again declined to explain exactly what form of commerce would replace capitalism in your Anarcho-Candyland, or how you would defend your magical realm against those who would sieze your candy by force and institute their own brand of hierarchy on your helpless and hapless childlike innocence