Well-Known Member
*licks lips* If only i were a bifemale....wait..what
If I had a nickle for all the gross shit I have seen on craigslist since posting in this thread I would be able to buy Oprah.There is someone on Craigslist for EVERYBODY lol
Peep this shit
CD princess searching for - t4m - 30 (hayward / castro valley)
Looking for somethng more then what the NSA has to offer.
But I'm not expecting to meet your friends or family either.
DD free only.
Straight tops are my type but need you to talk to me so we can see this would work in the long term.
I'm s super sexy nearly pass CD. I'd be full time but I cant affored a whole new life.
34,26,34 legs for days a ass that girls wish they had and I have a cute face.
So please do tell me all about how and why I should be with you =)
P.S. cock shots dont actually get you points with me.
Best tuck job on craigslist award goes to......
woah at those eyebrows
Hahaha Sunni you have some interesting people in your area. That second dude looks like the spokesperson for bathsalts
nice avatar. what a monster.
Hahaha Sunni you have some interesting people in your area. That second dude looks like the spokesperson for bathsalts
he could use a dinner datelooking for some good ol sexting... im 24 yo 6ft 150 lbs 727 645..... email me for the rest
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 3180699325
this dude aint no joke