The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say


Well-Known Member
"The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said.

What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white people and black people control.

By one estimate, the typical white family has wealth of $171,000. This is nearly ten times greater than the $17,150 for an average black family.

Put another way, the typical black household remains poorer than 80% of white households.

This stunning wealth gap between the races has persisted, in good times and bad, for the past 70 years. It did not get better after the civil rights era legislation was passed in the 1960s or during the Obama administration.

And it will continue to fuel unrest..."

The typical white family is surviving on debt. I know very few white people with any money actually saved whether its in assets or actual money. White people typically owe 250k on their house thats worth 200k, 60k on their truck that is worth 40k, 30k on their camper that is worth 10k. Granted the wealthiest 5% of us are mostly white and those are the ones controlling the wealth but the reality for the majority of people is that we are all in the same boat regardless of the color of our skin- slaves to debt.
"The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said.

What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white people and black people control.

By one estimate, the typical white family has wealth of $171,000. This is nearly ten times greater than the $17,150 for an average black family.

Put another way, the typical black household remains poorer than 80% of white households.

This stunning wealth gap between the races has persisted, in good times and bad, for the past 70 years. It did not get better after the civil rights era legislation was passed in the 1960s or during the Obama administration.

And it will continue to fuel unrest..."

Ooo a trump supporter saying we need equality
How'd you like that communist trump's stimulus deal?
I didnt like it at all. Nor did i like the communist extra 600$ a week for everyone eligible for unemployment. People who were making 200$ a week getting 600$ on unemployment while people who were making 2000$ a week are getting 900$.
I didnt like it at all. Nor did i like the communist extra 600$ a week for everyone eligible for unemployment. People who were making 200$ a week getting 600$ on unemployment while people who were making 2000$ a week are getting 900$.
So you don't see the irony in people making more on unemployment? You think the gov't would pay more than a living wage?

Sounds like you should move if you don't like it here dude
So you don't see the irony in people making more on unemployment? You think the gov't would pay more than a living wage?

Sounds like you should move if you don't like it here dude
There are people who were working part time jobs for the fun of it making a hundred bucks a week who got "laid off" and are now making over 600 a week on unemployment. I understand why the government has done this, just saying the solution is not ideal. The extra unemployment money should have been directly proportional to each persons income but i also understand how difficult that would have been.
There are people who were working part time jobs for the fun of it making a hundred bucks a week who got "laid off" and are now making over 600 a week on unemployment. I understand why the government has done this, just saying the solution is not ideal. The extra unemployment money should have been directly proportional to each persons income but i also understand how difficult that would have been.
Who works part time jobs for the fun of it?
Looking to ride your political agenda on top of Black Lives Matter?
Police violence is not the problem, the rich are?
Socialism equals good cops?
Gonna use this death to drive your ideological agenda forward, just like covid?

The human tragedy means nothing to you, you devote no time to any of it, unless it furthers your childish vision of a utopian future, talk about perfectionists, how the fuck do you manage to live with yourself anyway?

Ideologs live for a future vision, not in the day to day world with all of it's problems, the dream becomes an escape from reality, you ignore the suffering around you, for the "greater goal" your eyes firmly fixed in a thousand yard stare. The more Trump the better, gets you to the revolution quicker, fuck the country and fuck the suffering, you'll vote for Trump just to make it happen.

BTW: Utopia is Greek, it means NOWHERE
All im saying is if i had been laid off when i was a kid working minimum wage going to college, it would have been a dream come true to get that 600$ a week when i was only making 300$ working.
Lol, is this when a buncha lily white douchebags come in a with this "right wing talking point" horseshit while crying about not being able to afford universal healthcare, taxpayer funded education, or a UBI?

"Free shit", wasn't it? Amirite?

So youre bitching because someone got something you also got. But they are younger. Am I reading you right little dude?
Nah man my current position is quite unique and im not going to get into the reasons why but i got the 1200 and in all honesty, i shouldnt have. Am i going to give it back? hell no. I paid my taxes and i met all the criteria to get it and inevitably my tax dollars will end up repaying it and then some because that money has to come from somewhere. The pandemic has really had no financial affect on me. It has affected my situation and personal life a lot but financially not much has changed other than i see porterhouse steaks are going for 20$ a pound at the supermarket now.

My point is more that like say at a car dealership, the oil change kids living in their parents basements who were making 400$ a week got laid off and got 800$ a week unemployment. The mechanics that are generally older than the oil change kids, have families and major responsibilities, and were making $2000 a week only get $900 a week on unemployment. One group of people benefited while another suffered. I would have preferred to see a solution where everyone only suffered minor setbacks instead of some people benefiting and some people having major setbacks. I am neither a mechanic nor an oil change guy just an example of how the distribution didnt work out the way it should have. You also have to keep in mind the mechanics making 2000$ a week have been paying major taxes for years and years while the oil change kids have just started paying taxes. So its almost as if money went directly from one group of people who have worked very hard to get where they are to a group of people who just started working.
Here's the funny thing, not everyone got stimulius money. I sure didn't.

Oh I'm sure that you'll say "well, its because you make more money and have a better job than don't deserve it. And while we're at it, we need to redistribute YOUR wealth to make it fair for everyone else."

WTF ever happened to working hard and being rewarded for your efforts? That is after all the American dream. No matter where youre from, if you WORK HARD, you will succeed.

Oh, you say, I'm not affected by any of this going on and I'm insulated in my white privilege? My husband lost his job from all this as well, we aren't the Rockefeller's. We are just trying to make it like everyone else. We're just as angry as the next person about the horrible social issues. We actually realize that this movement is very much being driven by the left to incite anarchy, discord.

Divide and conquer, then watch as the left betrays every one of their constituants and knifes em in the back.

This is just more tragic bullshit that the American public will have to sort out.

The way the narrative looks like its going is this:

Black lives only matter if its police white on black assault. No fucks are given to the black on black violence that causes more deaths to blacks on the daily. PERIOD.

Let's just all turn a blind eye to that. *eyeroll*


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Here's the funny thing, not everyone got stimulius money. I sure didn't.

Oh I'm sure that you'll say "well, its because you make more money and have a better job than don't deserve it. And while we're at it, we need to redistribute YOUR wealth to make it fair for everyone else."

WTF ever happened to working hard and being rewarded for your efforts? That is after all the American dream. No matter where youre from, if you WORK HARD, you will succeed.

Oh, you say, I'm not affected by any of this going on and I'm insulated in my white privilege? My husband lost his job from all this as well, we aren't the Rockefeller's. We are just trying to make it like everyone else. We're just as angry as the next person about the horrible social issues. We actually realize that this movement is very much being driven by the left to incite anarchy, discord.

Divide and conquer, then watch as the left betrays every one of their constituants and knifes em in the back.

This is just more tragic bullshit that the American public will have to sort out.

The way the narrative looks like its going is this:

Black lives only matter if its police white on black assault. No fucks are given to the black on black violence that causes more deaths to blacks on the daily. PERIOD.

Let's just all turn a blind eye to that. *eyeroll*
Kinda hard to work hard when there's no work, right jethro?