The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List

The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List:

1. Scott Lively (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
2. Josh Duggar (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
3. Dick Cheney (APPROVED)
4. Al Sharpton (pending approval - 0 votes attained, 1 vote opposed, 2 votes required)
5. Ron Paul (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote opposed, 1 vote required)
6. Rand Paul (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote opposed (pending), 1 vote required)
7. Pat Robertson (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
8. Fidel Castro (APPROVED)
9. Anders Breivik (APPROVED)
10. Helen Ukpabio (APPROVED)

11. Warren Jeffs (APPROVED)
12. Rick Santorum (APPROVED)
13. Benjamin Netanyahu (APPROVED)
14. Kanye West (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)
15. Jamie Dimon (pending approval - 1 vote attained, 1 vote required)

16. Kim Jong Un (APPROVED)
17. David Duke (APPROVED)
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then why did david duke interview and praise nicholas wade, author of the 'neck down' evolution theory you espouse?

go ahead, just google it.
Why do you know so much about David Duke and who the hell is nicholas wade? You need some new hobbies, hanging out on those websites you hang out on have clouded your ability to think straight.

You realize you are the only person here with an account at stormfront don't ya, nobody else here would have even heard of it if not for you.

You are good with mutilating baby dicks, hangout at racist forums while calling everyone else RACIST!!( but those few in your "like" pm group), keep files of edited posts on members, share private messages from people who have faced legal trouble over pot with other members on a pot forum and chase men around the internet all day. Nice life you've carved out for yourself.
what about mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu he's got to be near or at the top of the list

actually, i 2nd that..he's about as shitty as they come..all those years leading everyone to believe when it was never his true intention plus war crimes:

Why do you know so much about David Duke?

i googled your theory and it turns out he is a fan.

He then goes on to detail how science has shown that the process of natural selection over the last 50,000 years “created” the differences we now see as racial groups, each adapted to the needs of their continent and geographical living space.

Having conclusively established these facts, Wade moves on to discuss the heritability of psychological differences, focussing in particular upon the social nature of humans, and, controversially for him, how genes affect “traits like skin color and nutritional metabolism, but also some aspects of brain function.”

“Though the role of these selected brain genes is not yet understood, the obvious truth is that genes affecting the brain are just as much subject to natural selection as any other category of gene,” he writes.

you ripped him off nearly verbatim!

you just turned "geographical living areas" into "geographical regions" and turned the part about natural selection affecting brain function to "evolved from the neck up".

and who the hell is nicholas wade? You need some new hobbies, hanging out on those websites you hang out on have clouded your ability to think straight.

You realize you are the only person here with an account at stormfront don't ya, nobody else here would have even heard of it if not for you.

You are good with mutilating baby dicks, hangout at racist forums while calling everyone else RACIST!!( but those few in your "like" pm group), keep files of edited posts on members, share private messages from people who have faced legal trouble over pot with other members on a pot forum and chase men around the internet all day. Nice life you've carved out for yourself.

don't have a meltdown just because you're in love with white supremacist ideation.
i googled your theory and it turns out he is a fan.

He then goes on to detail how science has shown that the process of natural selection over the last 50,000 years “created” the differences we now see as racial groups, each adapted to the needs of their continent and geographical living space.

Having conclusively established these facts, Wade moves on to discuss the heritability of psychological differences, focussing in particular upon the social nature of humans, and, controversially for him, how genes affect “traits like skin color and nutritional metabolism, but also some aspects of brain function.”

“Though the role of these selected brain genes is not yet understood, the obvious truth is that genes affecting the brain are just as much subject to natural selection as any other category of gene,” he writes.

you ripped him off nearly verbatim!

you just turned "geographical living areas" into "geographical regions" and turned the part about natural selection affecting brain function to "evolved from the neck up".

don't have a meltdown just because you're in love with white supremacist ideation.
lol at "just googled", you've been spouting the same shit here, there and everywhere for years man. Have another drink, calm down and enjoy the day.

Life is too short for you to spend it chasing me around all over the internet, try to enjoy life a bit and maybe you won't be so hateful 24/7.
lol at "just googled", you've been spouting the same shit here, there and everywhere for years man. Have another drink, calm down and enjoy the day.

Life is too short for you to spend it chasing me around all over the internet, try to enjoy life a bit and maybe you won't be so hateful 24/7.

poor, poor ginwilly.

gets outed for his hateful white supremacist ideation, calls me hateful for outing him.

i just spent a couple hours in the sun sanding and staining a porch for a customer, so i'll be here cooling down for a while, asking you about your hateful white supremacist ideation, which as you can see has been firmly established.

are yo ever gonna answer any questions about how you came to your hateful, racist views?
i simply typed your name into the search function for politics with no keyword.

your history os posting shows that you are a militant, right wing nutjob who is obsessed with al sharpton and michael brown. and you cite theblaze.

so yeah, i'm very comfortable calling you a racist.
Now you've added "militant". LOL You got NOTHING on me you "fucking retard". LOL
You're crazy in the head and a lying SOB. Just like Al sharp, make shit up as you please.
Now you've added "militant". LOL You got NOTHING on me you "fucking retard". LOL
You're crazy in the head and a lying SOB. Just like Al sharp, make shit up as you please.

there's that signature al sharpton obsession that all the anti-black racists have in common.
I find it difficult to believe that these guys haven't been mentioned.

In Kelly's Heroes when Crapgame (Don Rickles) and another guy fell into the exploding outhouse, they were both really shitty.

I've read your "smoking gun" post quotes of @Rob Roy supposedly condoning pedophilia. And he didn't. He never condoned pedophilia.

here is the post where he calls paying children for sex "a voluntary agreement".

Do you remember lil' Bucky when you earned your first couple of bucks as a kid mowing somebodies lawn or in your case maybe letting the creep down the street touch you in special places...When you earned that money it was because you had made a voluntary agreement.

do you think paying kids for sex is ever a voluntary agreement, alabamaredneck?
he does use the word 'letting' pertaining to you. you let the creepy guy..

yes, he clearly thinks kids can "let" strangers pay money to them for sex, which is beyond disturbing.

"being violated by" would be the proper phrase, not "letting".