The Official RIU "Shittiest People Alive" List

BTW..whatever happened to my post about most pervs are christian did that get away from our conversation?

i don't know.

harrekin made some dumb joke about rape right after that, and the rest of the white christian males on this forum did not want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

unlike children, who your study shows garner a lot of attention from old white religious types like ginwilly and desert dude.
yes, he clearly thinks kids can "let" strangers pay money to them for sex, which is beyond disturbing.

"being violated by" would be the proper phrase, not "letting".

Look, if you didn't get all the candy the badman promised you, you're due some form of restitution.
here is the post where he calls paying children for sex "a voluntary agreement".

do you think paying kids for sex is ever a voluntary agreement, alabamaredneck?

No, but it sounds like he was just trying to be sarcastic toward you; not actually condone pedophilia. I've read his recent posts where he condemns pedophilia.

So there.
then why do you keep going on about how pedophilia can be a "consensual" act?

why do you think pedophilia is a joke and a laughing matter?

does pedophilia amuse you?

Forced human relations are no laughing matter. You defend them daily, I do not. In fact I preach against them ad nauseum.

I've asked you countless times to detail what makes a heinous act unable to be consented to, you've never answered that.

Obviously, your pedo bullshit is your counter to my Wendy's stuff.

Problem is, you DID shit on a floor and I'm not what you try to claim I am. That means you're losing Meathead.
he was just trying to be sarcastic toward you; not actually condone pedophilia.

then why has he made post after post after post stating his belief that heinous acts, like pedophilia, can be consensual?

No, I said when the involved parties consent to something, the nature of the act even it is heinous doesn't change the fact that consent was given.

do you think your children can consent to pedophilia, tbone?
why do you think pedophilia can ever be consensual?

Anything a person with capacity to consent to can be consensual. If that's not true, refute it.

If a person lacks the ability to consent, then they can't engage in consensual behavior, the nature of the act is not what confers or denies consent. Refute that if you can.

You've linked my asking questions of you with your false allegations that I endorse certain behaviors. It's pretty weak even for a Poopy Pants.
why do you think rob roy thinks that children can consent to heinous acts, like pedophilia?

Buck, I think you might be reaching just a bit here. I just can't imagine @Rob Roy , or anybody here for that matter, condoning pedophilia. His posts could be seen different ways, depending upon when you see the sarcasm begin and end.

And even you know I'm just giving you shit when I give you a hard time about the rabbi-circumcision thing. I know you're not an actual pedophile, or a supporter of such.
Buck, I think you might be reaching just a bit here. I just can't imagine @Rob Roy , or anybody here for that matter, condoning pedophilia. His posts could be seen different ways, depending upon when you see the sarcasm begin and end.

And even you know I'm just giving you shit when I give you a hard time about the rabbi-circumcision thing. I know you're not an actual pedophile, or a supporter of such.

That was a decent thing to say. Thanks.
were the crayons not clear enough?

children cannot consent to pedophilia you sick fuck.

I appreciate your use of crayons. It was a nice touch.

I hear you repeating things in a circular argument way, but WHAT makes your circular argument valid? Why is what you state so?

How does the nature of an act, even a heinous act, confer or deny consent of the involved parties?
poor, poor ginwilly.

gets outed for his hateful white supremacist ideation, calls me hateful for outing him.

i just spent a couple hours in the sun sanding and staining a porch for a customer, so i'll be here cooling down for a while, asking you about your hateful white supremacist ideation, which as you can see has been firmly established.

are yo ever gonna answer any questions about how you came to your hateful, racist views?

Wait a didn' "stained" their deck? Oh Poopy Pants, how could you?