The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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you should tell mueller to fire his team because it was all just a conspiracy theory.
If it's not a conspiracy theory, provide the evidence that proves it. I've been asking you to show us the evidence that convinced you for a few days now, now, like then, you will reply with nonsense designed to obfuscate the fact that you don't have any evidence. You're relying on the FBI investigation to find something.
If it's not a conspiracy theory, provide the evidence that proves it. I've been asking you to show us the evidence that convinced you for a few days now, now, like then, you will reply with nonsense designed to obfuscate the fact that you don't have any evidence. You're relying on the FBI investigation to find something.
So am I. I'm no longer willing to assume it's there, however.
If it's not a conspiracy theory, provide the evidence that proves it. I've been asking you to show us the evidence that convinced you for a few days now, now, like then, you will reply with nonsense designed to obfuscate the fact that you don't have any evidence. You're relying on the FBI investigation to find something.

Adam Schiff and Ted lieu have both said they've seen evidence of collusion, it's classified.
If it's not a conspiracy theory, provide the evidence that proves it.

why is mueller hiring the top expert prosecutors in witness flipping, obstruction, money laundering, financial crimes, and more then?

do you think these prosecutors he hired like sitting around sorting papers and not convicting people like the mob, or nixon, or enron?

you are fucked in the fucking head. you want to believe your own bullshit narrative so badly that you are willing to ignore the rumblings. it's fucking pathetic.
the same team that took down enron and nixon are back on the case. maybe take a look at the track record of the people you are accusing of "conspiracy theories" first, padaraper.
I haven't seen him accuse them of any conspiracy theories. He just wants to see proof. As it happens, so do I.

Let's not forget that people have resigned their positions from CNN for misstating the facts surrounding this issue, so a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted.
the same team that took down enron and nixon are back on the case. maybe take a look at the track record of the people you are accusing of "conspiracy theories" first, padaraper.
Great, and if they find anything, even better. You're jumping to conclusions based on your faith in the team, just like conservatives did with Benghazi. Until they find anything, your assumptions amount to unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Do you think that misogyny was not a factor in 2016?

Racism didn't just go away because we had a white woman as a Democratic candidate in 2016 either. I have yet to see a valid endorsement of anything Democrat from the KKK or alt right. So there is that. In an election where the electoral college votes turned by very slim margins in key states, how can you say these didn't make a difference for Clinton?

I say they did. Not an excuse but don't take away the facts for people to consider. We quite likely have Trump because of racism and misogyny against the Democratic party's candidate. You seem to be taking the line that minorities and women have disadvantages when competing against white men and so must work harder to overcome them before they can begin to compete with white men who never had those to overcome.

It's like saying that minorities and women have to be better than white men in order to be equal.

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