The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Do we REALLY want Pence though? He's just as fucked up lol
at least Pence will know what he is dooing and we can fight against that. Wait until next election and vote him out, but Trump is a fucking crazy senile loose cannon. We could wake up and that motherfucker could tweet us into a fucking war and bankrupt us...all in one tweet
Yep, and he's more competent and able to get his fucked up agenda through. I say let Trump stay and continue to wither on the vine...
Umm, a president who doesn't follow the law sets a bad precedent. We probably only know a fraction of the corrupt and illegal actions Trump is taking. We can survive 3 more years of Trump but at what harm? If the opportunity arises to get that orange Joker out of office, I say do it. That opportunity will not arrive with a GOP congress, so we bunker down for a year or so, I guess.

I think Pence is a cold fish when it comes to people but he seems to understand the rule of law and so, less harmful to the institutions of government than Trump. Do you think Pence would be any more effective at getting Republicans to agree to that unpopular piece of shit they call a healthcare bill? I don't.
Because we don't want the more competent criminal. Why does the obvious logic escape you?
If there is a congress that would impeach Trump, that would be a Democratically controlled one. Pence wouldn't be able to do much to advance the right wing agenda in that case. Stalemate for a couple more years.

If there were evidence available to Congress of crimes serious enough to impeach and remove Trump from office, would you favor keeping him in office?

For myself, I don't care if the prez is Trump, Obama, Jack Kennedy, Nixon or Bill Clinton. If the crimes are serious, then impeach and remove from office. Simply by his profiting from foreign governments while in office, I think Trump has already violated the trust of his office and has to go. I don't think he will ever be impeached by a GOP congress, so, this is just a big media event for now.
Umm, a president who doesn't follow the law sets a bad precedent. We probably only know a fraction of the corrupt and illegal actions Trump is taking. We can survive 3 more years of Trump but at what harm? If the opportunity arises to get that orange Joker out of office, I say do it. That opportunity will not arrive with a GOP congress, so we bunker down for a year or so, I guess.

I think Pence is a cold fish when it comes to people but he seems to understand the rule of law and so, less harmful to the institutions of government than Trump. Do you think Pence would be any more effective at getting Republicans to agree to that unpopular piece of shit they call a healthcare bill? I don't.
Yes, Pence would be more effective. Therefore, more harmful to the average American.

We are surviving the Chump's buffoonery fairly well. If the Republicans won't get rid of him on their own initiative, I see no reason why the Democrats should go on that suicide mission.
If there is a congress that would impeach Trump, that would be a Democratically controlled one. Pence wouldn't be able to do much to advance the right wing agenda in that case. Stalemate for a couple more years.

If there were evidence available to Congress of crimes serious enough to impeach and remove Trump from office, would you favor keeping him in office?

For myself, I don't care if the prez is Trump, Obama, Jack Kennedy, Nixon or Bill Clinton. If the crimes are serious, then impeach and remove from office. Simply by his profiting from foreign governments while in office, I think Trump has already violated the trust of his office and has to go. I don't think he will ever be impeached by a GOP congress, so, this is just a big media event for now.
For what it's worth, I agree that the Chump is committing crimes and misdemeanors every day he's in office and still in control of his empire.

Let the Republicans take the hit to credibility. If they start Impeachment proceedings, the Dems can graciously go shopping with it. If they won't, the 'Pubs will continue to suffer by their implicit approval of everything he says and does.
This goes farther than Pence, Ryan..Hatch would be next in line IF he's not involved.

When all is said and done, you're going to be quite surprised at who all is involved with goes very, very deep.
Who do you think gets indicted first, and do you think he'll rat the rest of them out?
Yes, Pence would be more effective. Therefore, more harmful to the average American.
One more time. Democrats in control Congress is only way Trump is going to be impeached. Pence is as conservative Republican as they come. Democratically controlled congress wouldn't cooperate with Pence. Therefore, Pence would not be effective during the remaining years in office. Rather than restating your belief of dubious value, tell me what's wrong with this train of logic?
We are surviving the Chump's buffoonery fairly well. If the Republicans won't get rid of him on their own initiative, I see no reason why the Democrats should go on that suicide mission.
How is that a suicide mission?

You seem to have very flexible standards when applying your morality. You want Democrats to fall on the sword by demanding candidates be noncompetitive in campaigns because campaign donations are bad. Yet you'd tell Democratically controlled Congress to look the other way in the event that Trump has clearly violated the laws of the land, the constitution and his oath of office.

We see this completely differently.
One more time. Democrats in control Congress is only way Trump is going to be impeached. Pence is as conservative Republican as they come. Democratically controlled congress wouldn't cooperate with Pence. Therefore, Pence would not be effective during the remaining years in office. Rather than restating your belief of dubious value, tell me what's wrong with this train of logic?
How is that a suicide mission?

You seem to have very flexible standards when applying your morality. You want Democrats to fall on the sword by demanding candidates be noncompetitive in campaigns because campaign donations are bad. Yet you'd tell Democratically controlled Congress to look the other way in the event that Trump has clearly violated the laws of the land, the constitution and his oath of office.

We see this completely differently.
Yes we do.
Umm, a president who doesn't follow the law sets a bad precedent. We probably only know a fraction of the corrupt and illegal actions Trump is taking. We can survive 3 more years of Trump but at what harm? If the opportunity arises to get that orange Joker out of office, I say do it. That opportunity will not arrive with a GOP congress, so we bunker down for a year or so, I guess.

I think Pence is a cold fish when it comes to people but he seems to understand the rule of law and so, less harmful to the institutions of government than Trump. Do you think Pence would be any more effective at getting Republicans to agree to that unpopular piece of shit they call a healthcare bill? I don't.

I don't know if he'd have a better shot at getting the AHCA passed, but he'd certainly have a more coherent consistent message unlike trump who loves it one day and then calls it mean the next.

Honestly I'm more concerned about 2020. Pence would stand a much better chance at being reelected than Trump would imo.
I don't know if he'd have a better shot at getting the AHCA passed, but he'd certainly have a more coherent consistent message unlike trump who loves it one day and then calls it mean the next.

Honestly I'm more concerned about 2020. Pence would stand a much better chance at being reelected than Trump would imo.
We have a wealthy and completely corrupt racist criminal in office. Three more years to do damage. The damage he's doing to education institutions, foreign relations, equal rights, voting rights, the military after less than a year makes me think he has to go asap.

Not that I think impeachment will happen. Just that if it could, I think it should.
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where and when was obama held responsible for things that michelle did?

He was held responsible for the sermons of Rev Wright, and the actions of Bill Ayers, was he not?

Buck, I have never met anyone, anywhere, that tosses around accusations of racism more than you do, and yet here you are trying to convince everyone that Obama faced no racism as the first black POTUS to successfully run for the presidency.

Not very convincing....
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