The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Yes, the Republican Party is corrupt and inimical to the needs of anyone not already a one percenter. At least they're honest about it.

The Democratic Party has been co-opted by the donor class for a long time but they still talk out of both sides of their mouth.

You can complain all you want, but until they stop merely paying lip service and actually start representing what's left of the middle class, they're going to keep playing runner up.

It's how they got into their current position of not leading the House, Senate, Executive- and a minority or state legislatures and Governorships.

Or was that just a fluke we shouldn't take at face value?
Remind me once again why Bernie was not brave enough to run as an Independent. Why did he cross over and run as a Democrat, in which you say are no better than a Repuke ?
... That CNN was forced to retract.

are you literally fucking retarded?

you're using trumptard talking points wit no basis in reality whatsoever.

Mrs Clinton was representing the Donor Class

yep, you're out to lunch.

It's hard to imagine a candidate that made fun of crippled people and bragged of grabbing pussy winning an election for dog catcher, let alone president. It absolutely speaks to having the weakest candidates in history on the ticket. And the fix was in at the DNC. Hillary had no enthusiasm while Bernie filled arenas. That's what my eyes saw.
It's hard to imagine a candidate that made fun of crippled people and bragged of grabbing pussy winning an election for dog catcher, let alone president. It absolutely speaks to having the weakest candidates in history on the ticket. And the fix was in at the DNC. Hillary had no enthusiasm while Bernie filled arenas. That's what my eyes saw.

yet you celebrated his victory and are repeating his conspiracy theory talking points.

also, hillary had the largest rally of anyone who ran.
If I had evidence of said collusion, I wouldn't be asking someone who asked me to see it if they were "blind, dumb, and deaf"...

I simply asked to see the same evidence of said collusion you've seen. Why is that a problem?

ok, you're blind, dumb, deaf AND retarded. got it.

a few mid level DNC staffers exchanging emails swayed 4 million votes against bernie but CIA intercepts of putin directing his cronies to manufacture a trump victory couldn't have done a thing.
Was she already the nominee when she had it or still facing Bernie?

why does it bother you that hillary had the biggest rally of the entire election cycle?

she also got the most votes by about 3 million because she was the most popular candidate.
why does it bother you that hillary had the biggest rally of the entire election cycle?

she also got the most votes by about 3 million because she was the most popular candidate.
Oh, was it in Wisconsin? How big was her Wisconsin rally?
why does it bother you that hillary had the biggest rally of the entire election cycle?

she also got the most votes by about 3 million because she was the most popular candidate.
I believe you are comparing an election rally to nomination rallies. Bernie had the largest nomination rallies, by far. Agree?
good fucking god. "the Democratic Party has a lot of 'splaining to do".

Dude, it's the Republican party that's fucking with Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, the environment, isolationism, Reaganomics, and so forth. It's the right wing media propaganda that's dragging the country to the right after 30 years of a well paid for media blitz. And you want the Democrats to explain and atone for what? Allowing Bernie to lose? Do you think the DNC should have just ignored the primary results and crowned Bernie? As if your imagined harm done to "the Progressive Movement" by Democrats is in any way equal to what the Republicans are doing now? As if it's even relevant to today's goings on?

Oh, and Wall Street doesn't own the Democratic Congressional Caucus. Nor does big Pharma or any other big corporation with PAC money who donates to various Congressional representatives.

Tell me more about what you believe in spite of the facts.

One day you go hiking with a couple former classmates of yours. The one guy is a total selfish douchebag that you have nothing in common with. The other guy is someone that you share many values with, and consider a friend. Suddenly you slip and fall, and you're hanging off the side of a cliff by your fingertips. Neither one of them extends a hand to help, and they both stand there and watch as you tumble.

When you're laying in the hospital bed recovering from your injuries, who do you blame for not helping you? Who are you more disappointed in?

Bad analogy perhaps, but that's how I feel about the dems. I am more disappointed in them. I expect better from them.
One day you go hiking with a couple former classmates of yours. The one guy is a total selfish douchebag that you have nothing in common with. The other guy is someone that you share many values with, and consider a friend. Suddenly you slip and fall, and you're hanging off the side of a cliff by your fingertips. Neither one of them extends a hand to help, and they both stand there and watch as you tumble.

When you're laying in the hospital bed recovering from your injuries, who do you blame for not helping you? Who are you more disappointed in?

Bad analogy perhaps, but that's how I feel about the dems. I am more disappointed in them. I expect better from them.
Why would I go hiking with a total douchbag that I have NOTHING in common with ??
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