The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Ok, so I'm a bit older. When I was young, things like socialism (communism), LGBT rights, minority rights, women's rights etc. was considered pretty far left.
These are pretty much centre to what I understand the Democratic party stands for today.

Ding, ding, ding! Give that man a kewpie doll!

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Neither party is bothering to represent the needs of the majority of Americans. Trump made a poor show of doing it and suckered enough people into believing him to win the White House.

So if not now, when would you suggest?
I was thinking after Trump is defeated in next election. But I get your point and you might be right.
Ok, so I'm a bit older. When I was young, things like socialism (communism), LGBT rights, minority rights, women's rights etc. was considered pretty far left.
These are pretty much centre to what I understand the Democratic party stands for today.
We've split social issues from economic ones. The Federal Government has long been unwilling to take advice from the People about its militarism.

Socially centrist, economically right wing.
Ok, so I'm a bit older. When I was young, things like socialism (communism), LGBT rights, minority rights, women's rights etc. was considered pretty far left.
These are pretty much centre to what I understand the Democratic party stands for today.

Got it. I'd agree that the dems are certainly left of center when it comes to social issues, but where foreign policy and economic issues are concerned I consider them more centrist, or even right of center with certain things.
I voted for who I believed in at the primary. When Bernie was thrown under the bus I then voted for the least bad choice. That was Clinton. It wasn't as obvious as the Democrats would have you believe.

I think the Democratic Party has a lot of explaining and atoning to do for what was done last election and it has yet to acknowledge this fact or get started on the task. It will continue to suffer until it does.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Movement continues to grow. The usual Democratic strategy of spearing to step to the left to subsume- and therefore blunt- the Left is in serious danger of failure due to their own lack of credibility.
good fucking god. "the Democratic Party has a lot of 'splaining to do".

Dude, it's the Republican party that's fucking with Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, the environment, isolationism, Reaganomics, and so forth. It's the right wing media propaganda that's dragging the country to the right after 30 years of a well paid for media blitz. And you want the Democrats to explain and atone for what? Allowing Bernie to lose? Do you think the DNC should have just ignored the primary results and crowned Bernie? As if your imagined harm done to "the Progressive Movement" by Democrats is in any way equal to what the Republicans are doing now? As if it's even relevant to today's goings on?

Oh, and Wall Street doesn't own the Democratic Congressional Caucus. Nor does big Pharma or any other big corporation with PAC money who donates to various Congressional representatives.

Tell me more about what you believe in spite of the facts.
good fucking god. "the Democratic Party has a lot of 'splaining to do".

Dude, it's the Republican party that's fucking with Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, the environment, isolationism, Reaganomics, and so forth. It's the right wing media propaganda that's dragging the country to the right after 30 years of a well paid for media blitz. And you want the Democrats to explain and atone for what? Allowing Bernie to lose? Do you think the DNC should have just ignored the primary results and crowned Bernie? As if your imagined harm done to "the Progressive Movement" by Democrats is in any way equal to what the Republicans are doing now? As if it's even relevant to today's goings on?

Oh, and Wall Street doesn't own the Democratic Congressional Caucus. Nor does big Pharma or any other big corporation with PAC money who donates to various Congressional representatives.

Tell me more about what you believe in spite of the facts.
The only way someone like Trump could have won is because the opposition party was seen as worse

It is because of the Democratic party that we have the current GOP and Trump

Are you capable of understanding that? Because that would be an interesting conversation to have. If we don't fix the Democratic party, more Republicans like Trump, and worse, will rise to power. I don't want that. You don't want that, but you don't want to introspect or criticize anything the Democratic establishment does. Any criticism coming from progressives is automatically met with condescension, accusations of racism/sexism, conspiracy theories, etc. We want to fix it. You want to keep it the same as you don't believe there's anything wrong with the party, there's something wrong with progressives who don't blindly fall in line behind them.
an active and treasonous espionage campaign by a hostile foreign power who they aided and abetted as well as actively colluded with.
... That CNN was forced to retract.

If the Democrats card about the average American citizen even a little, the election wouldn't have been close.

Mrs Clinton was representing the Donor Class and she made the mistake of not hiding it well enough- so another oligarch was able to lie slightly more convincingly and win the race.

If you think there's nothing wrong with the Democratic Party or its behavior, you're the delusional one.
good fucking god. "the Democratic Party has a lot of 'splaining to do".

Dude, it's the Republican party that's fucking with Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, the environment, isolationism, Reaganomics, and so forth. It's the right wing media propaganda that's dragging the country to the right after 30 years of a well paid for media blitz. And you want the Democrats to explain and atone for what? Allowing Bernie to lose? Do you think the DNC should have just ignored the primary results and crowned Bernie? As if your imagined harm done to "the Progressive Movement" by Democrats is in any way equal to what the Republicans are doing now? As if it's even relevant to today's goings on?

Oh, and Wall Street doesn't own the Democratic Congressional Caucus. Nor does big Pharma or any other big corporation with PAC money who donates to various Congressional representatives.

Tell me more about what you believe in spite of the facts.
Yes, the Republican Party is corrupt and inimical to the needs of anyone not already a one percenter. At least they're honest about it.

The Democratic Party has been co-opted by the donor class for a long time but they still talk out of both sides of their mouth.

You can complain all you want, but until they stop merely paying lip service and actually start representing what's left of the middle class, they're going to keep playing runner up.

It's how they got into their current position of not leading the House, Senate, Executive- and a minority or state legislatures and Governorships.

Or was that just a fluke we shouldn't take at face value?
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