I think we could all grow what we need in 25 sq ft as long as we arent selling.. which you would have to get a license for even if you were making whiskey or beer/wine.
Here are a few tidbits from the BATF website:
Distillation of Alcohol and Stills
Under Federal rules administered by ATF, the legality depends on how you use a still. You may not produce alcohol unless you qualify as a distilled spirits plant (see ATF FAQ's page at their web site.) However, owning a small still and using it for other purposes is allowed. You should also check with your State and local authorities - their rules may differ.
And about beer
Sec. 25.205
Production of Beer
(a) Any adult may produce beer, without payment of tax, for personal or family use and not for sale. An adult is any individual who is 18 years of age or older. If the locality in which the household is located requires a greater minimum age for the sale of beer to individuals, the adult shall be that age before commencing the production of beer. This exemption does not authorize the production of beer for use contrary to State or local law.
(b) The production of beer per household, without payment of tax, for personal or family use may not exceed:
(1) 200 gallons per calendar year if there are two or more adults residing in the household, or (2) 100 gallons per calendar year if there is only one adult residing in the household.
(c) Partnerships except as provided in Sec. 25.207, corporations or associations may not produce beer, without payment of tax, for personal or family use.
(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1334, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5053))
This was last updated on September 17, 1999
Sec. 25.206
Removal of beer
Beer made under Sec. 25.205 may be removed from the premises where made for personal or family use including use at organized affairs, exhibitions or competitions such as homemaker's contests, tastings or judging. Beer removed under this section may not be sold or offered for sale.
(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1334, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5053))
So you see with any formerly controlled substance, just winning the initial legality battle is the most important thing you can do. Do you want to smoke weed without having to pay a doc $100 per year and do it legally if you dont have a valid medical reason??? then please for the love of all things holy VOTE YES ON 19!
I know it's easy to get locked into one way of thinking, but the truth is right there slapping you in the face and it's that we need to push this. Will there ever be a better time, right now even my 90 year old grandma who has never broken 1 single law in her life thinks we should legalize it...