If you are the cause of the stretch marks and saggy tits, you would have a different perspective.nice picture, now if only all the women looked like this with out all the strech marks and saggy tits lol
I think you should breath in deep and calm down lolman im in the mood to spank something realy good n hard enough to make a spank noise do u know what i mean
nope, not me. Just most women do not know how to take care of them selfsIf you are the cause of the stretch marks and saggy tits, you would have a different perspective.
Busted by the Fap Fuzz! cnwas in the middle of rubbing one out and seen that picture, now my lil buddy is hidding in my ass amd refuses to come out
i was not attracted to the chav in anywayYou can easily injure yourself getting into that position. Holding it is fine but you can rip things getting your legs over your head first. My yoga teacher told me she did once while teaching me how to do it. *shudder*
She'd look ever hotter without the lipstick and a smile :3
On second thought, props to her for looking so casual when she can't breathe. That's talent x