The New Majestic12 LED

I'm sure you ain't shit

Yea buddy sure. You live your life on forums i can imagine wtf you are like n real life. Im about business and growing. U wanna peel me i told yall where to find me. If u wanna meet me in in Az ill pay a round trip just to shut your ass the fuxk up
Yea buddy sure. You live your life on forums i can imagine wtf you are like n real life. Im about business and growing. U wanna peel me i told yall where to find me. If u wanna meet me in in Az ill pay a round trip just to shut your ass the fuxk up
Now unwatch my thread go and work your busy fingers on ya ass hole now Jimmy.
Ahhh fuck this shite. I'm done with riu now. Yous can all stick it up your arses. Few good people on here but the dickheads have the majority. This is not how a forum should be. I hope Yous feel ashamed of yourselves. Yous tout about freeing the plant but then Yous start a dictatorship about fucking lights. Yous are fucked in the head. It shouldn't matter how you grow it. It's supposed to be about how the final product can help us and the people who need it. Money shouldnt matter. It costs whatever we can fucking afford. It's no wonder governments control it when people go on like this.
Peace out people
Yea buddy sure. You live your life on forums i can imagine wtf you are like n real life. Im about business and growing. U wanna peel me i told yall where to find me. If u wanna meet me in in Az ill pay a round trip just to shut your ass the fuxk up
Send me 300$ ill drive out, would be cheaper than a plane ticket round trip. Bet ya wont put your money where your mouth is
Id rather have the satisfaction of instant gratification. Since you wanna chime in all late lol you can have the red eye express.
Figured youd pass. As if you think imma bring stuff on a plane.. all talk.
If you were really just trying to document a grow you wouldnt care what we are saying about the light. You care so much what we say about it that i think you are actually working for this light company.
Figured youd pass. As if you think imma bring stuff on a plane.. all talk.
If you were really just trying to document a grow you wouldnt care what we are saying about the light. You care so much what we say about it that i think you are actually working for this light company.

Lmao ya aint too smart are ya. I said i would pay twice the amount to have you here sooner than a bus to shut your ass up too. Now unwatch the thread ya bish! ✌
As shit this guy thinks he thinks he's a master grower im getting a light next week as i was sponcerd also why u so dam salty let the results speak for themselves always have those keyboard warriors lmaof would be nice to block salty pricks like urself tough guy
Hear we go master grower ms no it all thers always a couple jealous salty pricks ill be running ther light also and ill be giving it a honest test time will tell ill have mine on sum dungeon vault genitics bday cake×purplevapor happy growing by the way im Big_yield_farmz on instagram trying to Change the name on hear as we speak
Tbh they are just using colored Cobs, I see nothing great about this light that cant be done at home for half the price. Plus, his plants aren't looking so hot.
WELL. at least you know what a good strain is.... lol

you gotta be pretty fucking dumb to fall for that one.
my $650 platinum
PAR PPFD @ 45cm 1160 umol m²/s

take this shit off the forums it shouldn't even see the light of day. office space the damn thing.