The NEW Gage Green info thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was mostly complaining about the lack of quality I have experienced from GGG, if you bothered to read my post you would have gotten that. For 130$ a pack you should find winners in each pack or else its totally not worth the investment. From what I have seen from GGG I have never once been impressed. Maybe I just didn't get their best offerings but I have gotten better seeds in bags of weed. I have since moved on from these guys , I really just wanted to get some really good tasting og or chemdawg but these aren't the right guys for that.
Show pics of finished GGG plants you have grown.

Put up or shut up.


Well-Known Member
All trash, tried my hardest but you can only grow your best then the genetics do the rest, these genetics weren't very good, hence I will never run GGG again. Merry Christmas.
we know... you said the same exact thing 2yrs ago...

ill keep running my aspi

damm what should i run next?
decision,. decision, got over 50 ggg pks to choose from.



Well-Known Member
What's your point?
This cost thing has been beaten to death. ....just buy cheaper seeds,it's lots out there.

Other news :
5 CPK x GB seeds,gave me 3 females
5 MB x GB seeds ,gave me 3 females
5 gsc x MB seeds,gave me 2 females
5 GB x MD seeds gave me 2 females

All looking/growing good,no lower balls..delightful smells..

I see a few that will stay around-the-clock in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Not at all, but thanks for trying. Strain was daybreaker.
honestly all strains are hit or miss. Never guaranteed fire regardless. If one strain wasn't great for you doesn't mean all of them are crap. Maybe a bigger pheno hunt was in order (a lot of variation). How many strains have you tried total?
I have some giant steps Ill be popping sometime early next year. If that's not keeper material, prob try grape stomper.