The Nature Farm Genetics, is he legit?

It also has a high I really enjoy! Not the strongest stone, more like an introspective and clear, feel better about the world, high.

Almost _no_ one talks about that on cannabis forums. It's always about smell, taste, look, etc. I know I use cannabis for one simple, fucking over-riding reason, and that's to make me feel better. All this back and forth about " smells like blueberry", "tastes like a minty chocolate chip cookie", etc. makes me think of the wine snobs of the 90's and the beer snobs of the 00"s, it's all about the presentation, not the effect.
Thanks for the reply. I hope there will be another distribution of these. I was able to grab a half dozen packs of other varieties from the open pollination but definately would like to try Carrion Flower, Corpse Flower and the Skunk #18. Those were gone before I saw them. One thing ive noticed is alot of these one off crosses are a one time deal and then they are gone. Of the varieties I have Im thinking the best thing to do might be to do a seed increase right away. Theres still some packs up on the site Im thinking about grabbing before they are gone.
I have 4 others from Nature Farm, Wednesday's Child, Pugsley's Stash, Hog Nose Skunk and Willy's Skunk. Haven't run any of them yet.
Almost _no_ one talks about that on cannabis forums. It's always about smell, taste, look, etc. I know I use cannabis for one simple, fucking over-riding reason, and that's to make me feel better. All this back and forth about " smells like blueberry", "tastes like a minty chocolate chip cookie", etc. makes me think of the wine snobs of the 90's and the beer snobs of the 00"s, it's all about the presentation, not the effect.
I'm old. Back in the day nobody worried about taste or smell, it was the effect. We liked skunk, not because it was stinky, but because it was good!
The weed in the old days was a lot tastier than the stuff now. The taste had a lot to do with the effect, in my opinion. It might not have been as high a THC content as many of the new strain have....and I've pretty much tried them all....but the old weed was something else -almost like a different drug altogether than most of the "show bud" that's going around. The new bud looks better and its certainly grown better...but it's not better.
Grow some weed in soil using organic inputs, it makes all other methods look like jokes - cause most people are growing for yield and a quick turn over. If you want that old weed it isn’t hard to grow it, just take a few steps back and wait for quality.
Almost _no_ one talks about that on cannabis forums. It's always about smell, taste, look, etc. I know I use cannabis for one simple, fucking over-riding reason, and that's to make me feel better. All this back and forth about " smells like blueberry", "tastes like a minty chocolate chip cookie", etc. makes me think of the wine snobs of the 90's and the beer snobs of the 00"s, it's all about the presentation, not the effect.
different kinds used to have really different effects! it's sad what has happened the past 15 or so years
He claims to know things about hop latent viroid, thinks he can beat it with regular cloning, but get this: he uses a giant aeroponic cloner, 140+ cuts at a time. HPLVD, if present in one cut, will spread to them all thru the rez water, 100%, no joke. The amount of chlorine plants can handle in rez is nowhere near the 10% bleach mix that guarantees RNA destruction.

I've been dealing with this shit for 6+ years, and got pretty well misled by TNF's "advice". A lot of time and resources were wasted, thinking I could beat it by cloning and KNF. I honestly think he wanted me to get burned out, give up, and just hand over the rarities. Some shill even commented on my page about getting genetics to him ASAP. Screw that. Who knows what accounts he is really hiding behind... I know his writing style though, I've seen his fake accounts writing on forums, pushing his seed. It's unmistakable, I'm sure a real analyst would agree.

Similar to the past era before viruses could be observed physically, or viroids were known to exist, TNF was staying low-tech, using 1500x magnification to visually check for fusarium, or other fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma, pests, eggs, etc. But he never suspected a virus or viroid!?- A foolish, rookie mistake in the modern world of horticulture, and he won't fess up to it. Kev Jodrey has been aware of virus/viroid threats for some years, and knows you can't assume it's not there just because you can't see it.

Problem is, HPLVD is uncoated RNA with just 256 base pairs. You'll NEVER see it without a scanning electron microscope. Visual inspection is useless and misleading.

Rather than begin using any tissue culture techniques (which do not have to be specialized, expensive, or more resource intensive than regular cloning, see my note** below) he is doubling down and contradicting himself. He says you can't outrun it with regular TC, because you have to use only the uppermost tips to escape it. He mistakenly says it travels by vascular system... Then, in the same comment, he says that he can beat it by generational cloning, and that's a far bigger cut than any TC uses. He has shown ZERO negative tests to assure his supporters or prove his claims. His ego is too bloated to admit doing anything wrong, and he never responded to someone kindly asking about if he'd made seeds from a "dudded" plant.

My guess why he doesn't want or like the concept of TC: He'd rather stick to his dogmatic tenets and split hairs than use the negligible amount of synthetic nutrients that TC needs. To admit he used anything like that would contradict all the KNF and anti-synthetic preaching over the years. It's all in the amount used though- you could supply the entire planet's TC for decades with a tiny fraction of synthetic that is currently wasted each annually. Technology itself isn't evil, it's the way it's used. He's always talked smack about synthetic growers, condescending memes and crap. I don't like the overuse of synthetics either, but that won't stop me from using a very tiny amount for TC purposes. In my mind, that's what synthetics are here for. Small, specialized applications like TC.

Let's also consider- KNF is not a good idea to use on mother plants. Why? The inputs can have a high risk of transferring pathogens themselves, especially viral/viroid. Another novel pathogen could make the jump to cannabis this way, or use it as a host and mutate later. It's risky using it on anything other than str8 field crops that are not to be cloned!

Considering how many sick and older plants he has taken in, he certainly has HPLVD in his clone stock, and probably some seed stock too (yes, it can spread inside of seeds). After struggling with it for 6 years, I can view a plant and spot the symptoms. He has the viroid suppressed fairly well, but it's definitely there, fucking with the physical appearance of the plant, the gene silencing mechanism at work. Hijacks the plant's system to make it work for itself. I get my moms like that too, viroid load low, but even then, I can clearly see they aren't 100% normal. So why pretend? It's gonna blow up in his face eventually. I think it's already begun, just people silently backing away. I'm too pissed off to be quiet though. I didn't ever need him- everything Mr. Bob and Hannah taught me is what kept my clones alive.

Hop latent can spread thru seeds- % is unknown, but likely depends on viroid load in the mother plant.

Anyone who keeps special clones or seed should avoid all untested sources, or go with breeders who have an EXTREMELY strict quarantine policy. Once a plant has it, one simple mistake, whether over or underwatering, lack of light, nutrition, or rootbound, the latent viroid then appears and severely harms yield and quality. It brings clone rooting success % way down. It's a horrendous pathogen, bad enough that people like TNF need to take some responsibility and test before selling. There is a reason I haven't sold any seed- I was suspicious that something else was going on in them, and it took a while for the world to catch up and confirm the truth about HPLVD in cannabis. TNF's bloated ego has kept him thinking he's got it all covered. What a joke.

**[On a side note: anyone who wants to get into DIY tissue culture, go check out Bill Graham's company Microclone- their "tissueponics" method has had great success at freeing plants from pathogens, including hop latent. Best of all, it's accessible to the masses, requires little training, and results are already well proven. I am starting my own setup, using this method, ASAP. People are sleeping on it- don't believe Dark Heart's BS about needing special, expensive TC! They only want that $$$ and to steal genetics, plus they're largely responsible for spreading HPLVD. I wish I was sponsored by Microclone, but I'm not. I met Bill in person a few years ago, & he did a demonstration for me, even tried to TC some of my cuts, but they were too unhealthy back then, with fungal contamination inside. He's a great guy, the OG pioneer for cannabis TC.

I use 400W metal halide lamps, "sky blue" spectrum, or sunlight, and 5, 7, & 10 gal. fabric pots, with high quality soil, plenty of calcium. Blast them with light, try to keep them spoiled, and take 2" upper tips only. They are rinsed with agitation in a dichlor solution, then leaves trimmed in preparation for tubes, with nutrients and hormones plus sterile media. The "Tech FAQ" section on Microclone site has more detailed info.
The rapid growing tips are almost always ahead of the slower moving viroid, but you have to get down to a fairly small tip piece. (unlike what TNF claims, the viroid is not just quickly moving all around in the vascular system. It begins at the cutting wound stage, or lower reaches, and moves upward slowly, much slower paced than the plant's growth.]**

I will be ditching all TNF seed I bought. I'm not sure if against the rules here, but I'll drop my email and IG (to reassure I'm not scamming) to anyone who's interested in taking them for very little money. Not sure if anyone will want to, after all I've said. IDGAF if TNF's goons and shills want to harass/slander me. Stored in my fridge, all original TNF packs, now nearly worthless to me. I'm beyond done messing with anything dude touched.

My next post here will reveal info about the lack of effort TNF puts into breeding. 'Til then, take care all. Don't drink his kool-aid. He should find other employment to support his family, or work for someone who is a genuine professional in cannabis. His current position as a hack who claims legitimacy is malignant to our community, and serves to bloat his ego more than anything else.

Interesting, and sad, how some people over-preach all love and oneness, and are actually the polar opposite in reality. Funny how he hashtagged "UsedCarSalesman", cause that's the equivalent to what he is in our ganja world. I just hope he treats his kids better than Matilda's "father".
Well, I stand corrected, apparently it is possible to outrun HPLVD with regular cloning. However, it's far more resource intensive and takes many generations compared to just a couple rounds of TC.

Wow, now that I think about it, the indoor lamps alone are way more damaging to nature than some small TC tubes and little light. So much for being about nature... his generational cloning is far more wasteful than TC, that's a fact jack!

Someone showed me negative tests they achieved w/o TC. Newsflash: that person is not TNF!
Almost _no_ one talks about that on cannabis forums. It's always about smell, taste, look, etc. I know I use cannabis for one simple, fucking over-riding reason, and that's to make me feel better. All this back and forth about " smells like blueberry", "tastes like a minty chocolate chip cookie", etc. makes me think of the wine snobs of the 90's and the beer snobs of the 00"s, it's all about the presentation, not the effect.
My preferred herb type smells great, tastes great, and has a killer good high. In fact, it makes the overall experience that much better, tying it all together. I love inhaling the aroma when breaking down, and there's nothing like a burst of good flavor at the same moment the effect hits. I don't usually care how it looks. Why settle for less?
He claims to know things about hop latent viroid, thinks he can beat it with regular cloning, but get this: he uses a giant aeroponic cloner, 140+ cuts at a time. HPLVD, if present in one cut, will spread to them all thru the rez water, 100%, no joke. The amount of chlorine plants can handle in rez is nowhere near the 10% bleach mix that guarantees RNA destruction.

I've been dealing with this shit for 6+ years, and got pretty well misled by TNF's "advice". A lot of time and resources were wasted, thinking I could beat it by cloning and KNF. I honestly think he wanted me to get burned out, give up, and just hand over the rarities. Some shill even commented on my page about getting genetics to him ASAP. Screw that. Who knows what accounts he is really hiding behind... I know his writing style though, I've seen his fake accounts writing on forums, pushing his seed. It's unmistakable, I'm sure a real analyst would agree.

Similar to the past era before viruses could be observed physically, or viroids were known to exist, TNF was staying low-tech, using 1500x magnification to visually check for fusarium, or other fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma, pests, eggs, etc. But he never suspected a virus or viroid!?- A foolish, rookie mistake in the modern world of horticulture, and he won't fess up to it. Kev Jodrey has been aware of virus/viroid threats for some years, and knows you can't assume it's not there just because you can't see it.

Problem is, HPLVD is uncoated RNA with just 256 base pairs. You'll NEVER see it without a scanning electron microscope. Visual inspection is useless and misleading.

Rather than begin using any tissue culture techniques (which do not have to be specialized, expensive, or more resource intensive than regular cloning, see my note** below) he is doubling down and contradicting himself. He says you can't outrun it with regular TC, because you have to use only the uppermost tips to escape it. He mistakenly says it travels by vascular system... Then, in the same comment, he says that he can beat it by generational cloning, and that's a far bigger cut than any TC uses. He has shown ZERO negative tests to assure his supporters or prove his claims. His ego is too bloated to admit doing anything wrong, and he never responded to someone kindly asking about if he'd made seeds from a "dudded" plant.

My guess why he doesn't want or like the concept of TC: He'd rather stick to his dogmatic tenets and split hairs than use the negligible amount of synthetic nutrients that TC needs. To admit he used anything like that would contradict all the KNF and anti-synthetic preaching over the years. It's all in the amount used though- you could supply the entire planet's TC for decades with a tiny fraction of synthetic that is currently wasted each annually. Technology itself isn't evil, it's the way it's used. He's always talked smack about synthetic growers, condescending memes and crap. I don't like the overuse of synthetics either, but that won't stop me from using a very tiny amount for TC purposes. In my mind, that's what synthetics are here for. Small, specialized applications like TC.

Let's also consider- KNF is not a good idea to use on mother plants. Why? The inputs can have a high risk of transferring pathogens themselves, especially viral/viroid. Another novel pathogen could make the jump to cannabis this way, or use it as a host and mutate later. It's risky using it on anything other than str8 field crops that are not to be cloned!

Considering how many sick and older plants he has taken in, he certainly has HPLVD in his clone stock, and probably some seed stock too (yes, it can spread inside of seeds). After struggling with it for 6 years, I can view a plant and spot the symptoms. He has the viroid suppressed fairly well, but it's definitely there, fucking with the physical appearance of the plant, the gene silencing mechanism at work. Hijacks the plant's system to make it work for itself. I get my moms like that too, viroid load low, but even then, I can clearly see they aren't 100% normal. So why pretend? It's gonna blow up in his face eventually. I think it's already begun, just people silently backing away. I'm too pissed off to be quiet though. I didn't ever need him- everything Mr. Bob and Hannah taught me is what kept my clones alive.

Hop latent can spread thru seeds- % is unknown, but likely depends on viroid load in the mother plant.

Anyone who keeps special clones or seed should avoid all untested sources, or go with breeders who have an EXTREMELY strict quarantine policy. Once a plant has it, one simple mistake, whether over or underwatering, lack of light, nutrition, or rootbound, the latent viroid then appears and severely harms yield and quality. It brings clone rooting success % way down. It's a horrendous pathogen, bad enough that people like TNF need to take some responsibility and test before selling. There is a reason I haven't sold any seed- I was suspicious that something else was going on in them, and it took a while for the world to catch up and confirm the truth about HPLVD in cannabis. TNF's bloated ego has kept him thinking he's got it all covered. What a joke.

**[On a side note: anyone who wants to get into DIY tissue culture, go check out Bill Graham's company Microclone- their "tissueponics" method has had great success at freeing plants from pathogens, including hop latent. Best of all, it's accessible to the masses, requires little training, and results are already well proven. I am starting my own setup, using this method, ASAP. People are sleeping on it- don't believe Dark Heart's BS about needing special, expensive TC! They only want that $$$ and to steal genetics, plus they're largely responsible for spreading HPLVD. I wish I was sponsored by Microclone, but I'm not. I met Bill in person a few years ago, & he did a demonstration for me, even tried to TC some of my cuts, but they were too unhealthy back then, with fungal contamination inside. He's a great guy, the OG pioneer for cannabis TC.

I use 400W metal halide lamps, "sky blue" spectrum, or sunlight, and 5, 7, & 10 gal. fabric pots, with high quality soil, plenty of calcium. Blast them with light, try to keep them spoiled, and take 2" upper tips only. They are rinsed with agitation in a dichlor solution, then leaves trimmed in preparation for tubes, with nutrients and hormones plus sterile media. The "Tech FAQ" section on Microclone site has more detailed info.
The rapid growing tips are almost always ahead of the slower moving viroid, but you have to get down to a fairly small tip piece. (unlike what TNF claims, the viroid is not just quickly moving all around in the vascular system. It begins at the cutting wound stage, or lower reaches, and moves upward slowly, much slower paced than the plant's growth.]**

I will be ditching all TNF seed I bought. I'm not sure if against the rules here, but I'll drop my email and IG (to reassure I'm not scamming) to anyone who's interested in taking them for very little money. Not sure if anyone will want to, after all I've said. IDGAF if TNF's goons and shills want to harass/slander me. Stored in my fridge, all original TNF packs, now nearly worthless to me. I'm beyond done messing with anything dude touched.

My next post here will reveal info about the lack of effort TNF puts into breeding. 'Til then, take care all. Don't drink his kool-aid. He should find other employment to support his family, or work for someone who is a genuine professional in cannabis. His current position as a hack who claims legitimacy is malignant to our community, and serves to bloat his ego more than anything else.

Interesting, and sad, how some people over-preach all love and oneness, and are actually the polar opposite in reality. Funny how he hashtagged "UsedCarSalesman", cause that's the equivalent to what he is in our ganja world. I just hope he treats his kids better than Matilda's "father".
what are some of the telltale signs of HPLVD? like super short plants that "poop out"? etc....
what are some of the telltale signs of HPLVD? like super short plants that "poop out"? etc....

Yes, that is the latent nature of it! If you over or underwater, have em rootbound, bugs, or any stress really, it will present full symptoms. If any viroid is present, best the plant can do is maybe 90% of full potential, but still, it lurks, waiting for any mistake. Some strains it only robs 15-20% of weight, some it robbed us of 60% or more. Most of our strains still have about 70-80% of their aroma and power with the viroid suppressed (sunlight or Metal Halide lamps really knock the viroid count down by the intense UV). I have seen strains that had no smell or flavor at all because of it. They came from Dark Heart, no surprises. Really good genetics can still have some merit even if infected, but it's always better to be clean.

Tends to be chlorosis, branching angles become more 90 deg. instead of healthy 45 or less. This breaks branches under weight.
One telltale symptom brittle shoots, they tend to snap when broken. Undersized fan leaves are one sign, and this mutated crinkly look too. There tends to be bushy mutated looking growth near the bottom of the stalk. This is the effects of the gene silencing, the plant can't express it's full genetic potential with hijacked cells.

I was just about to say, I can see TNF's norcal purple haze has it, most of them anyway. He had a closeup of mottled purple, that's another sign. ANYONE popping his seeds needs to make a 10% bleach solution and soak the seeds for 2mins before regular water soak. TNF reposted someone else's grow of the norcal purp haze and it had HPLVD. Definitely on the seed hull, possibly inside too. I'm doing the bleach rinse decontam on all seeds now, screw it.
Yes, that is the latent nature of it! If you over or underwater, have em rootbound, bugs, or any stress really, it will present full symptoms. If any viroid is present, best the plant can do is maybe 90% of full potential, but still, it lurks, waiting for any mistake. Some strains it only robs 15-20% of weight, some it robbed us of 60% or more. Most of our strains still have about 70-80% of their aroma and power with the viroid suppressed (sunlight or Metal Halide lamps really knock the viroid count down by the intense UV). I have seen strains that had no smell or flavor at all because of it. They came from Dark Heart, no surprises. Really good genetics can still have some merit even if infected, but it's always better to be clean.

Tends to be chlorosis, branching angles become more 90 deg. instead of healthy 45 or less. This breaks branches under weight.
One telltale symptom brittle shoots, they tend to snap when broken. Undersized fan leaves are one sign, and this mutated crinkly look too. There tends to be bushy mutated looking growth near the bottom of the stalk. This is the effects of the gene silencing, the plant can't express it's full genetic potential with hijacked cells.

I was just about to say, I can see TNF's norcal purple haze has it, most of them anyway. He had a closeup of mottled purple, that's another sign. ANYONE popping his seeds needs to make a 10% bleach solution and soak the seeds for 2mins before regular water soak. TNF reposted someone else's grow of the norcal purp haze and it had HPLVD. Definitely on the seed hull, possibly inside too. I'm doing the bleach rinse decontam on all seeds now, screw it.
Hmmm, I grew out a few strains of TNF a year or 2 ago and all the plants were super short and mutated and crinkly, they stayed like 1 foot tall and never really "took off"... i was really bummed, it seemed like they were very "dainty" and something just wasn't right... this would prob explain it...
Hmmm, I grew out a few strains of TNF a year or 2 ago and all the plants were super short and mutated and crinkly, they stayed like 1 foot tall and never really "took off"... i was really bummed, it seemed like they were very "dainty" and something just wasn't right... this would prob explain it...
Very sad to hear all this but least people can be on the look out for it with his gear sadly im pretty sure its spread via seeds as well so id be wary well what a cunt who breeds with stuff like that never mind sells the shit tnf can go fuck themselves
I just took a look into my pack of weasel skunk, and there are small bits of leaf/bud in there. More than enough material to infect seeds, if it's not inside them already. Also, the seeds in all the packs are rather small. When my dad used a very symptomatic plant to make seeds, before we knew better, they came out stunted. Same clone with viroid well suppressed, made seeds 2x that size.

Seems like there's a lot of crinkly stunted symptoms, across too many growers to be a fluke. I was speculating it could be the cause of the iceberg type too.

Looking at his pictures, it's slowly getting worse with each clone generation, and I think his off-grid setup is starved for light. Intense UV seems to help a lot.

He doesn't empty the water from his 144 gal site cloner until a run of cuts are done- he just adds a little more calcium hypochlorite over the weeks. That means the viroid soup gets more concentrated as they root up, a higher load in each clone generation. More symptoms and problems. He may have lost a lot of clones already.

His instagram isn't private or deleted yet- take a look. A lot of his plants look like hell, compared to a few years ago. Not normal growth, more horizontal, lots of crinkly leaflets. Uniform yellow leaves in flower that don't start at bottom, but randomly throughout. You can really see the lower branches doing 90 degrees on some.

He hasn't posted many full plant shots or flowers that aren't closeups. Things must be bad bts.

Especially the older clones, sour dubb, original diesel (it's a fake btw, some other clone entirely), every OG cut. Messed up with viroid. Some weeks ago, someone questioned whether one had a viroid, TNF simply blamed it on genetics. Clueless, or lying. His arrogance will be his downfall- I just hope he didn't infect too many others who keep seeds/clones.
Yes, that is the latent nature of it! If you over or underwater, have em rootbound, bugs, or any stress really, it will present full symptoms. If any viroid is present, best the plant can do is maybe 90% of full potential, but still, it lurks, waiting for any mistake. Some strains it only robs 15-20% of weight, some it robbed us of 60% or more. Most of our strains still have about 70-80% of their aroma and power with the viroid suppressed (sunlight or Metal Halide lamps really knock the viroid count down by the intense UV). I have seen strains that had no smell or flavor at all because of it. They came from Dark Heart, no surprises. Really good genetics can still have some merit even if infected, but it's always better to be clean.

Tends to be chlorosis, branching angles become more 90 deg. instead of healthy 45 or less. This breaks branches under weight.
One telltale symptom brittle shoots, they tend to snap when broken. Undersized fan leaves are one sign, and this mutated crinkly look too. There tends to be bushy mutated looking growth near the bottom of the stalk. This is the effects of the gene silencing, the plant can't express it's full genetic potential with hijacked cells.

I was just about to say, I can see TNF's norcal purple haze has it, most of them anyway. He had a closeup of mottled purple, that's another sign. ANYONE popping his seeds needs to make a 10% bleach solution and soak the seeds for 2mins before regular water soak. TNF reposted someone else's grow of the norcal purp haze and it had HPLVD. Definitely on the seed hull, possibly inside too. I'm doing the bleach rinse decontam on all seeds now, screw it.
Do you know a good source to read about HPLVD? like can it infect other plants just by being near infected ones? (this is gonna sound dumb) but can you decontaminate plants or clones? or just kill everything and start over?
Do you know a good source to read about HPLVD? like can it infect other plants just by being near infected ones? (this is gonna sound dumb) but can you decontaminate plants or clones? or just kill everything and start over?

This video goes through 100% of the relevant info.

It primarily spreads by mechanical damage, infectious RNA is left on scissors after pruning contaminated plant. If tool is not sterilized, pruning another plant will almost guarantee infection.

It can spread in runoff, and by plants touching, though these routes of transmission are not as effective as by cutting tools. Any leaf, roots, stalk, or dried bud grown from infected plants will also carry the infectious RNA, so cleanup and bleaching is the best method of control.

Biting pest insects are highly suspected of spreading it. For me, it was root aphids coming with infected clone that did it. Pests will suck up the RNA and spread it too.

Has to be a 10% bleach mix, and takes about 2 mins exposure to guarantee total RNA destruction. So 6% household bleach, 1 part to 9 parts water, made fresh is best, as it loses strength after a day or two.

There is no cure once a plant has it, but you can try Microclone's "tissueponics" type kit. Anyone can learn it, but if you are near them in Rohnert Park, I'm sure they'd attempt it for you, or do consultation. Not free, but far less than the price gouging that Dark Heart wants.

Unless it's an irreplaceable clone, I'd advise cleaning up well and restarting.

It's resource intensive to grow an infected plant with the aim of getting clean tips for TC. Very doable if something rare is at stake though. It is possible to clone away from it, but it's difficult, and far less efficient than TC.

This video goes through 100% of the relevant info.

It primarily spreads by mechanical damage, infectious RNA is left on scissors after pruning contaminated plant. If tool is not sterilized, pruning another plant will almost guarantee infection.

It can spread in runoff, and by plants touching, though these routes of transmission are not as effective as by cutting tools. Any leaf, roots, stalk, or dried bud grown from infected plants will also carry the infectious RNA, so cleanup and bleaching is the best method of control.

Biting pest insects are highly suspected of spreading it. For me, it was root aphids coming with infected clone that did it. Pests will suck up the RNA and spread it too.

Has to be a 10% bleach mix, and takes about 2 mins exposure to guarantee total RNA destruction. So 6% household bleach, 1 part to 9 parts water, made fresh is best, as it loses strength after a day or two.

There is no cure once a plant has it, but you can try Microclone's "tissueponics" type kit. Anyone can learn it, but if you are near them in Rohnert Park, I'm sure they'd attempt it for you, or do consultation. Not free, but far less than the price gouging that Dark Heart wants.

Unless it's an irreplaceable clone, I'd advise cleaning up well and restarting.

It's resource intensive to grow an infected plant with the aim of getting clean tips for TC. Very doable if something rare is at stake though. It is possible to clone away from it, but it's difficult, and far less efficient than TC.

Thanks for the info!! I do have a rare one would hate to let it go.... but.....
And I have had a few duds from seeds that seem like it might have had it.....
I have had a theory in my head that all the indoor (especially led) has changed the genetics of the seeds...maybe it led the path for this viroid to get going....I have been harassed about wanting seeds from outdoor grown plants but the strains in the 90's just seemed way better than todays and i sourced from outdoor only back then
I did not hear the part in the vid that soaking seeds in bleach water helped? is this true?
thanks again for the info