The Nature Farm Genetics, is he legit?

Fill us all in. This can help folks out and stop peeps from wasting money on illegitimate genetics. Cause if the genetics are not what he is selling then that's a fraudster.
I grew his Carrion Flower Skunk outdoors last summer, 2 phenos, one is definitely nasty smelling! It is good weed, definitely preferable to most of the dispensary weed around here. I did have to take it earlier than I wanted, due to leaf septoria. The plants generally did well against pests, also. I don't think it was misrepresented, just embellished marketing, like about every other seed seller on the internet. Having seen only 2 plants, I can't say what other expressions these genetics might hold. I did breed some to some Royal Kush and that turned out even better! Royal Kush x Carrion Flower Skunk. PXL_20220405_223005034.jpg
Fill us all in. This can help folks out and stop peeps from wasting money on illegitimate genetics. Cause if the genetics are not what he is selling then that's a fraudster.

[Scroll down to the bold text, if you don't have time to read this background info. Apologies for any errors or long-winded writing. I am trying to be concise]

Believe me, I want to know the full truth too- I invested a few hundred $ into '95 Silver Haze, Pakistan Heirloom, Weasel Skunk, Sk18, and a few others. I intended to have them as the starting foundation to keeping pure/unique lines, for my breeding purposes and to have them in my family's collection.

His claimed provenance was attractive (seeds from his dad, rare clones, etc). When considering old heirloom lines, I always try to go to the most legit (and usually down to earth, old-school) source. I am not ready to sprout them and openly pollinate- so my TNF packs remain in cold storage. Now, I don't want to pop them until I have answers- I'd rather ditch the packs at a loss and go for a different source, if it turns out my worst fear is true: what if TNF has been lying about the origin of things like '95 Silver Haze, and simply bought from Sensi, etc, then chucked or just open pollinated? The burden of proof is on TNF- I don't see how he can provide that. We just have to trust his word... not good.

The fact that they had decent relations with TNF was the only reason I ever felt good about buying TNF seed. They were pretty much the only highly regarded folks who had good relations with TNF- along with the others from the former Coastal Seed co. I was happy to support TNF, who seemed to truly be down to earth, about the plant and small farmers, KNF, holistic growing, & certainly not about greed. I refuse to support greed.

Just know, the one thing that made me start buggin' out was that Mr.Bob, Hannah, and Crickets & Cicada no longer follow TNF's instagram. TNF no longer follows them. I normally don't care much about IG, followings, this and that- but even I have to admit, that looks really bad. It was fairly recent, so it's possible we may hear about it soon. Keep an eye on the Potcast, etc. It's pretty sad, because Mr.Bob called TNF his friend on his first Potcast episode. That is a high honor coming from Mr.Bob, and TNF ought to be ashamed if he burned that bridge/screwed them over.

I have a good relationship with Mr.Bob & Hannah, so I did ask them what happened. I specifically asked if I should be worried about the TNF seed I bought.

I have to respect that they didn't want to answer, and am also aware of how incredibly busy and dedicated they are. They have a level of integrity that is rare in this world- I won't pressure them for further answers at this time. They are staying quiet, for now. I admire Mr.Bob & Hannah, partly because I've never seen them participate in dramatics that frequent our world. They likely have no interest in "getting even".

A non-answer is an answer in and of itself. They'd have let me know right away if he was still cool- the silence on that still says something!

It's quite possible it was something more personal than directly herb-related. Even then, I don't care to support someone who betrays some of the most dedicated, warm-hearted folks around. I consider them to be friends, and I can't condone someone causing them any grief, drama, losses, etc. Maybe TNF seeds are ok, or even really amazing, but, similar to my feelings on RezRat, I cannot support folks with zero integrity.

I made this account shortly after noticing, just to post this here- I wanted to make sure there was no mistake, so waited a bit longer to say this. Thought maybe somebody else would notice the same red flag I did.

Not trying to make accusations- TNF has NEVER had many independent folks, with undeniable credibility, backing him up- now there's even fewer! We must keep questioning and doing the detective work, & I expect the truth will out before too long. I have not asked Kaygu or Bollywoodbam, as I am not yet well-acquainted with them. They, and Mr. Bob and Hannah, are not gods. They get screwed over too, from time to time.

Last thing I want to do is start drama or slander without evidence- we need to respect Mr.Bob and Hannah's choices, and dig around elsewhere for more answers.

I really needed answers, because I was also fully intending to share my rare clones with TNF, just like I am with Mr.Bob & Hannah. I thought he was worthy. No way in hell he's getting a damn thing from me now though! He was eyeing my cuttings greedily, I am damn-near certain. That's really why I did this dirty digging and close observations for 5+ years: I will never let these clones fall into the wrong hands! The TNF seed I invested in is nothing compared to the fiscal damage he'd do if he had my clones- he'd likely exploit the rare hype and cut me out.

At least, that's my gut instinct at this point. He definitely exploited and hyped the provenance of gifted clones being "Librarian's cut". I think Mr. Bob was too busy to notice. I barely had time to smell this BS. I followed TNF's IG closely for years, both the old one and the replacement.

Oh, and one last thing- TNF is at least loosely associated with people who buy seeds from a legit breeder, openly pollinate/chuck, and resell them under the same name. Ie, RIP-OFFS. It all stinks of bull to me. Some of his biggest and most loyal fans do that BS, & I think he is even close friends with one of them. I won't name names, but that guy had chucked Blueberry straight from DJ Short, and sold the pure F5's or F6's openly on IG. Under the Blueberry name. Shady, lazy, & just messed up.

Time to go toke up and get back to my work- this is all so draining. I am sick and tired of seeing Mr. Bob and Hannah's good rep being used to defend TNF. That is BS. Question everything y'all. Back under the stairs I go- I'll check in here from time to time.
Just know, the one thing that made me start buggin' out was that Mr.Bob, Hannah, and Crickets & Cicada no longer follow TNF's instagram. TNF no longer follows them.

I know I'm an old fuck, but my reading comprehension is pretty good, so is this long ass post because you noticed somebody unfollowed somebody on IG and didn't respond to your email asking about it?

The only thing I really noticed in this entire thread is people whining about the cannabis not smelling like skunk, even more specifically, rks.
A tendency for PM is the only legitimate thing I've seen complained about, and that's a damn hard variable to control in cannabis development.

Not trying to make accusations....

Just blatantly obvious insinuations.

Last thing I want to do is start drama or slander without evidence

Yet you proceeded to do exactly that.

Back under the stairs I go...

At least we both agree where you need to be.
I did more digging. It's interesting that he has two different people, on two different forums, posting extensively on his behalf. Supposedly just out of the kindness of their hearts and fandom, they are making these posts to defend him.

They have oddly similar writing styles, and go on and on for paragraphs, 100% defending him. They also have a crazy amount of knowledge on what he is working on, and suggest growing the same Corpse Flower seeds to find the true skunk...

Both claim to have started toking at age 8, one since 1967, one since 1966.

It's pretty obvious that The Nature Farm is behind both of those accounts. I know his writing style well after reading so many of his IG posts. I'm not the first to accuse him of doing that.

He played varsity football for some time- those repeated hits to the head are no joke. I'm concerned about the state of his mind, honestly.

What I've seen with these fake accounts is enough for me. U. Mello is a fraud on some level, and hiding the truth.
Just not doing it very well.
Make that six or seven accounts, on at least five different forums. May be even more, who knows?
Read all the various threads about TNF, and/or his work on fester's skunk, and the pattern becomes obvious. Just compare the long posts.
He must think we're all stupid.
Dude, you’ve got very few posts on here and aren’t providing any links to the accounts/posts you’re talking about. You seem pretty sketchy yourself.

The burden of proof isn't on me. Everything I've mentioned is pretty clear and public. Why does my personal background matter? I'm not selling anything. I haven't had much time to read the rules here, but if allowed, I can post links and call out specific account names from other forums.

I spent $440 on TNF gear, and am upset that people who grew the same did not find anything like he described. I nearly spent another $200 a few months back, but came here and started becoming suspicious.

Many descriptions and photos show weak plants, and describe weak effects and flavors. Not the out of this world on all levels like TNF loves to flap on about, with his dense paragraph style.
Did you seriously create a sock account for the purpose of posting how people arent following eachother on instagram anymore?

Sort of. I tried to just point out the obvious and let others connect the dots- then people here asked me to share more.

It did make me reconsider the rumor I'd heard about him making fake accounts/posts.

There was a meme page a few years ago who dug into TNF pretty hard with accusations, including the fake posts. I thought maybe it was all BS.

I followed TNF on IG for a long time, reading many of his posts, believing all of it, and didn't look to any forums for info on him. I have not posted on any of these forums, just read some threads over the years. I wish I'd read these before I bought seeds- I bought most of them in 2019 and 2020.

There were occasionally negative comments on TNF's IG, or accusations of fakeness. They always were deleted, and the accuser was always the problem, or just a troll. I thought it a little odd, but gave TNF the benefit of the doubt for a long time.

The connection with Coastal and Mr. Bob and Hannah reassured me. Once that appeared over with in a bad way, I started searching for threads about him. I have definitely found TNF himself posting across many accounts and forums, with varying levels of similarity. It's easy to recognize, I was a huge fan of his for years. Really looked up to him, felt he had a lot to teach. It's upsetting for sure.

Dude can just barely keep all his stories and lies straight, these characters he made up to shill and defend him. It's insane.
His festers sucks ass.
Straight up iceberg lettuce.
Anyone who appreciates it should go play in the old school skunk thread with those rks lamers.
TNF was pretty sketchy from the start. all kinds of “elites cuts” but never anything in flower. just veg

Unfortunately Bob Hemphill gave him all the cred he needed in many peoples eyes.
I noticed that too.....never saw any of those cuts in flower. Unfortunately I've brought a shit ton of packs from him during his many sales. No regrets I'll still pop them and I'm sure there are good plants in those seeds they just might not be what the label says they are.
There is no old school skunk, unless someone’s kept a mother plant the last 30 years...
in the past few years i have smelled it, once about 6? years ago an old dude (like in his 70's) had some in a thrift store, it stunk up the whole place...
than in 2020 a dude cut me off driving smoking a big skunk joint on the freeway, i tried chasing him but he got away
but it was the real deal skunk
Belated thank u mellow old school and smoke report to eastcoast.
This review will have to be in a few post as it will be long.
Grew 2pk Sk peel - black pack
1pk rhino Sk - black pack
1pk Sk 18 - black pack
I also have 15 white label packs @$20ea.
All transactions were quick and included free packs.
looking for representatives of his old school mother plants.
Have had good results with his mother plants from other breeders, coastal, AK.
My biggest fear was, in addition to this thread, my own opinion of SK18 profile he posted that shows such (in my opinion)a large % of hemp.
Belated thank u mellow old school and smoke report to eastcoast.
This review will have to be in a few post as it will be long.
Grew 2pk Sk peel - black pack
1pk rhino Sk - black pack
1pk Sk 18 - black pack
I also have 15 white label packs @$20ea.
All transactions were quick and included free packs.
looking for representatives of his old school mother plants.
Have had good results with his mother plants from other breeders, coastal, AK.
My biggest fear was, in addition to this thread, my own opinion of SK18 profile he posted that shows such (in my opinion)a large % of hemp.
Thanks man, always keen to hear how they go hey!
Already got my orders in. I monitored the site like a hawk, and ordered early this morning.

I got 2 packs of each.

SSSC Sk1 x Sk18
Super Skunk x Sk18
Black Domina x Sk18
89NL5/Sk18 x Sk18
Original Haze/Sk1 x Sk18
Silver Haze x Sk18
Nepali Hashplant X Sk18
79 Romulan x Sk18
Do you recall the name of the Super Skunk x Sk18? Im guessing its sold out as I dont see it on the site atm, but would like to grab it if he runs it again...
It also has a high I really enjoy! Not the strongest stone, more like an introspective and clear, feel better about the world, high.
Thanks for the reply. I hope there will be another distribution of these. I was able to grab a half dozen packs of other varieties from the open pollination but definately would like to try Carrion Flower, Corpse Flower and the Skunk #18. Those were gone before I saw them. One thing ive noticed is alot of these one off crosses are a one time deal and then they are gone. Of the varieties I have Im thinking the best thing to do might be to do a seed increase right away. Theres still some packs up on the site Im thinking about grabbing before they are gone.