The Musings of Serapis


Well-Known Member
It's only been 3 days now... I'm maintaining PH at 5.8 and chlorine at about .6 - 1.0ppm

Pics will follow, I hope.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, been following, you may have covered this, but do you have temp control on your cloning reservoir? I use a aquarium heater and its working great! JFYI.....
It's only been 3 days now... I'm maintaining PH at 5.8 and chlorine at about .6 - 1.0ppm

Pics will follow, I hope.


Well-Known Member
I've bought a heater, however the pump runs 24/7 and keeps the water at nearly 80 degrees.

Hey man, been following, you may have covered this, but do you have temp control on your cloning reservoir? I use a aquarium heater and its working great! JFYI.....


Well-Known Member
The G13 Sour Candy is in a paper towel/gladware container since about 9 pm last night. AS of now, no crack in seed.


Active Member
I'm thinking it doesn't bring the temps down, but rather since the higher temps promote growth of harmful bacteria and such. The bleach will eliminate those bacteria before they can harm anything. I'm curious as to why you chose bleach over H202 though? I'm not sure I would ever want to add bleach to my system.. But hey, if it works it works! Best of luck buddy.


Well-Known Member
ice....bleach....? in the res?? I figured budy was using the ice to control temps, whats the bleach for?
To kill Pythium

how does bleach bring the temp down??
It doesn't bring the temperature down, it kills parasites that rapidly multiply when your reservoir water is warm.

I'm thinking it doesn't bring the temps down, but rather since the higher temps promote growth of harmful bacteria and such. The bleach will eliminate those bacteria before they can harm anything. I'm curious as to why you chose bleach over H202 though? I'm not sure I would ever want to add bleach to my system.. But hey, if it works it works! Best of luck buddy.
Clear Rez, by EZ Clone and other similar products work because they contain chlorine, the same chlorine in your drinking water. By adding 6 drops of bleach per gallon of water in the reservoir, you are killing off pythium and any other bacteria that would otherwise attack the open cut on the stems and slime them and the water. The only other alternative is a water chiller or swapping ice bottles. Given that a gallon of bleach can be had for less than $2, that is the route I took. I researched and did some reading before coming to the decision to use it. As Fatman pointed out, greenhouses and farms add chlorine to their irrigation water to kill off e-coli and pythium. If it is safe for our nations' produce, it's safe for our weed :) We only initially need about 2ppm to kill of an infestation. .6ppm is a maintenance level. You can hardly even smell it at that low concentration. I have to use a pool test kit to see if the chlorine is still working.

H2O2 is unstable once you add it to water and it quickly loses it's extra oxygen molecule. It is also pricey compared to bleach. A chlorine application will last for up to 3 days while an h2o2 application will only last a couple of hours. There is a bleach thread here in RIU where several people complain of 35% h2o2 not cleaning up their problems, whereas chlorine does... my reservoir is crystal clear on day 3. Last time I ran a cycle, day 3 was cloudy water, so the bleach is making a huge difference.


Well-Known Member
Bumps, a few it looks like new growth coming out of the stripped node. I haven't been looking much, because I don't want to be overly worried about it.... I did glance at the stems today and I saw several, right away, that had what looks like a tap or a root coming out of the node that was stripped and exposed. I also can see where I dipped each cutting in root gel, as they have turned brownish green and have the white spots, but no outgrowth as of yet. From what i can tell by the quick glances, we are still running at 100% and we'll have to find spots for these plants... I may have to plant some in soil and grow them outside.


Well-Known Member
Yahwey, the creator, is the Way the Truth and the Light. The only real life is the eternal life through the father. Those who have ears to hear will listen and turn from sin. Amen


Well-Known Member
Please refrain from discussing religion in this thread... there are plenty of other places on this forum and online to do so.

Thanks for understanding...