The Most Beautiful People You've Ever Seen (Pics REQUIRED!)


New Member
205341480-06175453.jpgOne for shits and giggles if you dont know its Joan Rivers with Kelly Osbourne.. I think when Joan went public with the meds that she became a hero overnight !


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOH... I like the last one. And some amazing tits yet again lol. *blush* Pretty ladies everywhere...

PadPad, despite you predictably falling for the tita snd ass, I sorta see through your eyes when I look at these photos and stand by my opinion that you subconsciously look a little further than aesthetic quality with these girls. I get the feeling that you'd look them n the eye and be searching for something a little more, or you'd have felt some 'spark' from them or something.. I know it's weird me tring to talk from your perspective, you can tell me to shut up if I'm completely off base lol
It's interesting what other people's choices and tastes say about them and how they think..

He's so pretty...

As for girls, I got distracted... I have a bunch of new pictures to post in Noodz lol And would you believe it; Emma Watson is bisexual!!!


Well-Known Member
It's their innocence, lol, they're not going to fuck you over XP

And you can appreciate 'pretty' or 'cute', as a straight woman can, as well as 'sexy'...I like both, too. Never ever let us go shopping for these sort of pictures or we'll end up fighting over them ROFL. I'm curious about Tip Top's taste; I know he finds me attractive, but it'd be interesting to see what he finds attractive in other people. I've never seen an ex (or would-be ex) We tend to stare at the same pop-ups when surfing the net though lol.


Ursus marijanus
It's their innocence, lol, they're not going to fuck you over XP

And you can appreciate 'pretty' or 'cute', as a straight woman can, as well as 'sexy'...I like both, too. Never ever let us go shopping for these sort of pictures or we'll end up fighting over them ROFL. I'm curious about Tip Top's taste; I know he finds me attractive, but it'd be interesting to see what he finds attractive in other people. I've never seen an ex (or would-be ex) We tend to stare at the same pop-ups when surfing the net though lol.
His pop-up should be informative. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member

Cheryl hines,if you ever watched curb your enthusiasm,her personality will make you fall in love with her.she seems nice,and even though she's a older woman,she is beautiful as hell.


Well-Known Member
I grew up with this girl... we went to school from elementry thru highschool.
she was a total sweet heart... and a hottie!!!

shes the one in the middle..
stay high