The Most and Least Popular Senators in America

Show me something objective that says our standing across the world is worse because of Obama, I'd be happy to look at it

Anybody can make a claim, and apparently you don't like evidence

How are we on terms with Russia, Israel, China, etc..? Our relations are worse with almost every nation in the world.

You have a snappy graph showing me wrong. LOL!!!
How are we on terms with Russia, Israel, China, etc..? Our relations are worse with almost every nation in the world.

You have a snappy graph showing me wrong. LOL!!!

Israel? Fuck those guys, Russia? We seem fine, China? We still owe them a ridiculous amount of money.
Israel? Fuck those guys, Russia? We seem fine, China? We still owe them a ridiculous amount of money.

We also happen to pay them a ridiculous amount of interest on that money and they are fucking us over on the trade deficit.
As usual, NLXSK1 says something completely idiotic, and padawan responds with facts and graphs proving that what he says is wrong, and then NLXSK1 comes back with what is essentially "nuh uh," and the thread continues. LOL!!


I guess you would rather I posted a conservative article that disagrees so you could attack me and the source and post more liberal tripe, rinse and repeat. I am not trying to convince you guys here. You will set yourself on fire for the Democratic party if they told you it would help with global warming. I am appealing to the more open minded crowd.
Yeah, Obama is a foreign policy genius. Look how much better our relationship is with countries around the world. Oh wait... He is a foreign policy disaster...

No, he didnt improve the situation Pada, he made it much much worse and then he lied about getting out of it. But hey, delude yourself as you choose.
Speaking of delusional, we lost 5000+ Americans and half a million civilians under bush. How is ending all that not an improvement?

Also, we are now the most respected nation on earth again thanks to Obama.

You are a retarded person.
You are completely wrapped up in your ideology and the blinders keep you very happy and unchallenged.

Good for you...
No, pads cited actual stats and reality. Speaking of happy and unchallenged, talk about how great the ignore feature is.

You are a retarded person.
Between him and @nitro harley , it's hard to tell who is stupider. I guess we can say at least Nitro can fish

nitro can indeed outwit a fish given the help of several sexually insecure men alone on a boat at sea.

anal abscess can outsmart algae and dirt on the side of a pool though.

@bravedave is quickly securing his place as one of the dumbest though. i'm proud of that tiny penis having fellow.
nitro can indeed outwit a fish given the help of several sexually insecure men alone on a boat at sea.

anal abscess can outsmart algae and dirt on the side of a pool though.

@bravedave is quickly securing his place as one of the dumbest though. i'm proud of that tiny penis having fellow.
Says the brainiac who has worked his way up to carrying windows and and being an expert at watching them be installed. Yeah, your mental prowess is finely honed. Sorry, Uncle Puke, both my hat and jock would have you swimming. Creepy fuck.
Says the brainiac who has worked his way up to carrying windows and and being an expert at watching them be installed. Yeah, your mental prowess is finely honed. Sorry, Uncle Puke, both my hat and jock would have you swimming. Creepy fuck.

i installed a sliding glass door and a window yesterday. made $590. was home by 6 pm.

on monday, it was just a sliding glass door. $420, done by 12:45. that's about $100 an hour.

i decided to play some golf today though. life's too short not to drink lots of beer in the sun while playing golf.
How are we on terms with Russia, Israel, China, etc..? Our relations are worse with almost every nation in the world.

You have a snappy graph showing me wrong. LOL!!!


"Based on interviewing conducted April through June, this year's results show two significant findings compared with the trend over the three previous years.

  • First, the percentage of Russians who say they don't have an opinion of U.S. leadership has gone up significantly, from 30% in the previous three years to 47% this year.
  • Second, opinion has shifted in a positive direction, even though the disapprovals continue to outweigh the approvals. The percentage disapproving this year fell to 34% and the percentage approving rose to 20%, meaning that the uptick in the percentage of Russians with no opinion of American leadership strongly correlates with a decrease in the percentage who disapproves."

"Israel–United States relations are a very important factor in the United States government's overall policy in the Middle East, and Congress has placed considerable importance on the maintenance of a close and supportive relationship.

The main expression of Congressional support for Israel has been foreign aid. Since 1985, it has provided nearly US$3 billion in grants annually to Israel, with Israel being the largest annual recipient of American aid from 1976 to 2004 and the largest cumulative recipient of aid ($121 billion, not inflation-adjusted) since World War II."

Poll Shows That Israel is a Staunch American Ally

"The two countries remain in dispute over territorial issues in the South China Sea. At the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue in 2014, both countries confirmed that they wanted to improve their relationship. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated that the United States did not seek to contain China, while Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that a confrontation between the two countries would be a disaster.

Public opinion between both countries tends to fluctuate around 40 to 50 percent. As of 2015, China's public opinion of the U.S. is at 44%, while the United States' public opinion of China is significantly lower at 38%. The highest recorded favorable opinion of the United States was at 58% (2010) and the lowest at 38% (2007). While the highest recorded favorable opinion of China was at 52% (2006) and the lowest at 35% (2014)"
