The Most and Least Popular Senators in America

I am not outraged I am pointing out your current hypocricy. To counter that you are going back and lying about my position on the war. Not surprising, you cant take a debate head on.

We cannot go back in time and change history so focusing on it and using it as an excuse for the same inexcusable shit happening RIGHT NOW is disingenuous. It shows that those same people dont give a shit about the people dying in the middle east unless it suits their cause. And that is on both political sides.

Stop trying to treat me like a Republican, it is annoying.
What current hypocrisy? Progressives were against war when Bush was in office, we're against war when Obama is in office. Conservatives supported the war when Bush was in office and now blame the democrats for the Bush administration's failure of foreign policy and rise of ISIS when Obama is in office just to score political points. That's inconsistent and that's what's hypocritical. If Mitt Romney won the election and he was doing the same thing Obama is, people like you would support it because he's someone you perceive to be on "your team", just like you did when Bush was doing it.

What conservatives/republicans in the house or senate have voted against more action in the middle east or increases in defense spending? Republicans and right-wing fanatics are the ones pushing for more war
I am not outraged I am pointing out your current hypocricy. To counter that you are going back and lying about my position on the war. Not surprising, you cant take a debate head on.

We cannot go back in time and change history so focusing on it and using it as an excuse for the same inexcusable shit happening RIGHT NOW is disingenuous. It shows that those same people dont give a shit about the people dying in the middle east unless it suits their cause. And that is on both political sides.

Stop trying to treat me like a Republican, it is annoying.
It would be a little more convincing if you could spell the word.

It is not hypocritical to step into presidency with the country engaged in a shooting war that somebody else started and conduct the war with the objective of getting us the hell out. Obama did that. During the entire time your GOP congressional armchair generals were outraged that Obama did not escalate the war any more than he did.

A simpleton like you might thing he's making some great point. Fail again.
It would be a little more convincing if you could spell the word.

It is not hypocritical to step into presidency with the country engaged in a shooting war that somebody else started and conduct the war with the objective of getting us the hell out. Obama did that. During the entire time your GOP congressional armchair generals were outraged that Obama did not escalate the war any more than he did.

A simpleton like you might thing he's making some great point. Fail again.

We are not out of anything. Obama just sent another 250 troops over there. Fail to realize reality!!!
Why? Because conservatives cried that we're not doing enough

Why do you blame progressives for the failures of conservatives?

So Obama got the troops out of the middle east except he didnt and it is the fault of conservatives?

You are very confused.
So Obama got the troops out of the middle east except he didnt and it is the fault of conservatives?

You are very confused.
We wouldn't be involved in middle eastern affairs if it weren't for conservatives, that is a fact. Everything that happens in the middle east now is a direct result of conservative intervention, that is also a fact

Why do you blame progressives for conservatives failures?
We wouldn't be involved in middle eastern affairs if it weren't for conservatives, that is a fact. Everything that happens in the middle east now is a direct result of conservative intervention, that is also a fact

Why do you blame progressives for conservatives failures?

Obama has been in charge of middle east policy for 7 years. Is he completely incompetent? He seems to be continuing the previous path...

How do you reconcile this?
Top 10


Bottom 10

So you're saying 66% of the top 3 senators are republicans and 100% of the bottom 3 senators are democrats. Graphs dont lie!
The Bush administration created a problem that couldn't be cleaned up in two presidential terms with the most obstructionist congress since the Civil War

Imagine that..

So after promising he was more than able to take care of it, Obama failed?
Let's see Obama's quote where he "promised he was more than able to take care of [it]"

He ran for office saying he could fix it. He went through an entire election promising it. I am not going to dig up hundreds of hours of campaign promises about hope, change, bringing America together, blah blah blah.

You may want to choose to forget but I havent.
He ran for office saying he could fix it. He went through an entire election promising it. I am not going to dig up hundreds of hours of campaign promises about hope, change, bringing America together, blah blah blah.

You may want to choose to forget but I havent.
What does "fix it" mean? What was the context of the quote?

"I promise I'll fix the war in Iraq"... what does that mean? Is that what he said? Did he mean he'd bring the troops home? Did he mean major combat operations would cease? That he'd capture/kill Osama Bin Laden? That he'd eliminate Al Qaeda? That he'd end terrorism forever? ...

"fix" means to repair or mend. So compared to Iraq during the Bush administration, there's no doubt he improved the situation
What does "fix it" mean? What was the context of the quote?

"I promise I'll fix the war in Iraq"... what does that mean? Is that what he said? Did he mean he'd bring the troops home? Did he mean major combat operations would cease? That he'd capture/kill Osama Bin Laden? That he'd eliminate Al Qaeda? That he'd end terrorism forever? ...

"fix" means to repair or mend. So compared to Iraq during the Bush administration, there's no doubt he improved the situation

Yeah, Obama is a foreign policy genius. Look how much better our relationship is with countries around the world. Oh wait... He is a foreign policy disaster...

No, he didnt improve the situation Pada, he made it much much worse and then he lied about getting out of it. But hey, delude yourself as you choose.
Yeah, Obama is a foreign policy genius. Look how much better our relationship is with countries around the world. Oh wait... He is a foreign policy disaster...

No, he didnt improve the situation Pada, he made it much much worse and then he lied about getting out of it. But hey, delude yourself as you choose.
Our relationship with countries around the world is much better

In 18 of 21 Countries Polled, Most See Bush’s Reelection as Negative for World Security


"Opinions of Bush from outside the U.S. are less than favorable. For example, a global sampling in 2005 of 21 nations found that 58% of those sampled believed that the president's reelection would have a negative impact on their peace and security; only 26% believed it would have a positive one.

In 18 of the 21 countries surveyed, a majority of respondents held an unfavorable opinion of Bush. Respondents indicated that they judged his administration as "negative" for world security."

You are completely wrapped up in your ideology and the blinders keep you very happy and unchallenged.

Good for you...