funny, so many of the members of your group think that those who might be born to the "rough part of town" just need to keep their head down, do well in school, and bootstrap themselves up to success.
that's the expectation that people like you and bignbushy and desertdude and kynes and psi007 and red1966 have anyway.
then you guys bemoan how this crowd born into "the rough part of town" seems to have this attitude of "get tough or get hurt", and assign the fault along racial lines, citing indignantly about how "14% of the population is responsible for X% of this crime or Y% of that crime".
you yourself even posted the "finding" and defended the "finding" that "the best predictor of crime is the number of black and hispanic residents", even after i showed you how false that notion was, and how the best predictor of crime is personal economic status (i.e., being born in the "rough part of town") rather than race or ethnicity.
you are completely blind to the privilege you enjoy, because i promise you that attitudes like you and the members of your group have are directly responsible for how much tougher it is for these people of color to escape the "rough part of town" and everything that goes along with it.
anyhoo, just thought i'd get that out of the way. so how is YOUR group doing?