The Mandatory Swine flu vaccine thread (important)



The government has been talking about this for months

a MANDATORY 3 shot vaccine for all us citizens

Also, another bill in the house, if passed

will allow state officials to conduct

"home interventions, which include distribution of the vaccine"

So basically, state officials can come into your home, restrain you,

or taze you to unconciousness if need be, and give you this shot....

Interestingly enough, the company the united states chose to mass produce our vaccines is called Baxter, Based in Argentina

Baxter just got caught sending out flu vaccines to 14 countries which ALL contained LIVE BIRD FLU

100% of the test ferrets died.....100%

this is the company we want to make our miracle cure

Another piece of evidence, George bush signed executive order 13375

this document states that if a mandatory vaccination is put in place, and you refuse

your punishable by,

$250,000 fine AND / OR 1 year in federal prison

ANNNNNND they give you the shot anyway

now for a little about me

my worst fear in the entire word (silly phobia) is a syringe

Also, the most offensive thing to me is some one telling me how to live my life

the government would be doing both here

i for one will NEVER, and i mean NEVER take a swine flu vaccine

if they attempt to put that crap in me, ill stick them with the nearest thing i can find

a bullet, a knife, their own syringe full of air...

i WILL NOT be forcibly innoculated, unless i am dead..

does any one else feel the same?

also, if this is new to any of you, i URGE you as a fellow , healthy human being...DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, NO MATTER WHAT

thank you

Oh, and to anyone out there who might think im crazy, and might tell all their friends to get this ASAP, as recent news articles are fear mongering the shortage of a vaccine...

all i have to say to you is this

If you have already been vaccinated.................... why do you care if i am or not....


Well-Known Member
Can you list the bill which was passed. I'm the type of person who would rather suffer during a headache rather than take a Tylenol, so no vaccinations for me. The older I get the more I appreciate being a dual citizen.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Can you list the bill which was passed. I'm the type of person who would rather suffer during a headache rather than take a Tylenol, so no vaccinations for me. The older I get the more I appreciate being a dual citizen.
Right here witcha homie, they'll have to kill me to get it in me. They are not slick this is pretty much how AIDS got it's start. It was first administerd to openly gay men then minorities as some sort of a flu vaccination. Then with the help of the media the propaganda was spread. Gotta be some special kind of evil to come up with some of this shit.


Well-Known Member

I'm in the U.K. Gordon Brown has ordered million of flu shots, apparently.

They are NOT shooting that shit into me!


Active Member
this will not and cannot happen. far fetched and utterly ridiculous proposals are commonplace in the house and senate.
thats why important shit never gets taken care of.

also as a ferret owner i demand the still-beating heart of whoever killed those poor things.

*edit* think of the riots that would ensue.



article on yahoo news last night about how "there will be a vaccine shortage" and they are fear mongering it

the reason this freaks me out so much is because

if they can do this.....they can do anything

oh and FYI, The new healthcare plan? Is the same healthcare plan the Nazis had

not that im saying we are nazi's, its just the government now gets to decide who is eligible for treatment

80 year old man gets cancer, goes in for treatment,

Since he is 80, he is deemed "unfit to live" and is turned away

these things scare me

Cap K

Well-Known Member

article on yahoo news last night about how "there will be a vaccine shortage" and they are fear mongering it

the reason this freaks me out so much is because

if they can do this.....they can do anything

oh and FYI, The new healthcare plan? Is the same healthcare plan the Nazis had

not that im saying we are nazi's, its just the government now gets to decide who is eligible for treatment

80 year old man gets cancer, goes in for treatment,

Since he is 80, he is deemed "unfit to live" and is turned away

these things scare me
Glad to see somebody that actually gets it. Scary indeed! More frightening than anything Hollywood can conjure up, but then reality often is.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Ya well we tried that in the 1860's and the bad guys won.
We will have to try again and again. Die trying in fact because the alternative is just unacceptable. I can 't in good concience take a seat at the tabe that is being prepared for us. There's just too much at stake for that. Not enough people willing to die for their country anymore? And I don't mean go off to some third world arab country to fight a war of imperialism, but to truly be prepared to lay down ones life for the principles our great country was founded on. Where are they? and if they exist pm me because what's being done to this country is turning my stomach and I don't want to feel helpless anymore.


Active Member
Ya well we tried that in the 1860's and the bad guys won.
This is coming from a guy that has a avatar with a black ninja holding a fighting cock. This is why you NEVER judge a book by it's cover, GODAMN!

Anyways we need to do everything in our power to make sure this bill doesn't go threw or we're all fucked. It's time to Stand up and Fight for your rights! Or Die trying.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you Keenly. first off.. the "swine flu" is total bullshit. Secondly, i won't get that damn vaccine.


Well-Known Member
pretty scary stuff, i dont trust modern medicine at all, the whole concept of a vaccine is dosent make sense to me and never has , we are born with immune systems for a reason, and by taking a shot of an assumed version of a virus does not protect you at all, esepecially if the virus mutates before you become infected, thus making the vaccine more garlic drink more water................grab your rifle and run to the hills!!!


Active Member
I am usually the first to point out conspiracy theories but is it not possible swine flu was government created and released to spread to every person eventually? I thought it was kinda funny that it just out of knowhere sprang up and if you think about it even many years back microchips were developed small enough to be injected unoticable. soo whats the only way possible to get a microchip injected into every person? make them want to be injected with a "swine flu shot" and even the people that dont want one will be forced by saying they are a threat to the public safety if they are not cured of the "swine flu"


Well-Known Member
I am usually the first to point out conspiracy theories but is it not possible swine flu was government created and released to spread to every person eventually? I thought it was kinda funny that it just out of knowhere sprang up and if you think about it even many years back microchips were developed small enough to be injected unoticable. soo whats the only way possible to get a microchip injected into every person? make them want to be injected with a "swine flu shot" and even the people that dont want one will be forced by saying they are a threat to the public safety if they are not cured of the "swine flu"
Very good point.

I think I made a thread about this, yeah, I did. The RFID chips.
I would die before letting some egomaniac government team
come to MY house to inject me with a fucking chip thru a "vaccine".

Fuck the government.

I'm going to live in the boonies off the grid.