The Main-Lining Thread


Active Member
November2012_1 052.jpgI picked up the L.A. Cheese clone like the end of August. Shes maining out but kinda deformed out. She has 3 of 3...but she's happy!

November2012_1 051.jpgI m having a go at this girl also. Poor girl was out flowering at just under 6 inches. I revegged and she is growing tall. I have 4 and 4s and 4s are coming out like crazy! She stinks like crazy too! So far she is unknown strain dubbed so far as a Mojave dirt Indica Dom!


Well-Known Member
The Bean Fairy paid a visit to the Lab today...thanks bro.....couldn't resist popping a few......

The Void
Pandora's Box:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi Nugs - should I top her yet? Which spot?



sorry lol im a bit behind in the thread....but according to this pic if you clipped it at two wouldnt that be a FIM thus creating four tops and ruining it? also, if you didnt care about taking clones could you clip at one to speed the veg process up?

Are all the fan leaves continually pruned except for the fans attached to each head? Once into flower do the lower side branching below the tomato cage get snipped? or do they not form?

sorry for all the questions i just want to fully wrap my head around this before i attempt this!


Well-Known Member after all the bud is gone.....and there was a lot of it!......"8 heads" yielded 6.67 zips with zero larf on a 32 inch plant, "16 heads" yielded 7.31 zips with zero larf on a 27 inch plant!!!!......

........the main-lined plant still continues to give, and is a humble reminder of what can be accomplished when we quiet the noise in our heads enough to hear the secrets this plant unselfishly gives....much love and peace to all of you.......nugbuckets

....hey!....who snuck that last pic in?!!..... cindysid...guess we found our hacker!........;-)......after all....its not ALL about you guys!
and sorry for the double post but i wanted to get everything out while i had it on my mind and was to lazy to go back and edit everything lol.

but were those two plants the outdoor ones with the 25 gallon pots or the indoor ones?
I really hope you say indoor.....7 zips seems like a crazy number to shoot for but if thats the case thats where im setting my sights :D cheers everyone...another medical state and two states legal across the bored if i understood that right!


Active Member
i hate to go back to that 4x4 space under 600, what size pot...7 gal? thanks
I recon MANY people on the thread want to apply the main-lining technique and be as close as possible to the "guru's" growing conditions -i'm talking nugbuckets budologist etc - my point is any question that answer's: how can we get closer to your "outdoor / main-lined" results from a "indoor / regulat topping & FIM " setup is relevant!

Keep them video coming , we're nerd and love to read but you know how videos can be straight to the point, i gotta say though not beeing a native speaker i really appreciate the sweet writting skills of some of the members.


Ps: Btw i'm in a 3.2 x 3.2 x 6.5 (L X W X H) and i started using #3 they're bigger than expected and my plan is to pop 9 seeds - expecting at least 3 males - and mainline at least 3/6 - strains: Kaboom and A-13.

Pps: Congrats to all of you american for Obama and Colorado :D


Well-Known Member
Im about to pull the flower switch on a Dutch passion blueberry. 16 heads, had to top it an additional time to keep it the same size as the indicas in the room.

I have a 2 week old dj short blueberry. I did the dutch passion one 10 years ago and its been my fav ever since. The dj short and dutch passion blueberry are the same thing though. They both developed that strain together. Mine now is so purple and its barely been alive. I also have 2 whitaker blues which are blueberry x quimby atsame age and not purple.
Well, my state is not med. or any where close, so my goal is to have Cannabis that has a smell!, a taste!, and a high that leaves me clear minded not felling like I fell from the stupid tree. If use mj for a sleep aid and appetite stimulation. I would like to grow
1. A strain for mid day appetite stimulation with out drowsyness.
2. A strain for sleep.
3. A strain that is a fun smoke. Something to smoke with friends or share with strangers.

Yeild is not a concern. I grow for me only. I dont sell.


Well-Known Member
I have a 2 week old dj short blueberry. I did the dutch passion one 10 years ago and its been my fav ever since. The dj short and dutch passion blueberry are the same thing though. They both developed that strain together. Mine now is so purple and its barely been alive. I also have 2 whitaker blues which are blueberry x quimby atsame age and not purple.

I hope my BB turns out good. been so promising here in veg, vascular cambium is off the chain!


Well-Known Member
Queen of Hearts (8 Heads).......:leaf:

....she will be transplanted into her 8 gal. within the next few days, then vegged about 7 days until she hits her stride....then flip....about 52 days total veg. from sprout...... about a week longer than my Fruity Pebbles from clone...(always thought clones took longer....but not so grasshopper)......


Well-Known Member
These have a beautiful rich look, yet also a technically accurate botanical sorta feel. So damn cool.