They look very symmetrical. Beauties!
Regarding soil and fertilisers I have a different view. Though Canna is the best and if you can afford it buy it, I use Maxyield Coco grow. Its far cheaper and it has the most important properties and that's coco fibre for good water retention, perlite for aeration, and worm castings for fertliser. Of course a plant living in a 3 gallon container for 3 months will want far more goodness than just Maxyield so I keep it simple and stupid by giving Cocogrow for veg and Cocobloom for flowering stage and thats all it needs as regards to nutrients. The aeration is important obviously.
I used to use the whole shit and caboodle - wiltguard, and all the other additives Maxyield had. But I have found no difference at all in my ladies.The important thing is LIGHT man. Good lighting. They have to be about 35kLux for veg and 55k for flower. I bought a light meter for that - not that you have to - just keep them 8 to 10 inches away and you'll be right.
But there's one nutrient I think I could make use of. And thats something to encourage and speed up big healthy roots. The roots are the heart of the plant andthe bigger and stronger the roots are then the bigger and healthier the plant will be.
The way I think is:
1. Organic soil not too expensive. Must have aeration (perlite), cocfibre for water retention,and a bit of fertiliser (worm cncastings if possible)
2. Veg fertiliser andBloom for flowering
3. Root enhancer in liquid form.
4. VERY GOOD LIGHT. Bud amount is very very relative to light.
Lastly lots of love