"THE" lowest odor strain for a ZERO odor control grow?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, man the wording was not good at all. I am unmoveable on the subject of endangering others for a grow. You just don't do it, and we see people on here a lot looking for ways to "grow without mommy catching me" kind of posts.


Well-Known Member
No, he asked a question while posing a scenario that claimed would put his family at risk. And you think we should just ignore that side of the post and advise him on growing without odor control anyway?

And I grew church for my first grow, it stank! It did indeed have a pot pouri smell, but was also clearly identifiable as the smell of cannabis as well. So by the OP, and my experience with growing your answer to the OP, I'd deem you putting his family at risk, and I'd respond to that as well.

Like someone saying I have to grow in my front yard, its illegal, so what low odor strains are there? Yet you think it absurd that people would respond warning against growing in his front yard, as opposed to simply naming a strain? Too funny.
Are you growing weed in the United States? You're putting your family at risk.


Well-Known Member
imvho, there is no such thing as a no odor cannabis plant... even tomato plants smell like tomatoes when growing..
my first grow i mistakingly grew super skunk, and had no sort of odor control and for 3 months the entire house smelled like two skunks died under the basement in the midst of having unprotected butt sex with each other, i shit you not, it was bad, and i mean, really fucking bad..
the only good side was that it smelled so much like skunk, it didn't smell at all like cannabis, but still, holy hell, i'd never grow that shit again, not with one carbon filter, not with a 100.. the stress i was under for months and months and months just waiting for that foul ass dead skunk smell to please, for the love of god and everything in this world that is holy, to please just go away.. never again..

there are some low odor strains, like northern lights, but even low odor means low odor for a cannabis plant, which ime, still means plenty of odor..

my $.02
Grow out Sweet Skunk by Peakseeds. I bet you change your tune. SUnbiz has grown it, she can back me up... a lot of Tomato plants actually have a stronger smell.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Are you growing weed in the United States? You're putting your family at risk.
No I am not. And I am not from the united States. Im from the UK. And despite renting from my parents I made sure to understand the legalities behind my tenancy before growing, soasto know that they could claim plausible deniability.


Well-Known Member
Thank you , that's very much the kind of answer I was searching for.

I certainly don't plan on growing without more than enough odor control, and on top of that I plan to grow the least smelliest weed I can find and double the amount of odor control needed for the smelliest weed on the planet.

Right now, I have two possibles cabs for example. One is a tent I'm considering that 36"x30"X18" and another is a sealed wooded cab that's 20"x18"23". I haven't decided which cab I will use but I do have on order a Phresh 4x12 along with the S&P-Td-100. I have Ona buckets on active fans already just as a baseline.

This thread isn't about odor control. This thread should be about finding the least smelliest weed WITHOUT odor control. Then I'll overkill the OC.

The fact that this "Incredibly subtle smelling strain..." has the word 'SKUNK' in its name, should serve as a tiny bit of a clue about its odour....

What's with the search for the 'least smelliest strain"....?
I know you're backtracking with some amazing detours around all that is rational but, be honest, all this post is about you wanting to grow but being terrified your EVANGELICAL MOM, or ALCOHOLIC, EX-NAVY SEAL POP ("NO DRUGS UNDER THIS ROOF. GOD DAMMIT! PASS THE JOHNNY WALKER and GET THOSE FILHY DRUGS OUTTA HERE!")

Whoever is grinding you into the dirt with their domineering attitude needs telling:


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't take my prior posts in a negative way, but well yes, you came across as if you were putting your family at risk because you smoked your dealers stashed and got forced into being a grow bitch :-D nothing wrong with talking about low odor cannabis :-)
No problem. I change my mind all the time when new information becomes available. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it conflicts with my own. I know my intentions are honest and would never do anything to jeopardize people I love.

MMJ will be legal where I am later this year but even then I would still grow a low odor high CBD strain. I'm not some stoner teen, I'm a semi retired guy using it medicinally, who owns a good fan and an 8x12 Phresh filter and for real.


Well-Known Member
The fact that this "Incredibly subtle smelling strain..." has the word 'SKUNK' in its name, should serve as a tiny bit of a clue about its odour....
I'm not keen on the smell of a skunk, low skunk odor or not. I'm sure there are better smelling low odor strains that may actually smell like something else other than a skunk or weed.

Thanks though!


Well-Known Member
The Island Sweet Skunk is all sweet no skunk. He crossed it to Skunk #1 fruity varieties and worked it, apparently to be low odor because both plants are exceptionally low odor. You don't have to believe me. There's nothing skunky about it. Very sativa dom.


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ! The guy asks a simple friggin question and the peanut gallery has to go off in a totally different direction. Answer the mans question or skip the thread.

OP- "The Church" from GHS is far and away the lowest odor strain that I have grown. The little smell that does come off it is more of a potpourri smell than a typical weed smell.

Good luck
My cousin grew a crop of Church and, because it had such a low odour (which verifies what this guy says) he had trouble selling it to his usual customers.
We live in the back of beyond and these guys equate STRONG SMOKE with STRONG SKUNK SMELL.
He gave a few samples out - which got the ball rolling (and some!)
But trying to get these people to try something new - something with less smell - was not easy.

As for things that stink - I nominate this thread....
but the smell is more 'fishy' than 'planty'.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yeah no kidding, they really assumed the worst didn't they? LOL

Here's a personal fact. I'm so paranoid about smell, I run two Ona buckets in my house between me and the front door, with one running 24/7 next to my vape. I vape on average 1/10th of a gram once or twice a day. I vape so little, it's cheaper to buy it than grow it.

Does that sound like someone who throws caution to the wind and would risk everything including his family for a little weed? BTW, I'm 62 years old, not 16.

You're one of the first voices of reason to participate here. Thanks. :)

To the rest of you: This thread is not what it appears, I have no death wish, quite the contrary.

I'm looking for a strain so low in odor that people in the cannabis world "might" risk growing it without any Odor control at all. Then when I select that one strain, my plan is to build an odor control system that is AT LEAST TWICE what is required for the same size cab with the smelliest weed on the planet just to be safe. I want to build a bomb proof shelter to guard against a BB gun.

You guys just assumed I would grow with no odor control at all. So not true, because when I actually do start my grow I suspect I'll have more odor control than many of you, and nothing in odor control will EVER be compromised in my home. Ever.
You're worries are unfounded.
I grow 9 of the smelliest plants imaginable, in a 4 x 4 tent.
But when my 6"RUCK and 6" Rhino carb filter are on you can put your face at the end of the extract ducting and NOT SMELL A THING.
I keep a spare filter - just in case....

The only time I catch a whiff is when I turn off the fan
but, if the electric goes out (power cut....)

As for them 'really assuming the worst....'
It's probably got something to do with scenario's that involve gambling your families lives....
Or growing on an island where the natives are homicidally anti-weed.

It just sounded (and still sounds) a little 'off'.


Well-Known Member
You're worries are unfounded.
Thanks, hell I don't know...i read all these threads about peoples weed being smelled down the street from the grow and it makes me paranoid. Better to error on the side of over caution rather than under. I "should" be fine with my 4x12 filter and a few small low odor plants in a 2x2 cab. It would only take one whiff to have me hunting down a Rhino or Mountain Air. A generator is a GREAT idea should the power go out.

I plan to let this thread run for a few days, then post a summary of strains I'm considering. Once we compile our list of possibles, we can try to narrow it down further by the buzz and CBD level and find the best fit for me.

Most of the CBD crew strains for example are advertised as low odor. Low however is a relative term and when dealing with stuff that technically illegal, everything that's said and everyone in the business is suspect to me.

The other issue is my space and we can discuss that too when we get to that point. Some strains might do better than others in a 23" tall cab.

Finally, when I start my grow, I'll do journal, so people who helped me can see what we have produced together. It's a Marathon, not a sprint here and if I properly plan and execute, I'll have a greater chance of success.


Active Member
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how low odor the plant is when you grow it, it's going to smell strong when you harvest. I've grown some NL in a cabinet that was left open 24/7 with NO odor control at all and some days, I couldn't smell her unless I put my nose to her. But, within seconds of chopping, my entire house smelled of weed. When you start trimming and moving all that weed around, it's gonna stir up the odor. I won't believe there's a strain that won't smell during harvest until I personally witness it.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how low odor the plant is when you grow it, it's going to smell strong when you harvest. I've grown some NL in a cabinet that was left open 24/7 with NO odor control at all and some days, I couldn't smell her unless I put my nose to her. But, within seconds of chopping, my entire house smelled of weed. When you start trimming and moving all that weed around, it's gonna stir up the odor. I won't believe there's a strain that won't smell during harvest until I personally witness it.
Gee, this starts a new round of paranoia for me. My neighbors can never smell weed from my place at any time or they would complain.


Well-Known Member
Damn, if you're looking for a high cbd plant that is low odor I have the PERFECT candidate for you. It's called Valentinex. 25:1 cbd/thc, and does not smell at all. I've been working with it for a few months now. It's not in seed form (yet), so you would have to track down a cut. If you were in MI I would hook you up for free. Keep your eyes peeled for this one once your state is on-line with medical marijuana and strains/cuts are more readily available.


Well-Known Member
Nirvana's Blue Mystic doesn't smell during flowering unless you touch the buds; and they smell like blueberries so nbd. Ummm during curing they still smell like blueberries. And when you smoke them... So, I'd say it's a pretty damn safe plant. However, my first B.M. didn't smell like blueberries at all and was different than the others; it probably smelled a bit more skunky and detectable. -- FYI -- they all herm around 9 weeks after the switch; but you can finish them right as, or before, they herm; so, not a deal breaker.


Well-Known Member
Damn, if you're looking for a high cbd plant that is low odor I have the PERFECT candidate for you. It's called Valentinex. 25:1 cbd/thc, and does not smell at all. I've been working with it for a few months now.
That's really the primary reason all this growing my own talk started. So I could grow the strain I wanted and customize what I receive. As you are a CBD worker, I'll share a little personal story.

I've been smoking cannibis for 40 years off an on, mostly Mexican brick. About 4 months ago, I took up vaping because I got tired of smelling like weed. Within 48 hours of starting to vape, I looked in the mirror and was shocked how clear my complexion looked. Vaping evidently was putting the anti-inflammatories in my system that I was not getting while smoking it.

That was months ago and my skin continues to improve. It's not even close, and i feel overall healthier, more active and even lost some weight. I attribute that to vaping because it is the only thing that changed in 40 years.

That got me to thinking, what if I vaped a high CBD strain rather than this schwag? Vaping weed then became something I do when I take all my vitamins and supplements every morning. I take a pretty heavy stack every single day before I go work out.

For me, I underestimated the medical benefits for decades because I wasn't noticing any benefits in my own health until I vaped.

I never expected vaping to show any benefit other than odor control, and use less weed to get higher and while it did all that, the real surprise was how good cannabis is for me personally. The fact I Love to be a little vaked, makes it one of the easiest pills I swallow. :)

If anyone is interested in finding out more about real vaping, consider joining us over here. --> http://fuckcombustion.com/ or PM me and I'll try to point you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Nirvana's Blue Mystic doesn't smell during flowering unless you touch the buds; and they smell like blueberries so nbd. Ummm during curing they still smell like blueberries. And when you smoke them... So, I'd say it's a pretty damn safe plant. However, my first B.M. didn't smell like blueberries at all and was different than the others; it probably smelled a bit more skunky and detectable. -- FYI -- they all herm around 9 weeks after the switch; but you can finish them right as, or before, they herm; so, not a deal breaker.
Blueberries are good! The herm is bad.

This was the second time BM was mentioned here so I think it will make a final candidate. There are probably other strains that smell like something else which if fine with me. As long as it doesn't smell like a Skunk, WEED or ASS crack, I think it should be mentioned here.