The leaves are drooping!!!! please help!!


New Member
hey guys so heres what i have. I'm totally freaking out so please help..

germinated 6 bagged seeds, poss strain GSC and Platinum Bubba Kush

planted the pegs i germinated them in red solo cups, using fox farm ocean soil, under 2 60w cfl lights 11/18/15


12/1/15 i noticed 2 of them started drooping, the leaves began to droop. all watering has remained constant, watering twice a day in the morning and night. small desk fan for air circulationIMG_2240.JPG

i can't tell if I'm under watering or over watering

now this is what they have turned into 1 day later!! i tried adding more drainage holes, but idk whats going on ...first time grower. it was all of a sudden thats why I'm confused whether it over watered or under watered.image1.JPG
anything will help thanks guys!image1-2.JPG


Well-Known Member
Is there nutrients in thw water?
Are you checking the pH?
How damp is the soil before you water?

Looks like you're killing those poor guy's baby root systems.
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New Member
No nutrients in the water. Using purified drinking water.

Haven't checked the PH level, possibly over soiling ? I'm using fox farm ocean soil.

And when I water, the soil isn't damp at all.

I did just add more drainage holes towards the middle and top of the cups but I think I was over thinking drainage Holes when maybe I'm under watering ?

What should I do first ?


Well-Known Member
I don't see how they went from looking *so* good (after the critical sprouting and seedling phase) to death like that. Is it possible you have a vindictive roommate? It's hard to believe they would look so good if the soil was bad, or you were doing something wrong, or if it was bad lighting. I.e., if something was wrong that way, they would have looked bad on 12/1. The way they keeled over all at the same time, it seems like something environmental (like a roommate with some Roundup? Or, you did something by accident, messed up your water in some way?).

I'm sorry for your loss. Try another and see what happens. If it fails, try a different soil (I can tell you what I use).


Well-Known Member
Looks like you went from heavy watering, freaked out, to no watering... and freaked out more. Then rewatered half dead seedlings and took a pic.


Well-Known Member
Watering to much , u will drown them . I mist them when i grew in those small containers.

There is no need to " get " runoff in solo cups.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest does run a little hot, but I've seen many successful stories, and if youre using just water, you've essential been flushing it anyways.
Looks like a case of unhealthy, unregulated watering times.


New Member
Since they have been growing day 1 I've watered 2 times a day. Once in the morning before work 5-6 sprays with a water bottle, and once at night time, just a couple sprays at night.

2 days ago when I noticed the drooping I added more drainage holes to all cups. Added some water and just kept moving along thinking they get better. Yesterday, they looked a little bit worse. I then changed some of the soil in each solo cup. Not different soil, same Fox Farm Ocean Soil.

I'm just not sure how to water them at this point. More water or less?


New Member
I've only upped the watering a little bit, under the impression they may be under watered. Then did some reading and thought maybe TOO much water, which is when I added more drainage holes and a little bit more water than normal


Well-Known Member
Maybe you did cook the roots. Again ocean forest runs a little hot, and maybe a little too hot for seedling to handle. I would have flushed it first.
Hopefully they recover.


Well-Known Member
I have ran FFOF with seedlings and they are ok . Some strains are more sensitive to this soil , and you can use something like Light Warrior. There is a certain amount of moisture within FFOF right from the bag. So for me , only a very light mist , every few days allowed the seedling access the soil without drowning the cup. A few holes on the bottom also allows aeration. No need to douse the cup with water.

I don't do this solo cup thing anymore unless im doing clones .

Also , FFOF HAS ENOUGH NUTES in its mix to carry a plant into week 4/5 WITHOUT anything !



Well-Known Member
U got holes in bottom of solo cups? A fan blowing? I drench em at that size in solo cups..5-6 days later they are bone dry or close to it n get drenched again.

Edit: I only have drain holes in bottom.. I see you are going for that swiss cheese look. U shouldn't be messi g with them daily.. Just a good soak n let em dry out and sag a lil then another heavy soak ..


Well-Known Member
I would just regulate your watering properly. The damage that has been done, is done.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Your soil is not retaining water. There are too many holes everywhere and I can see bone dry soil on the top and sides where the holes are. I bet you have pockets of dry soil all around those roots and your plants are suffering from dessication. Seeing all that runoff and dry soil at the same time is a dead giveaway. Holes on the bottom only and just a few, soak that dirt real good all the way through ,BEFORE you plant them. New soil is hydrophobic , it wants to shed water before absorbing it. Act quickly because at this point it may already become a do over.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Everyone knows that one good seed can produce an untold amount of good bud.

If you're not sure of what you're doing maybe you should do one seed at a time until you get it down.

If you can't get there in time to water the plant(s) maybe you should "think" about a timed drip system or something to ensure a minimum amount of water when necessary.
I can recall a person that used an old vehicle windshield washer pump (12vdc) on a timer to water his plant when he was gone working. (timer/12 volt adapter/pump)

Try hydro
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Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I couldn't get to sleep thinking about my insensitivity in what I said.... I really do honestly hope that it's not a do over. Just love on them .. Not too much and its going to be OK one way or another.