The journalistic obligation to fact


Well-Known Member
I never said it was a 'left vs right thing'.

I said that it is a right wing thing that is pushing the propaganda spam.

And not all right wing news media. I would point to the Houston Chronicle as a right wing trustworthy source of information.
You wanted an example, I gave you one and you don't address it in your reply. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on the both sides troll too.

Feel free to name one actual event that is not fully covered by one of the non-right wing propaganda news media companies and prove me wrong though.
Covered very differently by the two sides for a year now.



Well-Known Member
where did you give an example of anything? i read what you've posted here so examples of anything, just random statements with nothing to back them up
In the face of a diverse group of candidates the DNC put forward, from women, to race, to age, to political vision, the media, influenced by political and corporate guidance, chose your candidate for you because any other choice would have been catastrophic.

Lol, where have you been? Are you willfully blind or just retarded?

There were much better choices.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
In the face of a diverse group of candidates the DNC put forward, from women, to race, to age, to political vision, the media, influenced by political and corporate guidance, chose your candidate for you because any other choice would have been catastrophic.

Lol, where have you been? Are you willfully blind or just retarded?

There were much better choices.
im neither willfully blind or retarded, i'm tired of people telling me bullshit and then acting like i'm a fool for telling telling them "that's bullshit" haven't made one factual statement yet...just your opinions, which are apparently based off of feelings, and not facts

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
In the face of a diverse group of candidates the DNC put forward, from women, to race, to age, to political vision, the media, influenced by political and corporate guidance, chose your candidate for you because any other choice would have been catastrophic.

Lol, where have you been? Are you willfully blind or just retarded?

There were much better choices.
there were better choices from some standpoints, but from an electability standpoint...not so much. the MAJOR goal was to get trump out of the Whitehouse, that goal was achieved, and it was achieved by running the only candidate available that could get the job done, any of the other democratic candidates would not have gotten enough votes to get trump out. period. the thing to do now SHOULD be to consolidate the party and try to get things done, so that in 2024 we could have run a better candidate over all, but the democratic party cannot seem to unify in the face of a threat that may kill freedom in America. Manchin and Sinema divided the party along their own lines, and the progressives divided it along yet another, just when it had to come together...i think we're going to lose the house and the senate, and it will take the most amazing candidate ever to not lose the whitehouse...of course, if the republicans have the house and the senate, a democratic president would just be a figurehead who would be able to achieve nothing.
so who is willfully blind...AND retarded?


Well-Known Member
You wanted an example, I gave you one and you don't address it in your reply. Why is that?
lol what in this:

Screen Shot 2021-11-06 at 11.11.01 AM.png

Has anything to do with something not being fully covered by a non-right wing news media company?

You just claim it is 'manipulation'. Then say some troll shit to try to pretend like you are on to something.

I’ll take your word for it. How deep did you have to dig to find that one?
It past my bullshit test mainly.

In the face of a diverse group of candidates the DNC put forward, from women, to race, to age, to political vision, the media, influenced by political and corporate guidance, chose your candidate for you because any other choice would have been catastrophic.

Lol, where have you been? Are you willfully blind or just retarded?

There were much better choices.
Are you kidding me? In a year that we all knew had the Russian military attacking our democracy with the help of our POTUS for 4 years along with the Republican party, why take chances on anyone who did not have a very long history of not being a Russian stooge and for about 50 years had a extremely clean record of not being corrupt.

The Democrats are the only party that is legislating for 100% of the American population, and yes that includes old white guys too.


Well-Known Member
Look at you all carrying water for the corporate enterprises responsible for shaping today's political landscape, not by being honest and forthright with their viewers/readers/listeners, but picking and choosing how and what to cover based on a predetermined agenda. The problem with facts is they are as easily manipulated as those who absorb them. From pushing and omitting certain facts to using loaded language and leading questions are all ways "journalists" can manipulate facts and influence their audiences. Both political enterprises and their minions are equally responsible for the political tribalism that has completely destroyed the system we swore to protect.

If you aren't completely.disgusted with how we choose to treat each other based on how we choose to exercise our right to vote, you support two authoritarian factions hell bent on destroying one another. You have all become what you hate... fascists sporting different colour hats.
Newsmax, the other 'credible' right wing mouthpiece (loaded word) would take a Reuter's article (for example) and leave in sections of the article that they felt pushed their narrative. Then the readers would get up in arms about it. Then I would post the sections left out which gave greater context to the story.

It's not a left vs right thing, I expect there to be a difference of opinion between right and left. It's more insidious than that. How, in a place (America) with a so called diversity crisis, did an entire panel of diverse candidates get tossed by the champions of diversity and you end up with a cage match involving two 80 year old, rich white men? Seems like the status quo to me. That is manipulation at work, and if you don't see it there really isn't much hope for you.
Because each on their own was not enough to get elected on the Left. Each had their own baggage that was seen as not appealing to everyone under the Democrat tent. So the least dangerous option won out. Even after he had been seen as out of the running. And it worked. On the eight, the republicans did not even bother with having a primary, they crowned King and that was it.

At one time the Fourth Estate was given licence to be a check on the powers that be. Murdoch, an Australian, decided to use the power of the press to be a Kingmaker. Left leaning media called out the abuse and are labeled biased for doing it (they have their bias but that still does not mean there was not something to be called out). But before this Social Media gave people the option of selecting the type of information they wanted to consume, the Christian radio network before this set the stage by reverting to pushing a much simpler time where religion was the fountain of knowledge and not science.

Ultimately it comes down to a clash between the idea of society pulling together or one where people compete with each other.


Well-Known Member
there were better choices from some standpoints, but from an electability standpoint...not so much. the MAJOR goal was to get trump out of the Whitehouse, that goal was achieved, and it was achieved by running the only candidate available that could get the job done, any of the other democratic candidates would not have gotten enough votes to get trump out. period. the thing to do now SHOULD be to consolidate the party and try to get things done, so that in 2024 we could have run a better candidate over all, but the democratic party cannot seem to unify in the face of a threat that may kill freedom in America. Manchin and Sinema divided the party along their own lines, and the progressives divided it along yet another, just when it had to come together...i think we're going to lose the house and the senate, and it will take the most amazing candidate ever to not lose the whitehouse...of course, if the republicans have the house and the senate, a democratic president would just be a figurehead who would be able to achieve nothing.
so who is willfully blind...AND retarded?
Lol the only reason democrats will lose the house and senate, as well as the presidency will be because of democrats alone. You can't blame the opposition for doing their job, even if you disagree with them, but you can blame the powers of the day for being tone deaf and unwilling to compromise. If you (Dems) are unable to change people's lives enough to keep their vote, that's on you (Dems).


Well-Known Member
Lol the only reason democrats will lose the house and senate, as well as the presidency will be because of democrats alone. You can't blame the opposition for doing their job, even if you disagree with them, but you can blame the powers of the day for being tone deaf and unwilling to compromise. If you (Dems) are unable to change people's lives enough to keep their vote, that's on you (Dems).
Yeah because lying to their cultists using online propaganda spam to the point that they are brainwashed into believing that Democrats eat babies or whatever other crazy cult shit that they can trick them into is 'their job'.

I disagree. The insurrectionist RINO's are doing everything that they can to maintain power and are shown to be fine with working with foreign nation's militaries to do it. Which is illegal, and most assuredly not 'their job'.


Well-Known Member
Lol the only reason democrats will lose the house and senate, as well as the presidency will be because of democrats alone.
dems are perfectly capable of doing that and are trying their est to do that right now but having foreigners assist in the brainwashing of weaklings like yourself after trumps campaign hands them their internals doesnt hurt

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Lol the only reason democrats will lose the house and senate, as well as the presidency will be because of democrats alone. You can't blame the opposition for doing their job, even if you disagree with them, but you can blame the powers of the day for being tone deaf and unwilling to compromise. If you (Dems) are unable to change people's lives enough to keep their vote, that's on you (Dems).
i can blame them for having the morals and ethics that allow them to gerrymander and jim crowe, and pass restrictive voteing laws designed to deny the rights of as many minorities as possible, that allow them to tell blatant lies and half truths that threaten democracy, so they can incite a base of dimwits to get enough votes to stay in power, so they can continue to take away the rights of everyone but white christians...