The Irish Growers Thread!

Yeah man, i already have the pics in two threads i made before, have a look. I was told that they were growing slow because of nute burn... nobody ever mentioned that the ph was a possible reason.. My plot is on a south facing hill side with only rushes and no big plants that give shade. They get direct sunlight from sunrise to about 6 - 7 pm.
Thanks man, i really didnt know that so many others in ireland were growing herb too ^^


Active Member
if the canopy is thic then yes you can take off the lower ones as there not getting enough light, or as the plant gets older well its last two weeks then take the top part of the plant and leave the bottom in the soil and see if they fatten up, either way works... shame to take a small bud say a gram, when if you left it then it could have been two grams...!!!! really up to the grower, this is true of regs might not work with autos, but worth a shot...

if you think theres too much foilage then you can remove the biggest fan leaves to let light down, don`t go mad, just the ones blocking the light...
thanks for the advice.. this is what i think but could be wrong so im open to ridacule lol and yehs i cant spell for shit lol.. right,before i transplanted it the last time there was a good smell and all was going well.. then when transplanting i broke them branches and it must of stressed it and i did notice there was less or no smell, and i was upping the newts at the time also, so she must of been stressed to bits, now this last week its been bouncing back to normal and starting to frost up nicely ,so im affraid if i go cutting and anoying her she could get stressed again and slow her growth, and this is a vital stage for her so i mthink i will leave her alone and like you said just sit back and and watch her grow and enjoy her last few weeks,,, i think im getting good at this;-)


Well-Known Member
F*ck it! Came home from hols to find one of my plants in bad shape. It's wilted like crazy and the lower leaves are curling up and turning brown. I would think it got plenty of water as it was sitting outside, but it looks really droopy. I'll try to get some pics up, but does this sound familiar to any of ye?
Havent done any real growing in a few years... Just started again, and Got some sick little babies here, i took my eye off them for about 4 days... 2 out of 5 have a nitrogen deficiency, nute burn on fan leaves and rootbound to boot. The roots are all jammed up and the 2 sick plants were retaining too much water in the roots, probably causing the nitrogen deficiency. I have 2 autoflowering afghan kush and 3 critical plus feminized all at 18 days since popping, and let me tell you the ak are stinky little bitches already.

i just repotted all 5 in lovely big 10litre airpots, gave them a little bit of revive, watered the edges of the pots, and gave them all a stern but loving lecture regarding their future behaviour.
I pulled the hid up off them a bit and I hope the revive and the new soil will work well.

Only marijuana around is 2g fifty bags of homegrown, admittedly really good, but still... Fifty used to buy an eight!

Btw on a completely unrelated note does anybody know what would happen to a person theoretically growing 5 little plants for personal consumption if the gardai became aware of it?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice.. this is what i think but could be wrong so im open to ridacule lol and yehs i cant spell for shit lol.. right,before i transplanted it the last time there was a good smell and all was going well.. then when transplanting i broke them branches and it must of stressed it and i did notice there was less or no smell, and i was upping the newts at the time also, so she must of been stressed to bits, now this last week its been bouncing back to normal and starting to frost up nicely ,so im affraid if i go cutting and anoying her she could get stressed again and slow her growth, and this is a vital stage for her so i mthink i will leave her alone and like you said just sit back and and watch her grow and enjoy her last few weeks,,, i think im getting good at this;-)

i think your on the money with that hypothisis and it don`t matter about the spelling mand`s we are all guilty of it from time to time to time hahahaha

like you said it could have stressed her out its a funny old thing this growing, theres more to it than just following instructions and turning on and off the lights...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
F*ck it! Came home from hols to find one of my plants in bad shape. It's wilted like crazy and the lower leaves are curling up and turning brown. I would think it got plenty of water as it was sitting outside, but it looks really droopy. I'll try to get some pics up, but does this sound familiar to any of ye?

can get too much water aswell.. and with the rains we have had .. could be lots of things really but main culprit??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Havent done any real growing in a few years... Just started again, and Got some sick little babies here, i took my eye off them for about 4 days... 2 out of 5 have a nitrogen deficiency, nute burn on fan leaves and rootbound to boot. The roots are all jammed up and the 2 sick plants were retaining too much water in the roots, probably causing the nitrogen deficiency. I have 2 autoflowering afghan kush and 3 critical plus feminized all at 18 days since popping, and let me tell you the ak are stinky little bitches already.

i just repotted all 5 in lovely big 10litre airpots, gave them a little bit of revive, watered the edges of the pots, and gave them all a stern but loving lecture regarding their future behaviour.
I pulled the hid up off them a bit and I hope the revive and the new soil will work well.

Only marijuana around is 2g fifty bags of homegrown, admittedly really good, but still... Fifty used to buy an eight!

Btw on a completely unrelated note does anybody know what would happen to a person theoretically growing 5 little plants for personal consumption if the gardai became aware of it?

good to have you here dude, sounds like an intresting grow you have going..

how do you find manageing all the strains, height an issue or space for light?

and 800notes a plant no matter what stage of growth unless argued down in court for seedlings mercy...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
F*ck it! Came home from hols to find one of my plants in bad shape. It's wilted like crazy and the lower leaves are curling up and turning brown. I would think it got plenty of water as it was sitting outside, but it looks really droopy. I'll try to get some pics up, but does this sound familiar to any of ye?

and your always on hols you jammer fucker hahahaha... how you been...


Active Member
Alright lads. My seedlings are, to put it in a clinical terms, Bollixed!!! The real sickener is the fact that the one I have left is powering ahead.
So I'll be ordering 5 more laughing buddhas tonight or tomorrow.
Only thing is, thinking about getting something else to fill my room. I can get 4 more in there with the LB's.
Thinking about Northern Lights. Looking for something high indica.
Alright lads. My seedlings are, to put it in a clinical terms, Bollixed!!! The real sickener is the fact that the one I have left is powering ahead.
So I'll be ordering 5 more laughing buddhas tonight or tomorrow.
Only thing is, thinking about getting something else to fill my room. I can get 4 more in there with the LB's.
Thinking about Northern Lights. Looking for something high indica.
If you had trouble with another strain, northern lights are known as easy to grow and hardy.
good to have you here dude, sounds like an intresting grow you have going..

how do you find manageing all the strains, height an issue or space for light?

and 800notes a plant no matter what stage of growth unless argued down in court for seedlings mercy...
Cheers man.
height is not an issue, can raise the smaller ones up with tupperware under the pots.
800 sheets a plant? Ouch, It wouldn't really bother me, just its a real shame that privately growing a tiny amount of medicine carries such a harsh penalty, akin to violent assault or robbery.

I know its best not to dwell on the negative, but Im slightly more paranoid than most!
Btw your plants are looking good, I wS wondering though do you have any plans for the winter, or will the cfls keep the plants warm enough at night?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Cheers man.
height is not an issue, can raise the smaller ones up with tupperware under the pots.
800 sheets a plant? Ouch, It wouldn't really bother me, just its a real shame that privately growing a tiny amount of medicine carries such a harsh penalty, akin to violent assault or robbery.

I know its best not to dwell on the negative, but Im slightly more paranoid than most!
Btw your plants are looking good, I wS wondering though do you have any plans for the winter, or will the cfls keep the plants warm enough at night?

i`ll have the heater on in there, its an oil filled rad only small one, plug in job....

but i don`t think its going to get that cold for a while, well i hope not like... its not that bad in there otherwise, even now its not that hot out the temp in there is always plesant, will have a ply floor with drainage holes sitting on 2in rails so to say..

cavity is filled by the way so insulated....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so while out there checking them this morning it struck me i`ve only fed them once, and that was a small dose of veg nutes, the baby bio..

so they each got a pint of water with full strenght veg nutes and flower nutes, this will sit in the "res" at the bottom of the pot now and i`ll flush with gassed off water later and in the morning, returning to half strenght flower nutes tomorrow eve...

if they drin up that is, soil is still wet to the touch, well it was before feeding.........


Well-Known Member
That fucking heli is buzzing around over the house every few mins. Fuck it why does he not have to abide by noise regulations. A few bong rips should solve the paranoia pretty quickly. :weed:


Well-Known Member
And some pics for good measure, end of week 4 12/12. I have hit 8 zips with this easy, it's going to be a heavy bitch. 6 more weeks to go



Active Member
That fucking heli is buzzing around over the house every few mins. Fuck it why does he not have to abide by noise regulations. A few bong rips should solve the paranoia pretty quickly. :weed:
nice plants man....think ur bad with the heli i copped the ds sniffin around in my street last night first time i seen them in the street in 2 years the oul heart skipped a few beats hahaha


Well-Known Member
nice plants man....think ur bad with the heli i copped the ds sniffin around in my street last night first time i seen them in the street in 2 years the oul heart skipped a few beats hahaha
It's only 1 plant, better to keep those plant numbers low and I can supply myself with enough for 6 months from 1 plant, so why grow more. And yeah there can be a bit of panic even when you are clean as a whistle.


Active Member
It's only 1 plant, better to keep those plant numbers low and I can supply myself with enough for 6 months from 1 plant, so why grow more. And yeah there can be a bit of panic even when you are clean as a whistle.
wow that some plant for one plant well done man i hope i learn ta grow like that.what nutes do ya use?