The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so just went to check on the plants and all seems well for a change, was a small def showing on big bottom fan leaves, hasn`t gotten any worse so possibly slowed or stopped.... who knows...

there out in the rain now for the day, will toss them back in the room later, and the seed tray.. well there now standing tall and looking for the lights, shall re-pot them soon, possibly tomorrow, and tray up the other 9 that are germing now..


Active Member
wats up guys, so i was out since tis morning and just got home and i could smell the bitch, it was a bit musty but a weed smell nun the less.
does musty mean mold ????? i hope not, all thow humidity is a bit high wen lights out i have 3 fans on it. one from the front one from bottom and one at the side ,will i be okay??? ive put my nose to the buds and i can smell dank not musty

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the musty smell could be your soil, did you cling film the toilet shut?

have a look around the top of the soil for white spore fungus or mould, also did you put sand on top of the soil?


Active Member
cling filmed the toilet and cistern, i have noticed white spots on the soil but only a little patch here and there..should i be worried about that,, no, kids got a hold of sand before i had a chance to wash it out

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the white spots if not roots showing as they do, then suspect mould, remove the spots as neatly as you can, bit of card used as a shovel or something, and possibly spray with neem oil or something along them lines...

its not to bad mand once spotted early, dave and myself had the same thing last grow mine was down to savage humidity in the attic...

the smell is great, its like finally makeing progress..;)


Active Member
yeh im blaming high humidity ,, ill pick out the white bits and keep an eye on it.. ive noticed it only on the soil i used when i repotted it the last time,, did it have any bad affect on ur buds??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no i was lucky and it didn`t get to the bud, but in saying that i did chop about 2 weeks early...

if you can get some neem oil it`ll kill it, one the lads might know another way to treat it aswell...
Im growing 2 Lowrydes outside at the moment. Due to this "lovely" weather they are growing really slow.. and with really slow i mean it grew 3" in 5 weeks lol The other one will probably die as its only true leaves are 5mm big after 6 weeks, but the 3" one seems to be pickin up the pace now.. ^^


Active Member
just put lights on, found one tiny patch of mould and picked it out,, i dont know if its just me but there seems to be a hell of a lot more trecks i checked it first thing diz mornin before i left and just checked now and it looks like more,, ill get a pic soon..i might just be loosing with the lack of smoke lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Im growing 2 Lowrydes outside at the moment. Due to this "lovely" weather they are growing really slow.. and with really slow i mean it grew 3" in 5 weeks lol The other one will probably die as its only true leaves are 5mm big after 6 weeks, but the 3" one seems to be pickin up the pace now.. ^^

i`d say your soil is too acidic or alkaline dude, did you prepare the soil first, give it a tilling and areate it????

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just put lights on, found one tiny patch of mould and picked it out,, i dont know if its just me but there seems to be a hell of a lot more trecks i checked it first thing diz mornin before i left and just checked now and it looks like more,, ill get a pic soon..i might just be loosing with the lack of smoke lol

bahahahahaha been there mand... and from the lack of smoke aswell hahahaha

but really it can produce quickly, like i said yesterday it looked frosty in that pic so it`ll pack on the weight now, you just sit bac and watch it happen (and keep him outta there...;) )
Thats something i never checked.. this is my first grow and still have alot to learn man .. so the soil being too acidic or alkaline really plays such a big role ? Is there anything i can do now to equal the soil's ph out ? Im using compost btw.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
if you prepared the ground out side with compost it should have helped it, any pics to help out diagnosis? picture tells a thousand words and all that...

but for now if you were growing in the compost it shouldn`t have had that effect on them, wheres ypur plot? is it shady? alot of other plants about? expand a little....

by the way welcome along good to have another irish grower in..


Active Member
bahahahahaha been there mand... and from the lack of smoke aswell hahahaha

but really it can produce quickly, like i said yesterday it looked frosty in that pic so it`ll pack on the weight now, you just sit bac and watch it happen (and keep him outta there...;) )
he annoyed me today.. he squeezed one of the buds just so he could hav a little smell of weed. i now have the room locked and hid the key,, if i let him away with that ide probly start noticing buds going missing lol.. he wants me to trim the lower leaves and cut the stems that have really small buds that dont get enough light,, is that a good idea??? he didnt do it to his so why does he want to do it to mine, i dont think its a jelous thing as he quite cool, just dont know if he has enough knowledge to advise me. what u guys think

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
he annoyed me today.. he squeezed one of the buds just so he could hav a little smell of weed. i now have the room locked and hid the key,, if i let him away with that ide probly start noticing buds going missing lol.. he wants me to trim the lower leaves and cut the stems that have really small buds that dont get enough light,, is that a good idea??? he didnt do it to his so why does he want to do it to mine, i dont think its a jelous thing as he quite cool, just dont know if he has enough knowledge to advise me. what u guys think

if the canopy is thic then yes you can take off the lower ones as there not getting enough light, or as the plant gets older well its last two weeks then take the top part of the plant and leave the bottom in the soil and see if they fatten up, either way works... shame to take a small bud say a gram, when if you left it then it could have been two grams...!!!! really up to the grower, this is true of regs might not work with autos, but worth a shot...

if you think theres too much foilage then you can remove the biggest fan leaves to let light down, don`t go mad, just the ones blocking the light...