The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
did it by yourself didn`t you.....tut tut.........

not too worry mand, she`ll prob look a little sad tomorrow but will perk up soon enough, the 3 branchs where the weight would have been will just go to the cola and other branchs, you havent lost out yet...;)


Active Member
did it by yourself didn`t you.....tut tut.........

not too worry mand, she`ll prob look a little sad tomorrow but will perk up soon enough, the 3 branchs where the weight would have been will just go to the cola and other branchs, you havent lost out yet...;)
really, thank god,,, yeh seems ok but what a pity ..we both did it, just the pot flew off quicker than expected, so it was like just grab it any way ya can before it falls head first if u know hat i mean

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
you can`t learn unless you do, well thats my theroy...

you learned a lesson mand so all was not lost and you are now a better grower for it......;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good, its a fooker when it goes wrong, and at least you didn`t snap cola and or stem.... now that you should worry about, but again most just tape up stem etc and away the plant goes again... there tricky buggers lights and nute wise but tough as a coffin nail in other ways...

you just about at the stage of flowering the plant will re-direct the "weight " to other spots..


Well-Known Member
how the hell are you smiffy dude, long time since you been about....

great news on haveing "too much" plant hahahaha, can you tie them down or too one side lie a drastic lst on the colas? pulling them sideways if you will....
ah im good man buzzing sideways of this smoke, iv only 1 8gram bud left to do me for another 3weeks till my blue mystic autos finished,

i cant do any tying down plants to big and greenhouse is to small, theres tomatos growing in there two.

would chopping half the hight off stress the plant too much or would it recover in time to flower.??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah im good man buzzing sideways of this smoke, iv only 1 8gram bud left to do me for another 3weeks till my blue mystic autos finished,

i cant do any tying down plants to big and greenhouse is to small, theres tomatos growing in there two.

would chopping half the hight off stress the plant too much or would it recover in time to flower.??

chop half the height???? think we need pics to help on this one dude... have you tried the lst where you roll and squeeze the branch until it goes soft, not broken but soft, the branch will droop and the soft spot will repair itself in a couple of days...

har or iam i think have used this there prob better to talk you through that one.... pic`s asap tho...;)


Active Member
anyone here ever smoked bubble hash also the missus bought me this probe in aldi it tells ya how dry or wet the plant is so ill know when ta water looks like a handy yolk an it was only a few euro taught id share


Active Member
.cheers tonto think ill go ta himalayin crafts in navan for them i think they have the proper ones

you get it when you post an off site link- to stop spammers

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
love the john west ad where the guy runs down and fights the bear for the salmon hahahahaha class.....

you on liveleak aswell dave, some prpoer gore on there, see the 7 lads being be headed... one runs and gets shot in the leg and some big russian sepratist runs up and slices the head near off in one go, some sick shit..... but i love finding vids like it, proper real so leaves you with a proper scare .... is now liveleak, theres another one but can`t thin of it just now...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Is it i actually prefer liveleak cos its not all gore videos, theres interesting stuff also. i seen that video youre talkin about- its fucked up. have you seen the mexican chainsaw beheading, it does exactly what it says on the tin!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Is it i actually prefer liveleak cos its not all gore videos, theres interesting stuff also. i seen that video youre talkin about- its fucked up. have you seen the mexican chainsaw beheading, it does exactly what it says on the tin!

hahahahaha will have too look that one up.....

anyone seen mr hands.... if you seen it you know what i`m talking about, and theres no hands in it.....

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
the one you linked to is the one i was talkin about. the ones i find the worst are car crashes cos im not so stupid as to think it couldnt happen to me.