The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
see told you....hahahaaha ashbeck or whatever its called, cheap and not too bad at 6.2 with the ph....

if you leave it with lid off to gas off does the ph go down? i know it prob has no added chlorine but theres other minerals in it that might evaporate????

so shes in and calmed down.. still a c**t tho...hahahaha...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah you`ll figure it out soon enough mand, any hasstle pm me, i know a guy has a channel, or hell ask the whizz kids on here, they`ll prob know the story..


Well-Known Member
Just found the jar i used to cure the afghan kush x black domina in my cupboard and when i opened it i almost cried the smell was so beautiful! i put the tobacco i grew into the jar in hope some of the smell/flavor gets into the tobacco lol i gotta grow that strain again fuck that smell is devine!!

Gotta go to an 18th birthday party tonight, i feel really old i remember this person being born like it was a few years ago, very sad lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
uuuummmmmmmm wweeeeeeeddddddd....(to be said like homer simpson)...

starting to get the smell off the plants so were not too far away from sexing them.. god that sounds like some pervert talk, but you lot know what i mean ;)....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
heres how they are today har, and last pic is them a week ago, so they must be down to the "res".... and possibly that bit root bound, there going into 10 litre pots this evening...



Active Member
looking good ae,, quick question ,some roots are starting to pop out of the holes in the pot, i cant go bigger so what can i do,will it be okay??? or will they dry out??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well you can go bigger mand thats not a problem, or fill another pot and sit your pot into it, the roots will grow into the other pot, if you get me..

so far in flower i would have tought the roots would have well stopped or slowed, but maybe thats different in autos as the look to flower from the get go....


Active Member
cant go bigger, the only thing i can think of that would fit around the bottom and cover the holes is a lasagne dish ,or is that just stupid

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
re-pot into larger pot if you like, you will be grand, wouldn`t recoommend the dish its too shallow, and will allow light too the roots, they don`t like that...