The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Kango420 check out lots of 2nd camera for sale, thats where i got mine
naw dude i want a cheapish new camera that ill only use for this forum i dont want anything traced back to me because people are still backward in this country and they dont like people living in peace growing a plant for personal use they much prefer people getting drunk and fighting and stabbing people instead


Well-Known Member
welcome! This your first grow? Im on my 3rd and loving it as a hobby, the smoke is just a huge bonus! :)
first grow, yea, I had 2 other before but both males. I am doing it as well, love this plant, the looks of it and indeed, the smoke is a bonus.


naw dude i want a cheapish new camera that ill only use for this forum i dont want anything traced back to me because people are still backward in this country and they dont like people living in peace growing a plant for personal use they much prefer people getting drunk and fighting and stabbing people instead

So bloody true mate, the laws are totally fucked up here when it comes to what we are allowed to buy and consume on a daily basis and yet the 1 thing that actually helps people and has no effect on anything or anyone either than the consumer itself is illegal here. Really is hard to believe that alcohol and fags are totally legal when at the end of the day are more fecking harmful than weed


Well-Known Member
alright lads. while looking for a heat mat ive been thinking, would i be better off getting a bigger one and have it ubder my plants aswell


Well-Known Member
alright lads. while looking for a heat mat ive been thinking, would i be better off getting a bigger one and have it ubder my plants aswell
The big ones I found are super pricey, plus they only heat by contact, not by convection, so bear that in mind.


Well-Known Member
but would contact not be better, as in youll only be heating where the planrs are on
Yeah they have to have quite a large surface area in contact with the mat. Plus bear in mind they're generally not waterproof...I got a little buzz watering one day...that was the last of heat matts in my tent!


Well-Known Member
What size box are you rocking again man? Argos do skirting heaters or like these little plug in "bar" heaters that can work better to raise the ambient temperature if that's what your chasing, cos the heat matts don't actually heat the air itself very well.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about the heat mats myself...

Think the heat pads would work well in a situation where a whole room was being used and difficult to heat the whole room, were as the heater tube thing would be good in an enclosed box..

A pet store on E-bay sells water proof ones, 12 volt plastic covered ones, although I think they're about €35 delivered...

I wont be buying any this year (Hopefully) but will defo consider for the next cold snap..


Well-Known Member
Thinking about the heat mats myself...

Think the heat pads would work well in a situation where a whole room was being used and difficult to heat the whole room, were as the heater tube thing would be good in an enclosed box..

A pet store on E-bay sells water proof ones, 12 volt plastic covered ones, although I think they're about €35 delivered...

I wont be buying any this year (Hopefully) but will defo consider for the next cold snap..
I did away with all that by making sure one of my two tents is always running, means there's constant heat but no need for heating, win win! :)


Well-Known Member
You know... I've been thinking the exact same.. It's a great idea but I don't think my little 250 waters ain't going to cut the mustard..

You have any pics of your set up Mr H...?

One guy on you tube had his exhaust warming up his appartment !!


Well-Known Member
just bought myself a space case grinder hehe 7 days delivery, cant wait. Sick of paying money for shitty grinders that keep getting stuck or breaking......Nice.


Well-Known Member
ive got the big spacecase grinder and they are without doubt the best, the other hand crank ones are just cool to look at but spacecase is the shit, pity there wasent more places in ireland making weed related products and creating jobs instead of all us buying from abroad, pottery shops should be making coffee cups that have a built in pipe for smoking ect ect theres so many thinks to make!


Well-Known Member
ive got the big spacecase grinder and they are without doubt the best, the other hand crank ones are just cool to look at but spacecase is the shit, pity there wasent more places in ireland making weed related products and creating jobs instead of all us buying from abroad, pottery shops should be making coffee cups that have a built in pipe for smoking ect ect theres so many thinks to make!
was looking recently for irish glass bong/pipes. did find one nice english place

I was very suprised after hearing so much about space case that NO WHERE in ireland stocks them
maybe because of high €€€€€

5000 plant bust

Oireachtas report also out today , mentioning "that legislation be introduced criminalising the importation of cannabis seeds"


Active Member
i got an 'oz' last nigh the dealer tells oz are 25gr now i hate what people can get away with and it wasnt any cheaper.


Well-Known Member
was looking recently for irish glass bong/pipes. did find one nice english place

maybe because of high €€€€€

5000 plant bust

Oireachtas report also out today , mentioning "that legislation be introduced criminalising the importation of cannabis seeds"
knew you would be on with the evening news update! Heard that on the news today, wonder where they got the 1.5m value though,id have thought that 5000 plants would be worth a lot more! Or maybe they just hadn't got them in flower for that long! Id say the smell out there is lovely right now, anyone up for a spin?? :p