The Irish Growers Thread!

i wouldn swap my missus for them a deadly little fan in lidl for 5e.also i bought my tent an a duel spectrum bulb in d.i.g. he knocked 70e off them there sound will deal with them again.they sell seeds aswell
i wouldn swap my missus for them a deadly little fan in lidl for 5e.also i bought my tent an a duel spectrum bulb in d.i.g. he knocked 70e off them there sound will deal with them again.they sell seeds aswell

well if he`ll throw in two of them i might be persuaded to swap the wife...
hey don`t knock the soil... without it i`d be lost hahahahaha

gave mine a litre of water there now and got some run off, after yesterdays feeding (litre each) with no run off... should be grand now for a day or two.... think i`ll up the flower nutes aswell just a little more but they seem fine on the feed strenght so far, were at abouy 90% strong so can go a little higher with it....

also noticed alot of red stems, right to the bottom of the leafs main stem mostly green, what you think lads got too cold at some stage? could we get some purple on the bud i wonder!!!!

and more red hairs on one in the 5litre tubs ummmm wonder whats going on with it, i`ll keep eye on her over the next week and see what happens, the three of them have really flew up, they were short and thin, now there tall and bushy...
Anyone have an idea for watering schedule in coco? See people talking about watering everyday but dont think mine need it. Coco seems moist and plants are not wilting. Their a little pale but thats probably down to nutes, feeding them 1.3 EC and planning to up that soon.
I'm using 18L pots, could this be allowing extra time?
Anyone have an idea for watering schedule in coco? See people talking about watering everyday but dont think mine need it. Coco seems moist and plants are not wilting. Their a little pale but thats probably down to nutes, feeding them 1.3 EC and planning to up that soon.
I'm using 18L pots, could this be allowing extra time?
well man ya can buy a probe in aldi for 3euro tells ya how dry or wet it is.not sure if it works in coco but its a great job for the soil i wouldn b without mine now saves guessin when ta water plants
watching doomsday preppers...

so whats your opinions on it dudes, will it be in our life time? our kids? i do think its an eventual thing, like it will eventually happen...

then again if the myan`s are to be beleived its all over this year so...
Plants are about 8 inches ae. They seem to be doin fine just a little pale. Just thought I should be watering in coco everyday...
Trip to Aldi called for I'd say...:-P