The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
You mutha fucka!!!! :):)

just remember billy, broken ones just keep the rest going.. and theres plenty of pureist like me that just love a screaming 4age, not the sr20`s.... even tho i had an sr one i always preferred my 16v.. better drifting harder but just felt better...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just lifted the lights an inch or two so the strech should start now, happy enough with how tight the nodes are, nearly too tight hahahaha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`d love to get too a formula d, but drifting here will have too do....;)

hubinette and the other american drivers really push the irish lads on, and the sound of a v8 is awesome at tick over never mind at full drift...;)


Active Member
What a night. Starting the new beans. Dropped the first fucker. Took an hour on my hands and knees to find the bastard.

All 8 down now. Also got some semi autoflowering seeds free. Anyone any experiences with semi-autos

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just watching that nothing to declare, the show about customs, theres an english one now, nothing to declare uk, guy and wife had 18kilos of herb and pollen in there suit case and expected to walk through with it...

make you wonder if anyone ever been sucssesful that way??? any one get even a few grams through on the sly?

wouldn`t try it myself ....or would i !!!!! ha 18k is alot of cashola.... they got 9months well the dude did...


Active Member
White Widow and Snow White from Spliff Seeds.

Brother brought a few grams and a bit of hash coming back from Dam and got through alright. Was some nice smoke too


Well-Known Member
just watching that nothing to declare, the show about customs, theres an english one now, nothing to declare uk, guy and wife had 18kilos of herb and pollen in there suit case and expected to walk through with it...

make you wonder if anyone ever been sucssesful that way??? any one get even a few grams through on the sly?

wouldn`t try it myself ....or would i !!!!! ha 18k is alot of cashola.... they got 9months well the dude did...
Of course they have been successful man, people do it all the time!! It's all about %'s!! Ive never brought big amounts home, norm when im in the dam ill bring an Oz back, last time in may my mate got stopped coming through customs in belfast international, fuking nightmare, he had about oz, few g's of different strains, bt he walked in the end after paying a 300 pound on the spot fine. I aint flown since and will be carefull now as we booked our flights under his card, ill find out in a few weeks when im heading over to the liverpool match :)


Well-Known Member
White Widow and Snow White from Spliff Seeds.

Brother brought a few grams and a bit of hash coming back from Dam and got through alright. Was some nice smoke too
9 out of 10 times it will get through, thats if you have it on you or getting posted, dhl etc etc.
I get stuff from B.C. sent over every 10 days or so and i have never had any problems. Once the sender is taking proper precautions there will be no issues unless you are unlucky!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah buddy.... would love a bit of hash.......

white widow no matter what breeder i hear is savage smokeable, moreish if you would...( once you get off the couch and roll another) ...

brother brought back seeds, and wouldn`t you know it gave them to his mates.. the numpty...he doesn`t even grow...

him and another dude going over in three weeks, might tag along i never been..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Of course they have been successful man, people do it all the time!! It's all about %'s!! Ive never brought big amounts home, norm when im in the dam ill bring an Oz back, last time in may my mate got stopped coming through customs in belfast international, fuking nightmare, he had about oz, few g's of different strains, bt he walked in the end after paying a 300 pound on the spot fine. I aint flown since and will be carefull now as we booked our flights under his card, ill find out in a few weeks when im heading over to the liverpool match :)

that i would try, couple grams of this couple of that, like your mate no previous (for drugs) so think i`d only get a slap on the wrist IF sussed...


Active Member
Been readin up on them. Think they would be an outdoor grower in Irish climate. They start flowering once daylight starts to shorten in July. So should finish in September.
Got a mate in Canada too. Might be getting on to him soon


Active Member
brought like 5 or 6 grams back 4 times. flew from waterford 1 time a few years back, had 6 grams of leftovers in 6 differant baggies. we were all standing in the small arrival room and they bring out all the bags and put them on the floor, brought in a springer spaniel to run over all the bags, he was standing on my bag a couple of times and never indicated.i was shiting meself, only thing i could think was that he was trained in on harder drugs. i train springers and other gun dogs and there is no way he should miss it, unless he was just a crap dog.
pricks took fags off me alright before.
just watching that nothing to declare, the show about customs, theres an english one now, nothing to declare uk, guy and wife had 18kilos of herb and pollen in there suit case and expected to walk through with it...

make you wonder if anyone ever been sucssesful that way??? any one get even a few grams through on the sly?

wouldn`t try it myself ....or would i !!!!! ha 18k is alot of cashola.... they got 9months well the dude did...


Well-Known Member
Been readin up on them. Think they would be an outdoor grower in Irish climate. They start flowering once daylight starts to shorten in July. So should finish in September.
Got a mate in Canada too. Might be getting on to him soon
I'd advice it man, u will never look back, just get him to get a vacuum sealer then straight through normal post!! You will get 56g's no problem in a a4 envelope ;) Depending on who you get it of you will be paying between 200-300 euro per oz. Few lads I know are living of it in Canada, they left here with a few grand, bought a vacuum sealer and a lb of weed and have been sending it back ever since, no risk involved for them and they have a fair few bob to enjoy canada with :)


Well-Known Member
lol same thing happened to me 1st time over there, about 9 different bags with enuf for a j or 2 in each !! I rolled 1 big fat coner with all the weed inside and brought it home :)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
father is big into the hunting, he has i have too say the finest springer i`ve ever seen... hes a bit physco tho, never stops, like the cunt is trained on whizz hahahaha

has a german pointer and an english pointer too, springer wipes the floor with them every time...

odd he didn`t indicate alright, comeing from the dam like, but your right every bag smacks of weed too them he was prob looking for white or herion ...

hahaha say your kaks were a shade browner alright, i myself would have been bricking it hahaha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I'd advice it man, u will never look back, just get him to get a vacuum sealer then straight through normal post!! You will get 56g's no problem in a a4 envelope ;) Depending on who you get it of you will be paying between 200-300 euro per oz. Few lads I know are living of it in Canada, they left here with a few grand, bought a vacuum sealer and a lb of weed and have been sending it back ever since, no risk involved for them and they have a fair few bob to enjoy canada with :)
its a good plan really and as you said no really any risk if they play it right..