The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
right i`ve read about 10 forum pages on different sites from google and 90% say unless room is airtight and enviroment totally controlled the homemade co2 is useless, best to stand in there and breath heavy on them for few mins...

has any off you made the sugar solution and tried it? is it effective?

my room is hardly air tight, i have some light leaks on lights on, as there on day light hours and off at night this hasn`t been a problem so far...

any other methods on this lads... could be ground breaking i can only find one way of doing it(sugar sol) so +rep for anything that works...

piped piper

them big raids over the last few months have fucked everything up. there's nothing really going around at all. odd because of all the haze that was floating around soon after the raids, but i bet that guy was done too. i'm sure the grit ak47 is on it's way back for xmass again, but i think all that grit around xmass is outdoor grows. i'm mad to see how slivermandy gets on with her grow. from what i have read about autos, isn't that good. but i find it hard to trust a lot of the results people post up. especially when it comes to time.

have you ever seen the guys posting that a pic like this;
and claim it's one week flowering?

fyi the poster said it was week 4 1/2 flowering

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yep, have read those post too, then looked at mine and tought "fuck me im a crap grower"...;)

don`t doubt mandy tho, but theres a shit load that post pics and say there weeks ahead of themselfs... or behind, you know what i mean hahaha and i`ve said the same to mandy about the bad reports on the auto strains, there is however some auto growers on this thread that are getting great results with them so can`t all be bad...

iam and jingle i think it was ... @jingle was that afgahan an auto?

on the grit, got a baggie last year with actual builders sand on some bud and all over the bottom of the bag, outdoor maybe, cheating cunts trying to pull fast one definitely....


Well-Known Member
theres fuck all wrong with autos i assure you, unless you get a new strain that hasent been bred out right, ive only ever grown autos apart from my last two grows which were photo strains but as for yield and potency theres no difference in autos and photos if done right

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
again lads and now lady, i just spouting what i read, never grew an auto, but isn`t it like anything, good reports and bad...

hows the knuckles now kang, didn`t damage them while going through the withdrawal again hahahaha fucking week 4 now and still sweating... not addictive my arse..

then again i have an addictive personality, like dewy cox ...(if you seen the movie you`ll get the refrence)..;)


Active Member
i got 8 and half oz of dry bud from me 2 easyryders, they took 13 weeks. alot of that was my fault tho,i reckon they finish in 11 weeks if conditions had of been better. im going to do a few of them out doors next year. i reckon photoperiod are better for indoors as ur only paying for 12 hours leccy instead 0f 18 for flower, thats the only thing that puts me off. my avatar is the main cola from 1 of them. 38 grams dry.
them big raids over the last few months have fucked everything up. there's nothing really going around at all. odd because of all the haze that was floating around soon after the raids, but i bet that guy was done too. i'm sure the grit ak47 is on it's way back for xmass again, but i think all that grit around xmass is outdoor grows. i'm mad to see how slivermandy gets on with her grow. from what i have read about autos, isn't that good. but i find it hard to trust a lot of the results people post up. especially when it comes to time.

have you ever seen the guys posting that a pic like this;
View attachment 2283934
and claim it's one week flowering?

fyi the poster said it was week 4 1/2 flowering


Active Member
nice job with the kerry boy,s yesterday:clap:
theres fuck all wrong with autos i assure you, unless you get a new strain that hasent been bred out right, ive only ever grown autos apart from my last two grows which were photo strains but as for yield and potency theres no difference in autos and photos if done right

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i got 8 and half oz of dry bud from me 2 easyryders, they took 13 weeks. alot of that was my fault tho,i reckon they finish in 11 weeks if conditions had of been better. im going to do a few of them out doors next year. i reckon photoperiod are better for indoors as ur only paying for 12 hours leccy instead 0f 18 for flower, thats the only thing that puts me off. my avatar is the main cola from 1 of them. 38 grams dry.

best looking cola i`ve seen on here since joining....fact...


Well-Known Member
no never hit anything.. put it down to the ghost in the machine..

grebils ... uummm could be ground breaking..hahaha, isn`t there a way of creating co2 with household chemicals and steel wool..
You still think im joking don't ya?? Trust me, a significant amount of c02 would be produced with them inside your grow, I don't know the exact ppm tbh LOL but you would notice a nice difference growth wise. Dry ice is another option, again ya ideally need a sealed room. For dry ice measurements you find cubic size of your room (l x w x h) and times it by 0.0015 :)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
still on about the gerbils... hahahahaha

dry ice would be hard to come by round here, although seen the lads on american weed makeing hash with it so could be worth while finding some if only for that, sealing the room is a long ways off, so gerbils are the front runner at the min.. serious like, if it works why not...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
how did we do in the show jumping... missed it on tv, seen the eventing tho and it was class, one tricky course, would love to get my lad around it, he more suited to show jumping but i love a bit of cross country...


Well-Known Member
Its all about the gerbils!! haha :) Ive never done it tbh so im not sure what the drawbacks would be,maybe a bit cruel but i think they like hot climates and the extra oxygen would keep them going @ 90mph ;)


Active Member
them big raids over the last few months have fucked everything up. there's nothing really going around at all. odd because of all the haze that was floating around soon after the raids, but i bet that guy was done too. i'm sure the grit ak47 is on it's way back for xmass again, but i think all that grit around xmass is outdoor grows. i'm mad to see how slivermandy gets on with her grow. from what i have read about autos, isn't that good. but i find it hard to trust a lot of the results people post up. especially when it comes to time.

have you ever seen the guys posting that a pic like this;
View attachment 2283934
and claim it's one week flowering?

fyi the poster said it was week 4 1/2 flowering
I totally understand that people will lie and try big up there plant dates to make them look like amazing growers, or from the companys that sell the seed , but its not my fault the plant is growing so fast lol,,also im just here to learn and have some fun and a chat an shit..there not much info on the auto im growing or seen any pictures from a grow journal. the only other bit of proof i have of how old my plant is is in the picture, dont believe me if dont want to thats fine ,i know my own dates.SAM_7555.jpg

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bit of grease on there wheel they`ll be grand hahahaha....

see britan had a clear round in time with no faults kinda fucks us now..

ah that was this morning, were out now its a jump off... not sure if were in it...

last english horse was a jumping machine, 7.5 ft, cleared it in a stride... on the wrong diagonal aswell... uncofortable for the rider but some jump for a horse..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I totally understand that people will lie and try big up there plant dates to make them look like amazing growers, or from the companys that sell the seed , but its not my fault the plant is growing so fast lol,,also im just here to learn and have some fun and a chat an shit..there not much info on the auto im growing or seen any pictures from a grow journal. the only other bit of proof i have of how old my plant is is in the picture, dont believe me if dont want to thats fine ,i know my own dates.View attachment 2284002

mand, don`t take everything so serious, i`m sure piped wasn`t haveing a dig, more that you are doing so well and honest about it, we have seen your pics from the start so we now your honest with it.. and intrested to see how you yeild...

on that score, how did you do last round with the autos or did you weigh it dry?