The Irish Growers Thread!

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
i didnt come up with the idea. i think i read it on i have my fan hung from bungee cord but i didnt do the expanding foam bit cos its an acoustic fan. it makes about the same noise as my xbox 360 used to make. (though that was a bit noisy for a computer!)


Well-Known Member
anyone know any of the guys caught in waterford...

one of the lads caught with the 800kg is a mate of mine, poor cunt is gone straight to midlands...

be a while before we see him again...
You talking about the stuff that came from AMSTERDAM?? What has waterford got to do with it??? Thought they were followed back to ballyer and naas??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
there was a 1500 plant grow got in waterford yesterday....

th other lads had to have been followed or hung out to dry by someone..

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
I was readin about that waterford bust yesterday, how do you grow 1500 plants in an apartment?. also with that expanding foam job you wrap the fan in cling-film to stop wet foam getting into the fan.


Well-Known Member
I was readin about that waterford bust yesterday, how do you grow 1500 plants in an apartment?. also with that expanding foam job you wrap the fan in cling-film to stop wet foam getting into the fan.

Id have to imagine it was some kind of perpetual SOG!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the foam isn`t heat durable dave, is what i was saying, prob ok for short term fix, but i wouldn`t leave it in long term as is turns to powder after a while, we used it in the trade and can see what it goes like after a while..

go first fix tho..

it is mental to think of that many plants in an apartment, i have 5 in a press and its over growing ;)...........

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
but where is the heat coming from?, is the fan not cooling itself with the air passing through it?. if you have a cooling tube keeping the light cool surely it can work?!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
if the fan is ducting off the lights? taught thats where he was venting from?

not saying its a bad idea just keeping the door open for more....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its just an engine that runs on different air temp, when i say engine its just a single piston driven by hot and cold air..

so sorted some stuff out in the room, put the two seedlings outside in 10litre pots, the clones are in the room with the 4 girls two topped two untopped and the double sprouted runt, and gave them all there last feed of veg nutes..

so i`d say i`ll be flipping on monday night to flowering bulbs..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening fellas, any craic....

nothing new to report here, just same old same old, can`t wait to flip to flower, only another 6 or 8 weeks to wait then, and another two weeks before i can smoke the bitchs..

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
ive just been readin about silver haze. im gonna grow somethin sativa like that for my second grow. ive never smoked weed that makes you feel energetic. ive only smoked the stuff that puts you on your arse.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha, its a great stone, i mean you really feel stoned but you can work like a cunt....

been years since i smoked it, i first smoked weed with a mate from england, there way ahead on the growing and he brought some over, that and proper skunk, thats how i got started smokeing the green, and now i`m a grower i think i`ll give it a go...

that and i like the idea of haveing a selection of jars to sample from in the near future...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thats the plan anyways dude, enough to keep the wife and myself happy of an evening, dunno if you have kids but that golden time in the eve when there all in bed and the house is quiet...

we don`t drink, well she would from time to time but we like to relax and have a joint and too be honest with you dave the crap thats going about here for the last few months wouldn`t gert you high atall, i don`t know if its my tollerence but its real crap to smoke...

so i hope to grow some strong smelly weed for ourselfs the kind that will stick you to the couch, and then some heady stuff for a day time smoke...