The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
best to save the keif in the frezzer then treklane, get yourelf a good bag of it and make up some decent amount of it...

the jorge whatever his name is vid on youtube is a good watch, my personal favorite is makeing it with the screen wrap it in plastic and bake for about 15mins...


Well-Known Member
will check it out never tryed before have read gevantis bible he goes on in depth about it
any 1 else tred to make some any tips

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
can never remember his last name....

i myself am looking forward to makeing my own hash, just another exciting angle of growing and being self suficent, think i`ll save up a fair bit of my keif first tho, i`d like to make myself an oz..

far as this grow is going, it think i have too many plants going i did think 5 was doable, but now i think i`ve bitten off to much for the space i have, i`ll make do and mend until finish, or plan b is to leave some outside and flower say three of them, what would you think guys would the weather kill a plant even if it was up to 2 ft tall and strong stemmed etc? i can continue to maintain feeding them outside and stuff....

head wrecked...


Well-Known Member
If you have the place to do it, I would do it outside, all of them. Would prob want to veg until about june though to get the best of the weather. And then you would have 15ft high trees lol. Or you could throw away the weakest ones if you think it would help the stronger ones.


Well-Known Member
happened to me 1st grow 86 had 9 under a 600 watt it just got 2 hard to handle last 4 weeks ir so
cut back 2 6 2nd grow and happy out now had a touch of eyes bigger than my belly syndrome
seems like a good idea to freze til u have a good amount would this take from the hash then or is that tech cool

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no it won`t affect the thc, or so i read on here seems everyone frezzes until they have enough, i would just want a result even if i messed it up thats why i`d wait, you could prob make a few joints of hash from a little keif but i really woudn`t know about it yet...

i am leaning toward the outside for now, wouldn`t have to let them get out of hand, i could top them again and bring them in to flower....


Well-Known Member
hahaha check out the rip this guy takes at about 2:10 in. I knew that was a bad idea from the start :P

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
link won`t work for me iam....

will be flowered on there own as in what ever goes out will be all thats in the flower room ...

i have only one spot to veg and flower, so its a kind of reverse perpetual grow of sorts...

i do think it could work, yes the bugs could be a problem the soil, but wouldn`t be re-used again i think in soil its a one shot deal anyways, its about the only draw back, well that and someone seeing them...


Active Member
wel lads. did anyone ever try to sound proof an inline fan.have tent in me bedroom and herself was over last night and its a little bit loud.
was thinking of making a box out of 6mm ply,putting fan into the box and leaving 20mm all roung to stuff with rockwool, anyone ever try anything similar or think it would work?
The girls are goin good wil probably be moving into NFT system, took 86 advice and aimed the fan at them so the stalks are gettin a little bit stronger.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
no 86 only on second day of veg! (not long to go now!!!!!!) smokeydog- ive seen threads showing you how to put a cardboard box around the fan then spraying expandable foam inside the box. then you hang the box from the top of the tent with bungee cord.


Active Member
jayzus dave,that sounds alot simpler alright, i think i was over complicating things,be no need to paint a white box and its ready made,cheers buddy im going to try it during the week to keep the peace. how,s ur little ladies goin.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
its very early days smokey. i only germed last week. though it feels great to finally be up and running after all the money spent and time waitin for shit to arrive. whats NFT?


Active Member
Nutrient Film Technique, have to wait for for a shit load of root,s to appear on the bottom of the rockwool cubes before i put them into the grow tanks,im still waiting on a couple of bits and pieces to arrive,but when its all here and all is going good il have it paid for on the first grow from wat i would be spending on weed hopefully,

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thing with expanding foam is its heat sensitive, can shrink or smoulder when exposed to heat, but dawm dave thats a good idea...

have to see which of the girls are going out today...

its sunny but feels pretty cold, i hope they`ll live for few weeks out there.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cunt..... can`t go to the forrestry today and theres no way can put them in the yard well not just yet so stuck in this position for another day or two.....

i swear, if i didn`t have bad luck i wouldn`t have any....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
anyone know any of the guys caught in waterford...

one of the lads caught with the 800kg is a mate of mine, poor cunt is gone straight to midlands...

be a while before we see him again...