The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, whats the T44 like to smoke, grow and whats the quickest you had it finish i read that under the right conditions you can crop at day 44?


Well-Known Member
Not to bad lozac my dog hurt his paw so thats a shitty buzz but on the upside im going to amsterdam at the start of next month so i complain!

Fallen Buckshot

awesome guys take a lookie at my grow and see watt ya think comments critics welcomed


Active Member
Believe it or not dan I like the T44. The smoke is nice, nothing like some of the bad reports Ive read about it. Its the kinda smoke that creeps up on ya and once its there it sticks about for a good while.

Im changing my light setup at the minute from a 400w hps to a double 125w enviro CFL job due to heat issues (still growin away but I gota keep the cab door open a wee hair lol) so once they get here and I get them all setup Il get a few pics on for yas.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Whats the story lads, hows everyone gettin on?

Just topped the super skunk the last week and she's branching out nicely.

Any guesses on yield lads?



Well-Known Member
Hey richie get that over to my outdoor thread dont let my thread die!haha! Ah no man they're looking good havnt a clue on the yield tho!


New Member
Looks nice and healthy, nice strong centre stem, sorry to crash the thread but hi from scotland, should be a good smoke for you, youl get over 1oz with it, up your nuits just a ''little'' try for a nice dark green, but just a little more nuits.

Fallen Buckshot

yeah ritchie lookin good looks like my big momma about a month ago when i chopped her top


hi guys, long time smoker, first time grower. just started germinating today (the church, 5 fem seeds bought from local headshop) I have a wardrobe around 5ftHx3.5ftwx2.5ftd to grow in, but am unsure what lights to use. am on a tight budget, so need a good value/yield ratio....any advice?

Fallen Buckshot

im sure some will dissagree but being a first time grower myself CFL's are cheap and seem to work well for me anyway


Active Member
hi guys, long time smoker, first time grower. just started germinating today (the church, 5 fem seeds bought from local headshop) I have a wardrobe around 5ftHx3.5ftwx2.5ftd to grow in, but am unsure what lights to use. am on a tight budget, so need a good value/yield ratio....any advice?
I agree with FB also bass mate. and by the size of your grow space anything more than a 150w hps setup would be hard to controll in regards to heat.

You could probably get yourself a 150hps cheap enough but CFL'S are cheaper still. And if your on a budget every penny saved can go into improving your grow space.

What type of budget we talking about mate?


Well-Known Member
Cfl's aint that much cheaper my first grow i made with cfl's and it cost me 50euro to make and i only had 120 watts my mate bougth a 250watt hps on ebay for about 25 yea there great when your first starting out as you dont have to deal with the heat problems and when you decide to get a hps you have the cfl's for your veg box, but really it all depends how much you want to yield!


Cfl's aint that much cheaper my first grow i made with cfl's and it cost me 50euro to make and i only had 120 watts my mate bougth a 250watt hps on ebay for about 25 yea there great when your first starting out as you dont have to deal with the heat problems and when you decide to get a hps you have the cfl's for your veg box, but really it all depends how much you want to yield!

I'd like to yield as much as i can! what are CFL's? compact flouresents? like normal tube lights? i can get a 4ft fixture and tube in my local hardware shop for about 25 euros. would this do? my local head shop has these flouresent lights and fixture for about 100-150 but i cant afford that, i just want to shop smart if you know what i mean....i can only afford a few quid here and there when i can spare it. i just dont want to get the wrong stuff and mess up my grow. if i use CFL will i need a ventilation system? also what are HPS?


Well-Known Member
Cfl's are the energy saving bulbs you use in your house, Hps are street lights but are the best light to grow weed with! Have a look on ebay they have cheap hps the whole time, and if you can only afford bits here and there your probably just as good to go with cfl's and add more as your plant gets bigger and you wont "need" a vent system with cfl's but you should def have a fan to have strong plants! Oh yea that 4' tube but you'd probably want to get two of them cause most plants will bush out a bit and you still have to add a few small cfl's at the bottom as i dont think the tubes will have to much light penatration from the canopy!