The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yea ben lozac is dead right it doesnt grow good till it about 3 weeks also the 60 day thing is only a guide line it could easily take an other 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
salt kills slugs, but you shouldv just put a solid ring around it, like i said tho, at least a foot away from the plant. salt burns it, much like nute burn, so too much can kill it. it hasnt rained, so you could bt lucky and be able to scrape it off! if not, and its still a hot day, give it loads and loads of water, wash it away. but only do that if its not raining, otherwise u might risk root rot.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, on one of ur other posts, u said u pissed on the plant to water it...NEVER do that. its like tipping pure fertilizer onto the plant, ull burn the hell out of it.
Hi folks...baked so good time to say ola... hoping to start my green project in the coming months on west coast of our good old Emereld Isle...after last few days of sunshine should have got my game on ealier for outdoor grow...​


Well-Known Member
its overcast today so should i just water the fuck out of the parts that my plants growing on as in the compost?


Well-Known Member
water it like crazy, just make sure it washes the salt away, rather than washing it into the ground.


Well-Known Member
grrrr visited my site after 1 week today!! barely any noticable growth!>:( maybe its because its not been raining here in a week? also i took a piss on its soil today just because it was so dry!! pathetic i know:( its second set of leaves havnt even started growing yet and its gone two weeks.??
Never piss directly onto em man.... check this thread.....



Well-Known Member
checked her today and watered her. shes burnt allright but shes still standing. one leaf is half dead and one of the second set of leaves is damaged too:( she looks ok other wise... what should i do??


Well-Known Member
There's not much you can do man it was raining today where i am so if it was raining where you are it will have flush it as best you can hope for, if it wasnt run a nice bit of water over the soil where you pissed to try an wash it away!


Well-Known Member
i would be expecting half an once at this stage the wway this plant has been effected so much lol


Active Member
X3 T44 at the minute m8. Theyer clones I took from the first crop and the girls are looking good. Think im gonna start em flowering soon, probably give them till next week so they got a good root mass. Means I can get them into 11ltr pots and some fresh allmix