The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
went for a stroll about the laneways yesterday and this morning, theres the few houses around that it could be other than mine but i still don`t want to risk it, the lights will stay on and some veg under them, should cover me..
I agree and you should go with your gut, if you're wrong the worst thing that will happen is that you have to start again.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
speaking of which, wonder how kang got on after, if they picked up or he started again..

if your out there buddy, hope all is well...
mdjenks:9232020 said:
In my experience I have gotten hard rock buds and airy buds from 250w MH and HPS what ever was closer to the light was denser for sure. The pic I put up of the turkey bag of ch4 and the jar of ch5 and the jar of purple green crack, the ch4's were taller and thus has rock hard baby fist buds and the others were more airy and we were using 400w's plus it depends on how many plants you have going and the genes. if you are growing say 3 plants and you top them and keep them short 250w will give you hard nugs unless the genetics are naturally airy, thats my 2c.

check this shit out, I read a few reviews and all were good and said this product is great: so what ever jars you have this will keep your nugs nice and fresh for as long as you use this product especially if you have a lot of bud and you know you will have it for a long time like my buddy who constantly sits on a pound and a half for himself and he doesn't sale shit he is just addicted to growing and is the master grower on the little co-op.
The chemicals in it are argon, carbon dioxide and nitrogen which are all used for preserving all kinds of food and approved by the U.S. FDA (food and drug administration)

View attachment 2705985
I've seen people use those vacuum packs you suck the air out to preserve there bud and to cure

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so made my famous spag bol for dinner tonight, have to say i do make a good one.. might do a few cakes for the kids tomorrow ....


Well-Known Member
check this out, my buddy aka mentor bought a dry ice hash making kit (DIH) its amazing how much hash you get, for sure worth investing in!



Well-Known Member
my buddies results in making the DIH hash: 29.92grams total, it was all chernobyl (CH4.2 meaning the second run of the fourth clones and CH5.2) and purple green crack. I swear he should open a dispensary he makes his home stash look so professional.


he just made some more with straight flowers no trim:

flowers.jpgbrokenup.jpgdice.jpgDIH kit.jpggradeb.jpggradeA-2.jpggradeA-1.jpggradeA.jpg



Well-Known Member
how is everyone doing? haven't had much conversation with any of you just posting pics. liking all the kind good advice especially to the new comers. This is a top notch thread!


Well-Known Member
Wow that hash looks incredible MD, huge amount of it. Dry ice is the largest yielding way of hash production, right? Those tubes look so professional I thought they were going for sale lol. Living the life...


Well-Known Member
Morning all.

What do ye think of these.
One is the smaller LSD whose tips on the bottom leaves are gone a pale brown or even gray colour,haven't given any nutes at all, all sh got was ph'd distilled water with a drop of rhizotonic,her sister has been given the same and is fine, I flushed her out with distilled water to be on the safe side but any opinions would be good.
The second pic is of a newly germed WW , the cotys are completely curled under but apart from a slight reddening of the stem she seems fine, as with the LSD all they've got is ph'd dis water with a drop of rhizo.CAM00199.jpgCAM00198.jpg

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Morning all.

What do ye think of these.
One is the smaller LSD whose tips on the bottom leaves are gone a pale brown or even gray colour,haven't given any nutes at all, all sh got was ph'd distilled water with a drop of rhizotonic,her sister has been given the same and is fine, I flushed her out with distilled water to be on the safe side but any opinions would be good.
The second pic is of a newly germed WW , the cotys are completely curled under but apart from a slight reddening of the stem she seems fine, as with the LSD all they've got is ph'd dis water with a drop of rhizo.View attachment 2707578View attachment 2707579

too hard to tell really, pics are blurry, have you a macro setting on your phone? red stems could have been the water was a touch cold for them maybe?


Well-Known Member
I went through the settings and these are the best I can do.CAM00202_1.jpgCAM00204.jpgCAM00209.jpgCAM00210.jpgCheers ae.
You could be right about the water being a little cold although it is just sitting there and should be at room temp.
Would ph up or down have any bearing on them cos I used a minute amount of both to get it where I needed it.
Would anyone happen this is know how long lowryder2 flower for? Been reading and says it should be finished 60 days I'm on day 70 now since they sprouted mines flowering 2-3 weeks just wondering how long they flower for?


Well-Known Member
Would anyone happen this is know how long lowryder2 flower for? Been reading and says it should be finished 60 days I'm on day 70 now since they sprouted mines flowering 2-3 weeks just wondering how long they flower for?
Does it say 60 days from seed specifically?
Maybe the 60 days is the flowering time.
fr3d12:9239214 said:
Would anyone happen this is know how long lowryder2 flower for? Been reading and says it should be finished 60 days I'm on day 70 now since they sprouted mines flowering 2-3 weeks just wondering how long they flower for?
Does it say 60 days from seed specifically?
Maybe the 60 days is the flowering time.
Yeah but that's for indoor can't seem to get specific details for grown outdoor I've read they can go as long as 100 days till harvest, just like to know in case I go over also not to wreck people's heads with pics how long left lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah but that's for indoor can't seem to get specific details for grown outdoor I've read they can go as long as 100 days till harvest, just like to know in case I go over also not to wreck people's heads with pics how long left lol
They probably will be a bit longer outdoors, You're only a few weeks in so they will be a while yet, I think the breeders times are always on the low side even with autos and just because someone else went 100 days doesn't mean yours will.
fr3d12:9239270 said:
Yeah but that's for indoor can't seem to get specific details for grown outdoor I've read they can go as long as 100 days till harvest, just like to know in case I go over also not to wreck people's heads with pics how long left lol
They probably will be a bit longer outdoors, You're only a few weeks in so they will be a while yet, I think the breeders times are always on the low side even with autos and just because someone else went 100 days doesn't mean yours will.
Yeah your right ah I don't mind how long they go I just like knowing the around about times still early days I'll be posting pics in couple weeks I'm sure you's will let me know started light feeding of the canna flores they seem to like it no problems yet thanks man