Nope, don't think i've come across her before. Only mad jap i ame across would have been japan freak
I reckon so!

I've thrown the odd cigarette butt in a gutter before, but for the past 6 months or so we've had the local street cleaner into work for quiche and coffee most days. You come to realise what lovely people they are (well some, most are just crazy old dudes shouting at traffic) and how much they do to make your road look pretty. During autumn he spends generally a hour plus every day just cleaning the pavements on my street of wet leaves. Makes me feel bad to foul up their hard work.
I have a frien i go fishing with, we take food, beers etc, he is the type who will throw every bit of it across onto the other bank of the river. He claims to lvoe fishing for the nature and scenery and fish, and sais that oh well, it's just one person, what'll it do. It infuriates me, i often feel like chucking all his gear into the middle of the river.
A shame i couldn't put the font wheels back on and make the front of the car it' regular length

Live and learn, and make very good life choices based on those lessons

I do not like that i drove drunk, but i do love it in that it changed me into a far more, ok, i'll ettle for a bit more, of a responsible person.