The Ice Box how to


Well-Known Member
I wish I was in Cali.........but I'm no where near there :eyesmoke:

Good, I'm glad you believe that the 1/2 hp chiller would be ideal. I will look into this. My setup will basically stay the same but I will no longer have to exhaust all my central a/c out of the house to keep the lights and tent cool.

Let me know what you think of this Mcgician:

My setup is exactly like diagram 4 but only in a 5 x 10 tent. This tent is in a closed 12 x 10 room with central a/c and a small 5 x 2 closet.

Let's assume I have a 1/2 hp chiller and a strong inline fan. My central a/c is set at 77 so that is my ambient temp. I place my rez and chiller just like they have it in diagram 4. Of course I would place the chiller exhaust into my closet and suck that out thru the attic and out of the house.

I would use a fan/filter combo to exhaust the "hopefully" cool tent air out of the tent and into the room. This will take care of odors and I will always get constant fresh air this way by keeping a passive intake open.

The question is..........will this idea work? Will the 1/2 hp chiller be able to keep my tent at or around my ambient room temps of 77 degrees? If it does, this will make it so much easier to vent the filtered air right into my room and maintain a constant flow of fresh air.

This is the good thing about having a tent inside a room. You have control of both environments. If I can make this work I can save about $75 a month in electricical usage alone........possibly more.

1/2 hp water chiller = 550 watts

3 ton central a/c = 7000 watts

Tell me I can't save a shitload :eyesmoke::blsmoke:
Fuck, having to run central AC is a bitch. Have you looked into a portable AC? The way I see it, you'll save about 250 watts over a portable AC able enough to cool the room, but you will save yourself the trouble of having to plumb air ducting for your lights. Did you say your lights would be on a mover(s)? Mine are, which is why I didn't want to go the air cooled way.

550 watts chiller, run probably around 14 hours a day (2 hours before lights come on)
1 Can Fan? (I would go with 2 man, and ditch the diagram 4 method) 2 Can Fan RS6's use 70 watts each.
1 large pump (I use an EcoPlus 950GPH pump and tone though flow down just a little for the sake of the chiller and plumbing. It's strong!
And unless you have Co2 injection, you'll need a constant flow of fresh air, so add another fan and carbon filter on too.


Well-Known Member
Wow this thread died real fast. I figured all the people screaming for something to help with all their heat problems would be very interested in this.

Does anyone else have this setup?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting one but it seems like after buying the box, a chiller, dealing with the heat from the chiller, adequate co2, there are cheaper ways to deal with heat, at least for me that is.


Nice tread i want to build a similar setup with 3 1kw sealed room,where i live i have no water meter the water is free.. the water temp was 25 fareneight winter and 65 fareneight summer i have a water valve selenoid and temps thermostat controller to control water on and off at the temps i want do you have any idea how to take this free cold water :idea: