• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The homeless/zombie crisis.


Well-Known Member
That's the impression I got from your OP. Entitled and scared.

You tried covering it up with anger but anger is not a true emotion. Anger is actually sadness or fear.

Your wife and her friends sound like terrible people.
Oh youre still here? Good, were all so proud of youre contribution to the thread. Stick around please. Pour some wine and light a joint. Im glad your feelings arent getting hurt or getting the best of you mr. Resentment.


Well-Known Member
Property taxes?! Pssshhhhh. This lowlife would be spitting on down-on-their-luck folks if he could get away with it. He reeks of pseudo-entitlement, 'white rage', and phoniness.

He avoids the Politics section. Probably a safe bet.


Good post. Im glad you put so much thought into it and spent the time to think of something constructive to say. :roll: Your contribution to the politics section is probably taken straight from trumps playbook. No plan and all talk. Do you have any ideas youd like to table or are you just here to take up space in the drawer of socks?


Well-Known Member
So homelessness is getting pretty bad around portland. Camps all over, driving businesses into the ground because consumers dont want to see bum camps while eating their lunch or have to pass through a bunch of junkies on their way to get some new nikes.

Personally i dont feed the homeless. When i see them on the corner with a sign i dont give them any money. My theory is if you give a squirrel a nut he'll probably come back looking for more nuts. It seems like with all the ways Portland condones homelessness and supports the homeless, that theres no real incentive to stop being homeless. Food stamps, police that almost never get rid of bum camps, water fountains on street corners, food banks, shelters, a constant supply of people giving them cash to stand there and look crazy, hey, why mess with a good thing right?

Unfortunately its a disaster. Theres junkies all over, needles on the streets, people sleeping on the ground, my friends brother oded the other day (homless junkie), and the city looks like shit.

So whats the solution? Stop taking care of them so they go away? Take matters into our own hands and tear down the camps vigilante style? Bag em and tag em, toss em into looney bins and take care of em for the rest of their lives? Ship em all to Australia? Any ideas?

it is kind of easy but no one will ever do it as they think all ppl can be saved
1 start up a program where all of them get moved into apartments for 6 months
2 during that time they attend classes for basic job skills ....3 ,months they train 3 months they look for work
3 the public bus are accessible to the apartments (or at the end of the block)

that takes care of the homeless....as the time expires for the 6 months or they actually make it the apartments are turned over with new ppl

now the ones that do nothing do not try do not anything but take ....they are flagged in the system removing them from the system given them no more benefits (their ss number is tag along with names and birthdays )......a simple photo of the ppl will keep them from scamming the system ( software is smart enough to tell who is who ...u can even smile again in dmv pics the software has gotten that smart)

now for the fun part the cops needs to get off there high horse glove up and start picking up the ppl for needle drugs (weed is legal u need more go to amsterdam ) .......as the number of ppl increase in the jail for the drugs offense u build the new jail on the edge of the state

they finish the time they get a kick in the ass and told .....u used up welcome in this state .....u can not get on any more programs here and u will be searched each time u are stopped as u are flagged as homeless and drug user ......no point in staying here next state is 10 miles that way try there ............u shuffle them out of the area ........i say u gather them up in some state with floods and tornadoes ( if they take out trailer parks think about tent cities ) ....it was their choice and our choice to let nature do the dirty work

if u want a quicker way
every kitchen every place that serves food all the trash cans are laces with a spray rat poison at night .......kills rats and other stuff makes humans really really sick
remove the food supply so they will move on or die off

at some point have to cut loses or u go down with them .......u make every effort to help out the ones that really want the ones just scamming the system need to be removed


Well-Known Member
it is kind of easy but no one will ever do it as they think all ppl can be saved
1 start up a program where all of them get moved into apartments for 6 months
2 during that time they attend classes for basic job skills ....3 ,months they train 3 months they look for work
3 the public bus are accessible to the apartments (or at the end of the block)

that takes care of the homeless....as the time expires for the 6 months or they actually make it the apartments are turned over with new ppl

now the ones that do nothing do not try do not anything but take ....they are flagged in the system removing them from the system given them no more benefits (their ss number is tag along with names and birthdays )......a simple photo of the ppl will keep them from scamming the system ( software is smart enough to tell who is who ...u can even smile again in dmv pics the software has gotten that smart)

now for the fun part the cops needs to get off there high horse glove up and start picking up the ppl for needle drugs (weed is legal u need more go to amsterdam ) .......as the number of ppl increase in the jail for the drugs offense u build the new jail on the edge of the state

they finish the time they get a kick in the ass and told .....u used up welcome in this state .....u can not get on any more programs here and u will be searched each time u are stopped as u are flagged as homeless and drug user ......no point in staying here next state is 10 miles that way try there ............u shuffle them out of the area ........i say u gather them up in some state with floods and tornadoes ( if they take out trailer parks think about tent cities ) ....it was their choice and our choice to let nature do the dirty work

if u want a quicker way
every kitchen every place that serves food all the trash cans are laces with a spray rat poison at night .......kills rats and other stuff makes humans really really sick
remove the food supply so they will move on or die off

at some point have to cut loses or u go down with them .......u make every effort to help out the ones that really want the ones just scamming the system need to be removed
Amazingly shitty.

Just for openers you'll end up feeding rat poison to the disabled.

Surely you aren't that callous?


Well-Known Member
I'll bite; increase corporate taxes and use the money for assistance to the poor, disabled, disadvantaged and down on their luck.
Cut the military budget as well. Fuck, we could cut it, still have the largest military budget (not including black ops funding) in the world and use the money to build whole towns with affordable housing. But 'Muricah!


Well-Known Member
Amazingly shitty.

Just for openers you'll end up feeding rat poison to the disabled.

Surely you aren't that callous?
it does not hurt anyone but rats and mice ......makes them sick makes that source of food none usable (plus helps keep the rat mice pop under control making disease spread less)
everyone that needs help gets it but it not permit 6 months free housing food and schooling with job placement and getting own place as the goal

i live on the east cost i know somethings about this ......a good beggar can make 60k a year in the right spots (ppl with actual homes do this as a job in dc and Annapolis)
alot of the ppl want out want better but some of them are just scamming the system for what they can get for free

2 types of homeless or thought of as homeless
ones that hate it and want to something more
ones that are content and like it

i say help the ones that want to do better as for the ones that are content ........u have to make life hard for them to get them to leave ........i open a biz in a good spot near a nice park thinking i would get good foot traffic for lunch and dinner .....next thing u know since they offer so much free stuff like wifi and power sockets u have 30 homeless there each day with dogs bikes carts back packs ......the ppl that would of gone to the park for lunch or what ever do not feel comfy going there anymore (ppl feel guilty for doing better then others ) so the whole areas foot traffic and number change .....the 250k u put in is gone the sales are not anywhere near what they should be ......bank forecloses u lost everything u are homeless too


Well-Known Member
they finish the time they get a kick in the ass and told .....u used up welcome in this state .....u can not get on any more programs here and u will be searched each time u are stopped as u are flagged as homeless and drug user ......
So your going to disregard their 4th amendment rights because they are homeless and possible drug users? I never thought of you as someone who condoned "Stop and Frisk" policing.


Well-Known Member
So your going to disregard their 4th amendment rights because they are homeless and possible drug users? I never thought of you as someone who condoned "Stop and Frisk" policing.
what 4th adment

as the owner of the store each night i spray my trash down ..........it breaks no law
really look it up ......it is 100% allowed and u can write it off on taxes

if u really want to get anal about it .......the homeless digging tho it is stealing until the trash is at the pick up spot on the curb then it is public domiain .......simple sticker on the lid/can saying poison was srapied like they do with lawns u are legal

your talking about the frisk on the street ..........that is legal supreme court ruled on that cops have the right too stop u and search u under probable cause (and each state list what they can ....currently in maryland a phish sticker and a arrest for drugs is reason to search car with dogs at traffic stop)

anytime i get pulled over i know i am getting searched .......it is the same thing every time they stop me they come up get my info sometime during the stop the 2nd and 3rd car comes up then the cop comes back gives me my ticket then tells me a dog is going to go around my car (keeping to the law ) it hits as everything i own is tagged with it from growing .....then they tell me to get out of the car and they tare it apart

depending if i had something i go to jail or they come up and say i never had a dog hit like that and not find anything what do u do bath in the stuff .......i laugh and go on my way
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Well-Known Member
what 4th adment

as the owner of the store each night i spray my trash down ..........it breaks no law
really look it up ......it is 100% allowed and u can write it off on taxes

if u really want to get anal about it .......the homeless digging tho it is stealing until the trash is at the pick up spot on the curb then it is public domiain .......simple sticker on the lid/can saying poison was srapied like they do with lawns u are legal

your talking about the frisk on the street ..........that is legal supreme court ruled on that cops have the right too stop u and search u under probable cause (and each state list what they can ....currently in maryland a phish sticker and a arrest for drugs is reason to search car with dogs at traffic stop)

anytime i get pulled over i know i am getting searched .......it is the same thing every time they stop me they come up get my info sometime during the stop the 2nd and 3rd car comes up then the cop comes back gives me my ticket then tells me a dog is going to go around my car (keeping to the law ) it hits as everything i own is tagged with it from growing .....then they tell me to get out of the car and they tare it apart

depending if i had something i go to jail or they come up and say i never had a dog hit like that and not find anything what do u do bath in the stuff .......i laugh and go on my way
Just cuz the Supreme Court sez is okay doesn't mean it still isnt a violation of one's 4th Amendment rights.

Stop advocating to treat people like vermin. I'm losing respect for you.


Well-Known Member
Just cuz the Supreme Court sez is okay doesn't mean it still isnt a violation of one's 4th Amendment rights.

Stop advocating to treat people like vermin. I'm losing respect for you.
sorry but this is one thing i do have a odd option on as i looked at everything and no ones system works ........try a different method

ideally the best answer is the simplest ........no one needs more then 5 million dollars ........all accounts with more then 5 million money is taken out and divied up amount the ppl with under that amount

ppl are hording money no one needs that much money but they are allowed to keep it .......the whole reason prices are the way they are is just that .........the truly funny thing is there is not enough gold silver gems anything to equal the valve of the money out on the market now .....it is all one big lie there is no backing to money other then the word it is good
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
God dammit! I'm a stoner and I have beliefs! Listen to me or I'll shit all over your beliefs! lol

The fact of the matter is, some people abuse the system and some people dont. The sad part about it is, sometimes It's hard to tell the difference. There isnt a fix all and there never will be, because how do you differentiate the 2. But don't you dare allow Gary to come up in dis bitch and drop some sense...

Thats all I have. Hate me, like me, but it's how I think.


Well-Known Member
i am only about going after the ones that scam

no one has said anything about my idea for apartments

that is the one that counts .........it is alot like the old housing buildings in NY for the poor but with a twist
1 cop substataions in the building .....one at the top floor one at the bottom 2 cops per
2 the lower floor is schooling/job traiing ....daycare /pre school

now if the ppl get in the building and get a job week 2 they can still live there for 6 months rent free collecting the money from the job saving it

at the end ofthe 6th month the ppl that did the program gets help in placement to cheap apartments with help state to off set the price for 2 years (aslong as they are working and/or attending school/classes)

it is a hand up they get offered it they use it it work the program they get ahead ........they scam the program their photo is in the system and removed from any more beneifits under that state.......they have 50 chances total it more then enough

hell cost of living changes oregon is cheaper for me to live in then maryland is i will save 200-300 a month living there


Well-Known Member
Are you unaware that there was a robust mental health system across this country that Reagan disassembled.

Further your 'vision' and conjecture of what a seriously mentally ill person needs is completely opposite of what is actually necessary for example you mention work force! These people are so seriously unstable there is no work force option other than possibly sheltered workshops for the highest functioning.

Help me out here on this disambiguation, do the people who call people of Italian descent, 'Guidos' rand scum or non-scum?
Leaving the mentally ill and children on the streets will be another stain on America's history. It Is pretty easy to tell the truly mentally ill from the rest. They need a safe place and medication, period. Children need a safe place, period.

This thread is a fucking disaster.

Any truly homeless person will tell you the hardest things are having a solid address where you can get mail, and clothing. The city should provide a mailing address for those who need one. No packages, just mail. Goodwill and the Salvation army make a fortune selling donated items, tax free. We should give coupons at soup lines that allow the bearer to purchase clothing at these places for less than a dollar. It's a start.

I think this thread is more for shit talking and name calling than actually helping so I am out.

Gary, I think too many able folks are abusing the system now. Probably more than the actually needy. To me it's a real problem, and it will only get worse. Throwing money ata problem has not worked very well historically. We need solid ideas and implementation.

A place to shower, training, all important.

I still think taking the extra money for extra kids incentive would go a long way in helping bring down costs, making it easier to help those who need it.
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Well-Known Member
i am only about going after the ones that scam

no one has said anything about my idea for apartments

that is the one that counts .........it is alot like the old housing buildings in NY for the poor but with a twist
1 cop substataions in the building .....one at the top floor one at the bottom 2 cops per
2 the lower floor is schooling/job traiing ....daycare /pre school

now if the ppl get in the building and get a job week 2 they can still live there for 6 months rent free collecting the money from the job saving it

at the end ofthe 6th month the ppl that did the program gets help in placement to cheap apartments with help state to off set the price for 2 years (aslong as they are working and/or attending school/classes)

it is a hand up they get offered it they use it it work the program they get ahead ........they scam the program their photo is in the system and removed from any more beneifits under that state.......they have 50 chances total it more then enough

hell cost of living changes oregon is cheaper for me to live in then maryland is i will save 200-300 a month living there
This part makes a lot of sense.

There are a lot of mentally ill and disabled on the streets and they'll need permanent housing and care. Reagan threw them into the street and it's still a travesty against our nation's reputation that we haven't fixed this problem.


Well-Known Member
Leaving the mentally ill and children on the streets will be another stain on America's history. It Is pretty easy to tell the truly mentally ill from the rest. They need a safe place and medication, period. Children need a safe place, period.

This thread is a fucking disaster.

Any truly homeless person will tell you the hardest things are having a solid address where you can get mail, and clothing. The city should provide a mailing address for those who need one. No packages, just mail. Goodwill and the Salvation army make a fortune selling donated items, tax free. We should give coupons at soup lines that allow the bearer to purchase clothing at these places for less than a dollar. It's a start.

I think this thread is more for shit talking and name calling than actually helping so I am out.

Gary, I think too many able folks are abusing the system now. Probably more than the actually needy. To me it's a real problem, and it will only get worse. Throwing money ata problem has not worked very well historically. We need solid ideas and implementation.

A place to shower, training, all important.

I still think taking the extra money for extra kids incentive would go a long way in helping bring down costs, making it easier to help those who need it.
Some good points in here, too. This isn't an easy problem.