Well-Known Member
Quick story... My dad is 75, a diabetic with an A1C of 10.4, but pretty active. 2 years ago he hurt is neck and asked me about RSO drops that we make for his pain. I cut it 3:1 with CMT oil, and he started taking it for about a year. He went for his yearly check up, and after being on the drops for a year, his A1C had come down to 6.4 (normal)... He went back to AZ for the Winter and had fallen into such a deep sleep on the drops that he pissed the bed.... no big deal, but he quit taking the drops. He got back in April and went to have his bloodwork done... A1C back up to 10.2. Out of curiosity, we both wanted him to start taking the drops again to see if it would bring it back down. He just busted through my door a few min ago after going for bloodwork, and his A1C is back down to 6.2! His Dr. said "that's almost miraculous!"